If you were replaced because you are deaf, not because your job performance was poor, then it's an act of discrimination.
Well, I wouldn't say I was replaced but rather "supplemented".
If you were replaced because you are deaf, not because your job performance was poor, then it's an act of discrimination.
Lest I be judged by those who frequent this site. I thought I should throw in a story.
I'm constantly annoyed by certain ignorant hearing people at my place of work. Here is one example. The boss hired a friend and uses this person to perform tasks normally done by me. The reason being, so he wouldn't have to deal with accommodations required to communicate with me. So basically, my job is in support of everyone else in my department, except him. I have come to realize that some people lack the skills and desire necessary to change.
He doesn't pay them, the taxpayers do.Hey...is it a case of:
1. "I'm too important to take the few extra moments to communicate with him?". If so, you might want to let the boss know that after a bit of time, it's not going to take longer...you'll develop the same shortcuts that Deaf and hearing always do. And. He wouldn't have to pay two people.
Yeah, basically brought his whole regime from a previous employer.Hey...is it a case of:
2. Is he just trying to get work for the friend? If so, then unless it's a government job, you probably just have to get over it. Happens all the time in private industry...paying a friend or relative to do work already done by others.
More than one.Hey...is it a case of:
3. Is it a way for the boss to get a private assistant? See no. two.
No, he despises me and actually enjoys making me look stupid in front of others. You can't educate stupid people.Hey...is it a case of:
4. Is the boss afraid? Is he afraid to look stupid because he cant talk to you? Not sure what to do then...except educate him.
It's a job, and yes I have adapted. Playing along is quite easy for me and makes his job even easier.If you value the job, and want to "get ahead" then you will have to adapt your preference to the boss's...just a fact of life. Try to make him see that he can easily work with you.
Now that's funny. Being that it's a gov job, I'm not the only one not working (boss included). I find it quite mind boggling how little work we do. My previous employers were in the private sector so it has taken some time to adjust. Boss seems to be happier now that he doesn't have to ask me for anything. To each his own.If the job isnt important, the just laugh and giggle at him and take a lot of breaks since he's paying someone else as well as you to do your job.it could be typical self agrandizing boss syndrome.
Lawyer says tennis referee was incapable of murder | wthitv.com
Lawyer says tennis referee was incapable of murder
Updated: Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 10:33 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 8:09 AM EDT
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A professional tennis referee accused of beating her 80-year-old husband to death has had two knee replacements and a shoulder replacement and couldn't have carried out the killing, her lawyer wrote in a court filing.
Lois Ann Goodman also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, hearing loss and constant spinal pain that's controlled by an electronic device implanted in her spine and is awaiting another shoulder replacement, attorney Alison Triessl said in the filing late Monday.
"It is physically impossible for her to have done this," Triessl told The Associated Press in a phone interview Monday night.
What does hearing loss have to do with not being physically capable of killing someone? :roll:
Lawyer says tennis referee was incapable of murder | wthitv.com
Lawyer says tennis referee was incapable of murder
Updated: Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 10:33 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 8:09 AM EDT
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A professional tennis referee accused of beating her 80-year-old husband to death has had two knee replacements and a shoulder replacement and couldn't have carried out the killing, her lawyer wrote in a court filing.
Lois Ann Goodman also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, hearing loss and constant spinal pain that's controlled by an electronic device implanted in her spine and is awaiting another shoulder replacement, attorney Alison Triessl said in the filing late Monday.
"It is physically impossible for her to have done this," Triessl told The Associated Press in a phone interview Monday night.
What does hearing loss have to do with not being physically capable of killing someone? :roll:
Shhhhh...... Do you want to take away our alibi?? :P
I was thinking the same thing.
(Just make sure you wipe the blood off your white cane after the deed as I'm sure a deaf/blind person is incapable of murder also)
soulchill said:Anyone know where the Annoying Hearing Anonymous group meets in NC? I need to sign my daughter up.
Daughter - "mwah mwah bobble the fr___t"
Me - "I can't understand you. You have to speak louder"
Daughter - "Nevermind."
Me - "What?!"
Ten minutes later...
Daughter - "Mmmbl soccer fr__ mwah t__t"
Me - "I can't understand you."
Daughter - "Nevermind!"
I don't know if she needs speech therapy or she's just not getting it.
As a "hearing person", (although my wife swears that I am deaf as I like to listen to the TV with the volume WAY up) I don't understand the above comment at all.
To the degree possible, I can appreciate the frustration of dealing with people who do not understand what it means to be deaf. I also understand your aversion to the statement, "I'll pray for you", although I'm sure any person who says that means well and deserves a polite "Thank you" IMO.
The statement "Nothing is wrong with me, ma'am or sir" is what I (as a hearing person) do not understand. From the perspective of a person who is trying to communicate with you, there is something wrong. The natural human mode of oral communication is not able to be utilized. Whatever the cause, deafness is a deficiency that causes difficulty in communciation between "hearing" and "deaf" or "HOH" persons. It is definitely a problem, and something is definitely wrong. Obviously it does not lessen the value of any person. I believe we are all of equal value in God's eyes.
