Maybe I will write their corporate office. I don't know. I don't go to that store very often - maybe a few times a year, if that. (I buy one bottle of their ear care solution and mix it with something else to make my own formula to use.)
Your right, it's inexcusable. The girls were older teens, maybe college aged. But they should know better. (I'm a teen, too. If I know better, then they are capable of knowing better, too. I know that I'm deaf and they are not, so I do know more about being deaf than they do, obviously. But, that doesn't give them the right to be rude to me, their customer - which they were.)
As for pursuing a complaint, perhaps think of other people who may go to that store, who are Deaf or HOH, and need communication accommodation. If no one complains, these incompetent staff won't be taught proper behaviors with customers, and be able to continue to be rude. That can drive away business. And IMO? They are likely rude to a lot of people, not just in your case. They seriously need some re-training.
I agree, they do not have the right to be rude to you -- or to
ANY customer coming in, who is being polite and trying to do business in that shop, for that matter. PERIOD.
No excuse for their behavior! They represent the business they work for, and it sounds like they are doing a lousy job of it and not earning their paychecks. I think the owner needs to know. They could be driving business away by their immaturity and incompetence. Just saying...
I am taking a beginning lip reading class. (I am HOH, losing hearing later in life, and so having to learn added skills like lip reading and ASL). Last night we discussed what the teacher termed,
If we don't speak up for ourselves and our communication needs in our everyday life, who will? And who will educate the clueless, rude and just plain ignorant? Good questions that I am mulling over in my own mind, and thinking about times that I was left just shaking my head, and not knowing if I should speak up or not.

I am getting more outspoken these days, but still sometimes I feel blindsided by rudeness and not sure what to do, either. Sometimes difficult to know how far to go, right?