Al Gore accused of sexual misconduct

I had a political cartoon posted with Obama kicking a dog, but the Conserv-Crusaders filed complaints with the mods. My cartoon was removed, but not the thread hijackings, or this blatanly slanderous thread. *shrugs*

slanderous thread? I posted an article about an actual police report filed against Gore - a well known liberal.

Yes, I am slanted. I am not a liberal. Liberals are slanted, they demonize anyone who is NOT a liberal.

Even when they know they are dead wrong (telling the truth eludes them - especially in a Congressional Tribunal).
When Bill lied to Congress, there was a lot of Liberal angst then too.
Is every thread a chance to rip Liberals and immigrants? I thought we were discussing Al Gore, and the fact the editorial that you posed as factual, riddled with false accusations that were later withdrawn, was poorly representative of your intent. Why not try to stay on your topic here?
slanderous thread? I posted an article about an actual police report filed against Gore - a well known liberal.

Yes, I am slanted. I am not a liberal. Liberals are slanted, they demonize anyone who is NOT a liberal.
Even when they know they are dead wrong (telling the truth eludes them - especially in a Congressional Tribunal).
I am evil....I want to eat your children....burn your churches...because I did not vote for McCain...

OK you win. Absolutely no point in continuing with this. Strap the explosives on, wander into the next Democratic National Convention, and make yourself a martyr for the "truth".
slanderous thread? I posted an article about an actual police report filed against Gore - a well known liberal.

Yes, I am slanted. I am not a liberal. Liberals are slanted, they demonize anyone who is NOT a liberal.

Even when they know they are dead wrong (telling the truth eludes them - especially in a Congressional Tribunal).

Who made you the judge, jury and the executioner?

I'm afraid the current crop of the Far Right are doing a fine job of making themselves look bad without the help of liberals. Liberals are just convenient scapegoats for the Far Right's failings.

Since Gore is merely accused and it hasn't been proven yet, I'm not going to comment till the media has solid evidence. Just because you wish it so, doesn't make it true.
patting yourself on the back I see. :whistle:

Tell me ... exactly what makes you think you "ripped it into peices"?

When Bill lied to Congress, there was a lot of Liberal angst then too.

Still no reply, huh? Diversion isn't working.:giggle:
Who made you the judge, jury and the executioner?

I'm afraid the current crop of the Far Right are doing a fine job of making themselves look bad without the help of liberals. Liberals are just convenient scapegoats for the Far Right's failings.

Since Gore is merely accused and it hasn't been proven yet, I'm not going to comment till the media has solid evidence. Just because you wish it so, doesn't make it true.

No doubt. They make themselves look like blooming, vindictive, undereducated morons, and then want to blame the Liberals for doing it to them.:lol: All anyone needs to do is just step back and let them rant and rave. They ruin their own credibility.
No doubt. They make themselves look like blooming, vindictive, undereducated morons, and then want to blame the Liberals for doing it to them.:lol: All anyone needs to do is just step back and let them rant and rave. They ruin their own credibility.

In short, just give 'em enough rope to hang themselves. :lol:
The guy with the "wide stance" was arrested and booked. He later pled guilty.

Al Gore is guilty of what? He cheated on his wife. He did not make sexual advances to an undercover law enforcement. ((do I hear a ... "So what?"))

Based on your previous statements, Sen. Craig should lose his citizenship. HE BROKE THE LAW! HE WAS CONVICTED! HE IS A CRIMINAL! If someone did the "wide stance" on you, would you ask for party affiliation before you drew your pistol on them?
((( see, a criminal is a republican, but certainly not Bill Clinton, who lied to Congress .... how convenient)))

Is that enough rope?

How bout them apples?
I had a political cartoon posted with Obama kicking a dog, but the Conserv-Crusaders filed complaints with the mods. My cartoon was removed, but not the thread hijackings, or this blatanly slanderous thread. *shrugs*

Makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Originally Posted by saywhatkid
The guy with the "wide stance" was arrested and booked. He later pled guilty.

Al Gore is guilty of what? He cheated on his wife. He did not make sexual advances to an undercover law enforcement. ((do I hear a ... "So what?"))
Oh yes, absolutely. This whole thing is based on an article you put forth as truth, when it reads worse than "Farmer shoots 50 pound grasshopper" from National Enquirer.

Based on your previous statements, Sen. Craig should lose his citizenship. HE BROKE THE LAW! HE WAS CONVICTED! HE IS A CRIMINAL! If someone did the "wide stance" on you, would you ask for party affiliation before you drew your pistol on them? ((( see, a criminal is a republican, but certainly not Bill Clinton, who lied to Congress .... how convenient)))
A criminal is both. It is not a political party. When Nixon endorsed a burglary, lied and covered up, he got away. When Clinton cheated on his wife, he did not. When Gore was accused by a massage worker that he was a sexual predator, then she recanted her accusations, that makes it not a crime.

Is that enough rope?
Give me more. I am kind of kinky. :giggle:

How bout them apples?
How about this; I accuse you of trying to perform an unwanted sex act on your neighbor. By your standards, that is enough to call you a sexual criminal, but only if you were a Liberal.