So, I've probably stuck my foot in it here. If you (of the deaf community) find this offensive, I apologize in advance. It certainly is not the purpose of this post. I just think it is important to acknowledge the reality of any given situation, and look at from different perspectives.
All the best!
Stopped at a burger king last night for dinner (obviously not the drive thru that's just crazy talk lol) on my way out I passed a guy that works there coming in, he was probably late teens early 20's. I get almost to my car when i hear him say something. So I turn around..."what!?" he says "Whats on your ears?"
OMG seriously?? I've had children ask me, hell I've had them touch my hearing aids and ask what's in your ear? But a grown person? o_0 what the hell?? I resisted the urge to tell....I hope you like working at burger King, you're going to be here forever because you're an imbecile. I resisted that urge, and just answered "hearing aids".
Stopped at a burger king last night for dinner (obviously not the drive thru that's just crazy talk lol) on my way out I passed a guy that works there coming in, he was probably late teens early 20's. I get almost to my car when i hear him say something. So I turn around..."what!?" he says "Whats on your ears?"
OMG seriously?? I've had children ask me, hell I've had them touch my hearing aids and ask what's in your ear? But a grown person? o_0 what the hell?? I resisted the urge to tell....I hope you like working at burger King, you're going to be here forever because you're an imbecile. I resisted that urge, and just answered "hearing aids".
I was in Wal Mart once and there was this stupid cashier in her early 20's very late teens...who was trying to flirt with my husband who completely ignored her. And she looked over at Charlie (my service dog) and was said, "You can't bring animals into the store." I said, "I'm sorry, can you not read? And pointed to his vest and said, "Do you see that, it says HEARING DOG" (I slowly enunciated this for her.) And she looked at me in disgust and said, "What are you deaf." I said, "Very good...yes I am." And turned to my husband and said, "She actually might have some knowledge in that head of hers." She turned back to my husband and continued to try and flirt with him. He then said to her, "Is there some reason you are making scary googly faces at me? Or is just because your slow?" He just gave it right back to her...I love him so much. Neither of us could stop laughing, we also reported her to her manager.
Stopped at a burger king last night for dinner (obviously not the drive thru that's just crazy talk lol) on my way out I passed a guy that works there coming in, he was probably late teens early 20's. I get almost to my car when i hear him say something. So I turn around..."what!?" he says "Whats on your ears?"
OMG seriously?? I've had children ask me, hell I've had them touch my hearing aids and ask what's in your ear? But a grown person? o_0 what the hell?? I resisted the urge to tell....I hope you like working at burger King, you're going to be here forever because you're an imbecile. I resisted that urge, and just answered "hearing aids".
HA! Good for your husband, LOL!Sometimes people are just really crass and rude. :roll:
WOW, I know this comment will not be popular, but that's never stopped me from saying anything I feel before so...I really do understand your obvious anger with the people each of you mentioned, and all the others who just do not understand deafness. But that's my point, it may be annoying and some may say or do ignorant things, but don't you understand "they, the hearing" just don't get it, and probably never will unless they themselves experience deafness. Each of you have every right to be angered by the things you've had to endure by those who really just can not understand and probably never will. My problem is that instead of behaving like them, ignore them, refuse to do business with them, or just make a statement like, "so sorry if me deafness inconveniences you".
See I know for a fact, that most hearing people will never understand our world. Unless they choose to educate themselves (doubtful), or they or someone close to them becomes deaf. I just don't see anything positive coming out of behaving the same way they are, rude or ignorant. When I was hearing I made the same stupid mistakes most hearing do, I will admit it.
I just really had NO idea what it was like. Then overnight I became profoundly deaf, can't even hear my own voice. My own family who loves me,
didn't know what to say or how to approach me..they had to be taught as I had to learn...I really wish the deaf would take the "higher road" and not resort to the same ignorant type statements, the hearing make to us. It achieves nothing but furthering the anger and misunderstanding. My brother, who I love dearly went to the library and got a sheet on finger spelling and learned to finger spell with both hands..lol..he's amazing. My point being when I came home from the hospital after 2 weeks of testing, and the answer of "well we really do not know why you are deaf" My brother sat with me and taught me to finger spell. He said he saw the terror in my eyes sitting in the hospital bed, crying and screaming (I had no idea how loudly I was talking).
He decided he and I would learn the simplest way to communicate with out writing. I am Blessed to have him. But you see, he chose to educate himself so that we could communicate. Every hearing person in the would should know simple finger spelling. Kids learn it in a few days.
So, I apologize if I have offended any of you, but please, understand the hearing, for the most part do not have a clue to what we are experiencing. Is that their fault for saying these totally ridiculous things...I don't think it is.
I take responsibility for educating those around me, and if they do not want to take the time to learn 26 letters in hand movements..then OK we are going to lose each other or write everything..I just do not think it is fair to
rage on a hearing person who YES, says and does inapropriate or riduculous things because they just can not understand what our lives are like unless they themselves become HOH or deaf. Peace to you all, I do not expect you to agree, but those are my true feelings. Just because I am deaf does not mean I am going to act and/or react with anyless grace or dignity then I had when I was hearing. I myself am still working on Tolerance, but I'm getting there...Midnight♥♥♥♥ (with a little love we can change the world)