well, i need get out of my chest... it will better for me! i got married by my ex hubby on dec 30, 1998.. i thought he was right for me but i picked wrong person.. in 1998, i was preg abt 4 months, it was gurl.. but my ex hubby beated me up so badly, i got high risk preg then lost it.. it was hard on me to accepted this.. it was not my fault... sigh.. then in 1999, i was preg again, it was boy.. , i was abt 4 months n half.. when i stood up n somehow we got in agrued, he fist on my stomaches when i was preg.. it was fuck HURTED! few days later, my stomaches acted bleed lot, cramped n hurt badly.. so i went dr, n they told me that i almost lost baby so wanted me to get off floor so lay down for one week n rest... tried save my baby alive.. when i go bathroom, i sat down n felt the water splash under my butt so i was puzzled then i stood up n saw big spot so i say shyt.. hope not baby! so next day i went see dr n they told me that my baby is gone.. i was soooo hard cried so much!!!
my ex hubby hurted me so much, he pushed me in kitchen, on bed, fist on my jaw,got bleed n bruised on my mouth.. i cant eat anything for 2 days cuz of my mouth n jaw were hurt... one day i was outside, my ex hubby n i got agrued at our old apt.. so i stood up , walked to my ex hubby truck then talked him tried solved plms, cuz of i dont like to have agrue or plms.. so he put R on then drove back n tires over my right toes and i screamed cuz of it FUCKED hurt!!! he left, he dont care.. then i saw my toes got red, black n swell bad.. n hardly walk..
i dont have car when i lived with him, he gone all the time, left me out at old apt, i felt that i been washbrain cuz of i dont have any fun, i stayed home then went work. i been work for JVC n 12 hrs everday! i paid the bills MOST of time.. he gave me some money thats all.. he love spent money on beer n travels ALLL THE TIME!!!
also, he cheated on me other woman who got preg, now he has son.. it hurted me so much!!! cuz of he didnt beat woman, WHYYYYYY ME ME ME?? i was soooo GOOD WIFE to him, i worked at 6:30am to 6:30pm then came home abt 7pm n cooked, wash dishes, then went shower, then watched tv some until fell sleep n woke up at 5am , fixed for his n mine lunch then i left at 5:45am be at 6:15am.. that i did everyday.. it been hell in my marriage!!! sigh.. i was soo confused n love that why.. so my very good friend came to see me n saw me began sooo DOWN n despression so badly.. she worried abt me n saw my mouth got brusied n asked me what happened? i told her truth what happened. she got mad! cuz of she care of me so much.. so in 2000 end of july, she got UHAUL truck n drove down n helped me move out for GOOD! i was roommate with her for almost one yr... sigh.. i thanks her so much for be my good friend.. oh well, now i am moved on and i dont wanna date guys AGAIN!!!i found special someone that i really love so much!!!! so java uddy abt my life been hard time n destory my emotion.. she is there for me n help me! (crying) i never learn REAL LOVE before.. NOW java teach me what real love mean.. i really do uddy now what is it.. i changed lots, happy n in love with java... smile.. (thanks babe java for help me lots n i really happy that i got u) SMOOCHIES at java!