Alaska (animals, scenery, etc., etc.)

sleepytaz said:
whoaaa such beautiful pixs... I've wanted to live up there for several years and I want to even more... *sighs with deep thoughts* wow I wouldn't mind living there heh heh... I'd love the challenge, and of course, I'd need people to teach me. ;) Keep posting! :)

Yeah, I know how you feel. :) You are more than welcome to move up in Alaska anytime, if you are braver enough to move this far. lol !

Thanks, SleepyTaz ;)
TweetyBird said:
whoa!! this pic are so bootiful!!! that what i am going rent this dress for halloween this oct 30.. :giggle: i hope they have one at rent for halloween, i will find out.. :D

Cool ! :D Hope you find a good one to rent and have fun wearin' them for Halloween. :thumb:

Thanks, TweetyBird ;)