God that sounds painful….I remember an experience I had as a grad student, it was during the summer and I was taking an accelerated course: five days a week 8-4. If you missed a day, you were dropped…and I had the bad luck to have an ear infection. Because I had never had an infection, I had no idea what it was. The pain was so bad, I saw the school nurse who said “it looks fine.” It went on…till finally my hearing aid fell out and wouldn’t go back in. (The infection pushed it out.) We had an assignment to visit a Zen Center – but I couldn’t make it because I made an emergency appointment to see a doctor. The course I was taking was Eastern Philosophy; we had watched a video from the Dali Lama on compassion, and moments later I told her about my appointment. Everyone in the class knew I was in pain. In fact, one of the women, a Christian Missionary, prayed over me in class she felt so bad for me. The professor told me that since I was a grad student and missing this trip, I had to write a ten page report. I looked back to the Dali Lama video but she was unmoved.
Anyway, at the doctor, I crawled into the office and the secretary knew right away what it is (and the school nurse didn’t). It was a bacterial ear infection. The doctor asked me how I got it, and I gestured to his white coat saying I didn’t know. It was really bad so he went to clean the area but I was squirming so he stopped, said “Laura, don’t move” and gestured to the sharp instrument he was holding. Being afraid, I did as I was told and closed my eyes. Afterwards he says, “can you hear now.” I said “no, it’s the same,” so he looked panicked and tried cleaning the area again, and said “what about now.” I answered, “no, I never heard anything before either.” I looked at my mother as if to say, “who does he think he is, Annie Sullivan, the miracle worker?” My mother explained it for him as the poor man thought it was too late for me. I don’t want to call him an ignorant hearing person though as he was kind and a very good doctor, but it amused me to no end that for an ear specialist, it didn’t occur to him that I might be hearing impaired.
The disability officer at my law school used to insist I was not HoH despite seeing my audiogram, reading a letter from my ENT and seeing my hearing aid. He kept saying, "But you hear just fine..." Finally I lost my temper and said, "Any you believe you think just fine..." Argh!"But you don't LOOK deaf"
My reply is, "you don't look ignorant but..."
I am a hearing mother, not wanting to say this to upset anyone. I do feel bad that there are so many people out there that don't have a clue about Deaf people. I have loved ASL for a very long time and am learning it myself, slowly but still learning. The thing I have found to be the hardest is trying to get involved. I know the Deaf Community isn't my community, but I would loved to be involved and help educating hearing people on deaf culture. I am right along with everyone here in thinking there is nothing wrong with you guys. To me being deaf is just like someone in the store speaking Spanish. There is no reason to say sorry for being deaf. The only reason sorry should come up is from you guys towards them, sorry you know nothing about us. I don't know much about your community as though I am having a really hard time finding anyone or anything in my area to get involved, but what I have learned is that you guys are just like everyone else who communicates in a beautiful way. I hope that along my journey I can help educate as many people on how Deaf people are just like us. People who have brains, feelings, and not handicaps.
I am sorry if anything I have said upsets anyone or anything I said is wrong. I am only hear to learn, meet new friends, and grow in my ASL and Deaf knowledge
I was the jokester at work, I can memorize thousands of jokes and Id tell them all day long or play practical jokes. We got a new guy in once, one of the bully types in the union, he thought it was funny to flick the back of my ear from behind actually flicking my hearing aid (BTE) right off, He got a check for WhoopAzz he couldn't cash. He got transferred out and They didn't disclpine me for fear of the ADA laws.
ScathachWarrior said:Although I'm hearing, I get the same ol' "I'll Pray For You" and "You Inspire Me!" bit all the time - I use a manual wheelchair.
Probably the worst thing that's happened to me is having my picture taken while waiting at a bus stop.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of a world we're living in where people think this is acceptable.
i hate that when they learn that im deaf. They raise their voice soooo LOUD. :roll: duh i am an ASL user.
...Just lean closer...and say..."What?...holler that again"...."You said what?...."You did what?".....
LOL i should do that. i told him to lower your voice. He turned his face in RED.![]()
..so his face turned "red"...then you say..."I can't believe you asked me to do that"!!...."I'm not Monica!..and this is not the Clinton administration!....What is this place?....I'm not in the Penis Clinic...am I?"...and "No...I don't want a Lollipop"!...
(just kidding)....
..so his face turned "red"...then you say..."I can't believe you asked me to do that"!!...."I'm not Monica!..and this is not the Clinton administration!....What is this place?....I'm not in the Penis Clinic...am I?"...and "No...I don't want a Lollipop"!...
(just kidding)....