I went to lake compounce with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, and I met a deaf man at the park. I had unfortunately been unable to continue my lessons, so I was a bit rusty. We signed a little bit, just enough to trade names, say that we enjoyed that particular ride, and talk about whether or not I could sign and how I wanted to learn some more. I just remember being profoundly embarrassed because I made some obvious and stupid mistakes.
I had on huge glasses because of the sun; I forgot to take them off my face so that he could see my eyes. I also felt terrible that I had such limited ASL knowledge, and so I couldn't really have a decent conversation with him. I fumbled with my signs and messed up a lot. Either way, I was really pleased that he was so nice to me, especially with my mistakes. As soon as I'm able, I will be getting back into my lessons. Unfortunately the timing was off before.![]()
I was in Wal Mart once and there was this stupid cashier in her early 20's very late teens...who was trying to flirt with my husband who completely ignored her. And she looked over at Charlie (my service dog) and was said, "You can't bring animals into the store." I said, "I'm sorry, can you not read? And pointed to his vest and said, "Do you see that, it says HEARING DOG" (I slowly enunciated this for her.) And she looked at me in disgust and said, "What are you deaf." I said, "Very good...yes I am." And turned to my husband and said, "She actually might have some knowledge in that head of hers." She turned back to my husband and continued to try and flirt with him. He then said to her, "Is there some reason you are making scary googly faces at me? Or is it just because your slow?" He just gave it right back to her...I love him so much. Neither of us could stop laughing, we also reported her to her manager.
A drunk hearing man who was sipping double shot glasses of whiskey at the bar asked me, "How the fack can you understand me if your deaf?" I told him that I can hear with my hearing aids a bit and that I can read lips pretty well. My ex, who is hearing, was explaining to the man about my hearing loss. That drunk man started to cry about me being deaf while i was trying not to laugh. He was cool for buying me and my ex a couple of drinks.![]()
A drunk hearing man who was sipping double shot glasses of whiskey at the bar asked me, "How the fack can you understand me if your deaf?" I told him that I can hear with my hearing aids a bit and that I can read lips pretty well. My ex, who is hearing, was explaining to the man about my hearing loss. That drunk man started to cry about me being deaf while i was trying not to laugh. He was cool for buying me and my ex a couple of drinks.![]()
Maybe a hearing aid turns her on so she had to cool off like that?I get weird attention from certain folks b/c I wear a hearing aid. I really dont mind about the attention, hey whynot. Anyway, after I ordered my meal at Wendy's the other day, this female cashier stand back and looked up as she was coolin herself. I looked up to see and she was standin right under the a/c on ceilin. I then looked at her and she smiled right at me. I guess a lot of deafies are mentally challenged.![]()
Maybe a hearing aid turns her on so she had to cool off like that?
Speaking of fast food restaurant stories. Yesterday, my brother and I stopped by Taco bell after work. He doesnt have any speech skills but he knows how to communicate with hearing people very well. So, he went first to put his order in and told the lady he wanted tacos. The lady spoke so sloowly "HHHHHHHHHAAAAAARRRRDDD or SSSSSSSOOOOFFFTTT?" My brother signed "hard as an erection." When I saw what he signed, I tried so hard not to laugh but the cashier didnt catch the obvious ASL sign for "erection". So he got his order in and then my brother told me that he will grab salsa for me. I signed back, "Sure" and then went to order for myself. Yes, I have speech skills so I used them. The lady said to me, "Please tell your client that his order number is this and that and pls tell him thank you for coming to taco bell." I almost started laughing...she thinks my brother is from a group home and I am his one-on-one resident counselor. I tried to keep a straight face while order because I was thinking of the sign he used and what she said. I was so tired so when I am that tired, I laugh easily. Then, I got my order and went to get my drink. Told my brother what the cashier said to me and that she probably thinks he is low functioning so my brother was like, "Fine...she assumes because I cant speak, I am low-functioning...ok, I will act like one." So, he proceeded to act like one in the restaurant but with very exagerrated goofy facial expressions and arm movements. I told him to STOP because I could not contain my laugher so I got my order and ran out of the restaurant and bust out laughing in the parking lot. I told my brother that he was bad!
He said if the lady cashier wanted to stereotype deaf people then I will give her what she wants.