60 and 32 can be a lot closer in "age" than 18 and 34 though. My wife and I are 8 years apart ourselves, and it's never been an issue. Emotionally and stability-wise we feel more or less on the same level, which is the important part. When we got together we were in similar positions in life (both doing the University thing) and more or less equally supported each other.My partner and I met when I was 32. He was 60 at the time. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary this week! Yay!. If you think that age defines you, then you will be stuck with that perspective. If you think that your soulmate might be any age... then you may find happiness.
Not too much of an age gap, but with one being 18 ... I find that too close to being a pedo... but not my monkeys...
18 is in no way close to being physicaly pre puberty. Pedophelia is the attraction to children pre puberty. So unless this 18 year old has not entered puberty. This is fine.
There is nothing wrong with age gaps.
Why would a person of 34 be intwrested in an 18 year old and vice versa?
All kinds of reasons. They can have things in common, interests,joys, those things are not age dependent. They could fins each other hot, They could like the same art.enjoy the same foods, or activities who knows.
Its not any ones bussiness really.
18 is the magic number the law uses for bieng an adult.
So be it.
Have fun,enjoy your life..sooner then you think youll be dead, and dust before then wind..
Jez you lost me with monkeys
Not too much of an age gap, but with one being 18 ... I find that too close to being a pedo... but not my monkeys...
Jez you lost me with monkeys
In Poland, there's an idiom that I've recently fallen in love with. Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy . . . literally, "not my circus, not my monkey;" figuratively, "not my problem."
I guess monkeys are "problems" in Poland, and circuses are where "problems" come from. If it's not your monkey, and it's not even from your circus, then it's not your problem.
No it is not... but ... and this may be judgmental of me... but everyone I have ever met that was in their late 20s and over, who have cast their eyes to the 18 crowd have been ... twisted or pedo... but that is for another thread...
Also, at 18 they have not fully physically and mentally matured into adulthood... so ...
she kind of shortened an idiom. There is a Polish idiom that translates to "Not my circus, not my monkeys". Loose definition would be... "It's not my problem".
Here's one observation of the phrase-
18 your an adult. Fully formed...thiugh everyone is different.
If you have devekoped normaly (lack of a better word), then there is no pyhysical plm between those ages. Regarding sex.
Its just culture that sees it as something twisted. And culture isbakways changing.
What goes on between two adults is between them. Good for them...
If they hook up..
Hooe it woeks out if not. Cool