How about this; you go back to the article I copied, and make me believe that this is fact. You still have avoided that. I will paste it below this post, so you can find it. I could write for people like you. I have some skills. Maybe I will write a piece, and it will go viral in your community. "Look at this, Obama cheated at checkers with his kids" :eek3:
As promised...
ABC News reports that Portland, Oregon, law enforcement authorities have closed the case of a masseuse who claims to have been sexually assaulted in a hotel room by former Vice President Al Gore in 2006. After making the initial claim, the woman refused to cooperate with police, and insufficient evidence prompted the closing of the case four years later. An article on the People website stated that the woman was not seeking money, only "justice." However, the woman approached the National Enquirer last month with a request for $1 million for telling her story.

Al Gore is one of many political figures who has been involved in sex scandals that later proved to be nothing of the kind, or at least they weren't able to be proven. It begs the question: Can we keep calling it a sex scandal if there was no proof of sex, or sexual misconduct?

In 2004, the Political Star reported the presidential campaign of John Kerry was awash with allegations of infidelity. The allegation of an affair with journalist Alexandra Polier was denied by Kerry and later denied by Polier herself. While both parties denied any involvement, and no proof surfaced to indicate otherwise, the mere whiff of a sex scandal caused a media frenzy. We could only speculate on whether or not the alleged affair and the press surrounding it was a factor in Kerry losing the election, but it is quite common for rumors and allegations of impropriety to arise about a candidate when they are in the running for political office.

Nikki Haley is a prime example. The Huffington Post reported that the Republican candidate for governor of South Carolina spoke out about claims that she had an inappropriate relationship years ago with a political blogger, Will Folks. She stated that she had been faithful throughout her marriage, and called the allegation an attempt to derail her campaign. The claim came two weeks before the primary. The New York Times reports that Haley won the Republican nomination, despite the negative press she received regarding a possible inappropriate relationship with Folks. Folks had offered no proof whatsoever that would substantiate his claim.

This year also found President Barack Obama in the media spotlight following reports of a rendezvous with Vera Baker, a former US Senate campaign staffer. As reported by The Examiner, The National Enquirer broke the story of a cheating scandal involving President Obama, claiming to have video evidence. They have since retracted the claim of the existence of a video, according to Mediaite. The tabloid, which accurately reported the John Edwards affair, is now in jeopardy of returning to the rank of gossip rag without proof of their previous reports about President Obama and Baker.

Whatever the truth of these claims may be, the truth of the matter is that political elections and careers can be affected by the mere rumor of wrongdoing. And, once in the news, stories like this don't die easily.
As promised...
ABC News reports that Portland, Oregon, law enforcement authorities have closed the case of a masseuse who claims to have been sexually assaulted in a hotel room by former Vice President Al Gore in 2006. After making the initial claim, the woman refused to cooperate with police, and insufficient evidence prompted the closing of the case four years later. An article on the People website stated that the woman was not seeking money, only "justice." However, the woman approached the National Enquirer last month with a request for $1 million for telling her story.

Al Gore is one of many political figures who has been involved in sex scandals that later proved to be nothing of the kind, or at least they weren't able to be proven. It begs the question: Can we keep calling it a sex scandal if there was no proof of sex, or sexual misconduct?

In 2004, the Political Star reported the presidential campaign of John Kerry was awash with allegations of infidelity. The allegation of an affair with journalist Alexandra Polier was denied by Kerry and later denied by Polier herself. While both parties denied any involvement, and no proof surfaced to indicate otherwise, the mere whiff of a sex scandal caused a media frenzy. We could only speculate on whether or not the alleged affair and the press surrounding it was a factor in Kerry losing the election, but it is quite common for rumors and allegations of impropriety to arise about a candidate when they are in the running for political office.

Nikki Haley is a prime example. The Huffington Post reported that the Republican candidate for governor of South Carolina spoke out about claims that she had an inappropriate relationship years ago with a political blogger, Will Folks. She stated that she had been faithful throughout her marriage, and called the allegation an attempt to derail her campaign. The claim came two weeks before the primary. The New York Times reports that Haley won the Republican nomination, despite the negative press she received regarding a possible inappropriate relationship with Folks. Folks had offered no proof whatsoever that would substantiate his claim.

This year also found President Barack Obama in the media spotlight following reports of a rendezvous with Vera Baker, a former US Senate campaign staffer. As reported by The Examiner, The National Enquirer broke the story of a cheating scandal involving President Obama, claiming to have video evidence. They have since retracted the claim of the existence of a video, according to Mediaite. The tabloid, which accurately reported the John Edwards affair, is now in jeopardy of returning to the rank of gossip rag without proof of their previous reports about President Obama and Baker.

Whatever the truth of these claims may be, the truth of the matter is that political elections and careers can be affected by the mere rumor of wrongdoing. And, once in the news, stories like this don't die easily.
Hence why one should be skeptical of allegations like this one till they come up with solid evidence. It doesn't matter if it's Bush or Gore.
How about this; I accuse you of trying to perform an unwanted sex act on your neighbor. By your standards, that is enough to call you a sexual criminal, but only if you were a Liberal.

How about this; you go back to the article I copied, and make me believe that this is fact. You still have avoided that. I will paste it below this post, so you can find it. I could write for people like you. I have some skills. Maybe I will write a piece, and it will go viral in your community. "Look at this, Obama cheated at checkers with his kids" :eek3:

How about this, Clinton was accused of several affairs by women who said they were the victims. No neighbors involved. He played it off until Monica decided to save her dress.

The masseuse that is claiming Gore sexually violated her is not a neighbor. She is the victim.

Its one thing for a republican to accuse someone of having an affair, its quite a different thing for the victim to accuse someone of having an affair.

No republicans jumped in and starting making accusations against Gore. It was the victim of the "alleged" sexual assault.