Steel said:mobile fighter gundma? dont you mean mobile suit gundam?
I've seen it on cartoon network aka "toonami" afew times...they were all rightLovelyBlkGal said:yes that one "Mobile suit gundam" have you see before?? Steel just wondering
Tri-Gun? Oh yeah! I like that show! Unfortunately, I've only seen the first 4 episodes. I haven't really been able to find the others. I did try DC++, but they don't have them all either. Perhaps, I better check now... see if there are any updates.Steel said:naw, but I hear that Trigun was good.
I still havent seen cowboy bebop, which was arguably one of the best anime series so I'll plan to get the whole DVD box set when I have enough money for it but I'm saving it to get the entire series of Tenchi Muyo, as it is my VERY favorite of all time.
Steel said:yeah I've went to media play many times and bought alot of animes there...but now there are some "signture series" DVDs as Tenchi Muyo, Trigun, and many others for $12.99 or $ prices ever to be seen so I bought the DVD with the very first espiode of Tenchi Muyo for $12.99such an classic so there are more of them for the same price, so I'll be collecting the whole series soon.
Which Tenchi did you see? They have 2 versions of the series and a couple movies. I prefer the OAV series over the other because the storyline makes more sense and Tenchi is more like himself than a complete idiot who can't do anything. They made 2 movies. The first focuses on Tenchi and his parents. The second focuses on Ryoko and someone's mysterious past.LovelyBlkGal said:Oh yea i watch Tenchi Muyo from toonanimie network Steel that my favotire to watch.. also i was plan buy this one too but price is little high like more than 30 dollar or something depend on sale but Media Play is best one store bec there mannyyyy DVD anime ofc Fry store from mall too or order this one from state
What I want are the complete sets. I'm currently collecting Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist. I think that Inuyasha is already done with about 150 episodes as well as having a couple movies. Fullmetal Alchemist is currently running weekly in Japan. So far, they are at episode 25 and plan to keep going until they complete all 52 episodes.Steel said:yeah I've went to media play many times and bought alot of animes there...but now there are some "signture series" DVDs as Tenchi Muyo, Trigun, and many others for $12.99 or $ prices ever to be seen so I bought the DVD with the very first espiode of Tenchi Muyo for $12.99such an classic so there are more of them for the same price, so I'll be collecting the whole series soon.
VamPyroX said:Which Tenchi did you see? They have 2 versions of the series and a couple movies. I prefer the OAV series over the other because the storyline makes more sense and Tenchi is more like himself than a complete idiot who can't do anything. They made 2 movies. The first focuses on Tenchi and his parents. The second focuses on Ryoko and someone's mysterious past.
OAV is Original Animated Video.LovelyBlkGal said:I can't remmy it's been long time since last time. OAV?? what word for Vamp. oh really when they did made 2 movies?? just curious that's all and which anime movie you do watch??
The first movie is a time-travel movie. Someone is trying to wipe Tenchi out of existence. The second movie is related to this being that wants to restore her previous life by getting Ryoko involved in order to bring back her previous life.LovelyBlkGal said:I can't remmy it's been long time since last time. OAV?? what word for Vamp. oh really when they did made 2 movies?? just curious that's all and which anime movie you do watch??
Most OAVs are better quality and contain better plots. If you see two versions, the OAV is the first original. The other version is like a remake so they can change the storyline. I saw both versions of Tenchi. The second version bombed. To clarify the difference between the two, Tenchi develops his "special skills" throughout the OAV version and doesn't develop his "special skills" throughout the other version. The graphics aren't that good in the other version either.LovelyBlkGal said:Ahh thanks i get it Vamp also there is good OVA?? just curious
VamPyroX said:The first movie is a time-travel movie. Someone is trying to wipe Tenchi out of existence. The second movie is related to this being that wants to restore her previous life by getting Ryoko involved in order to bring back her previous life.
As for your other question, I watch almost any anime. Anime is hard to get around here, especially subtitled ones. I don't have a car nor do I have enough money to keep renting those animes that they have at a local video store. They do have anime nights here at RIT, but I've got other things to do so I can't make those nights. Perhaps, I'll be able to do so next year.So far, I've seen Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Ninja Scroll, Fist of the North Star, Dragonballz, Tenchi, Inuyasha, Saikano, Shadow Skill, Fullmetal Alchemist, La Blue Girl, Gunbuster, Tales of ..., Spirited Away, Princess Monoke, Field of Fireflies, etc... there's so much to list. I'm still trying to watch more!
VamPyroX said:You should see Gunbuster. It's about these 2 gals who join the army and go to war with an alien race. This war takes place at light speed and involves fights between huge robots. It's interesting to see how this story goes. Heh!