Yes, Yu-Gi-Oh is related to the Japanese Animation, along with Poke'mon, Dragon Ball Z, Sonic X, Tenchi Muyo!, Outlaw Star, Gundam W, and afew others that you might find on WB kids, cartoon network aka "Toonami" and Fox Box (saturday morning cartoons)Malfoyish said:Disney for me!
I might be a little biased, though, because...well...when we moved into our house, we ended up with free Disney channel...not sure why the cable company didn't turn it off when the previous residents cancelled their service! We were enjoying Disney movies and television shows for over a year until we finally subscribed to Time Warner.
As for Anime...never watched it...I don't even KNOW what Anime this something like Yu-Gi-Oh? LOL. :::stupid look:::
I'm sorry to say this...Deaf258 said:"The Lion King" was stolen from the anime, "The White Lion"!
Steel said:I'm sorry to say this...
I dont care!
Banjo said:You wouldn't say that if it was your concepts that they stole.
lol...yeah I know but I just find the plot in "the lion king" to be alot better than "white lion"Banjo said:You wouldn't say that if it was your concepts that they stole.
Well there are alot of disney animations I dislike and alot of Japanese animation I dislike also...Deaf258 said:Then you are not a true anime fan if you say that, Steel.