Abstinence only: interesting findings

When I was 16, my dad told me that if I have premarital sex, I would go to hell. When I had my first sexual experience at 23, my first thought was, "Wow. That would have been worth going to hell for."

I've known for many years; kids will have sex no matter what parents think about it. Its part of life. In my opinion, its best to teach them how to properly use birth control, but to hold out just a little longer for that special someone.

I'm no expectation to this rule. I haven't forgotten how my father reacted when he found out that I slept with my BF though. Some parents have a hard time accepting that their kids are growing up.
My mom just told me the truth.

Told me about STDs. Pregnancy and the consequences of pre marital sex.

And taught me about using condoms and other birth control methods.

She also said it is best to wait til I get married.
When I was 16, my dad told me that if I have premarital sex, I would go to hell. When I had my first sexual experience at 23, my first thought was, "Wow. That would have been worth going to hell for."

I've known for many years; kids will have sex no matter what parents think about it. Its part of life. In my opinion, its best to teach them how to properly use birth control, but to hold out just a little longer for that special someone.


I agree, I'd rather have my kids be educated about sex and stuffs related to it than them being so naive about it. If these parents wants their kids to be so naive about it, they have something else coming their way.
My mom just told me the truth.

Told me about STDs. Pregnancy and the consequences of pre marital sex.

And taught me about using condoms and other birth control methods.

She also said it is best to wait til I get married.

did you?

I was 17. But I damn sure made him wear a condom.

there you go. Something that Bristol & Levi should have learned, huh? :laugh2: boom goes the headshot
there you go. Something that Bristol & Levi should have learned, huh? :laugh2: boom goes the headshot

Har, ha, har!

Something ALL people with unwanted pregnancy should have learned.

Not just the famous of the famous. :roll:

The point is all youngen's should be educated.

Jiro. Let's keep your specific opinion to the specific thread.

Har, ha, har!

Something ALL people with unwanted pregnancy should have learned.

Not just the famous of the famous. :roll:

The point is all youngen's should be educated.

Jiro. Let's keep your specific opinion to the specific thread.


that was targeted to Palin because she preaches of this and that..... and it just got backfired at her. Proof's out there that abstinence program does not works and it never worked for decades. Yes mistake will happen despite of extensive sex education but certainly LOT less than abstinence program!
Don't get me wrong.

But I just thought taking a cheap shot in a thread that has no place for your political opinion regarding Palin's child is a bit tacky.
Don't get me wrong.

But I just thought taking a cheap shot in a thread that has no place for your political opinion regarding Palin's child is a bit tacky.

that was not a cheap shot at all. It's a CLEARLY VISIBLE, HIGH-PROFILE example of why abstinence program does not work. When somebody preaches of something to make a state.... or even a national policy... it's best to use a high-profile example to retort. and here it is.....

I apologize if this offends you but it's who Sarah Palin should apologize to us for preaching and pushing for a failed policy.
Sounds like that 1.5 billion bucks coulda went to something more worthwhile.

Tell me about it.

I am curious if ALL these pro-waiting till marriage people waited till marriage.

Nevermind, that not all of us want to marry or can marry.
Har, ha, har!

Something ALL people with unwanted pregnancy should have learned.

Not just the famous of the famous. :roll:

The point is all youngen's should be educated.

Jiro. Let's keep your specific opinion to the specific thread.


Well when you preach that something works (abstinence only) and famil values and your own child gets pregnant - well, obviously what you're preaching isn't working.
Yea, I committed so many sins having sex but hey, life is short and sex is FUN!

I agree with you about teaching the kids how to use BC and to try to encourage them to hold out a little longer because having sex for the first time with someone special is probably something wonderful. It didnt happen for me as my first time was a drunken one night stand with one of my classmates. It really sucked and I wish I didnt go for it. Oh well...

I can relate to this. I grew up in a Christian home, and we really did not discuss it much. I know my mom tried but it was probably too much for her to even think her baby girl might have sex. My first was at 19; and similar experience to yours. AND I WISH IT HAD NEVER HAPPENED. Looking back, I so wish I had waited...not so much for the right partner...it got confusing to me on who was mr. right...but for the right time in my life as far as maturity! I was not marture enough to understand the glorious meaning of sex. I did it because I thought I had to....

what I needed back then was the truth about relationship addiction, the power of positive affirmation in who I was and what I could become; and encouragement in practicing the gifts and talents I had. Just like anything else in life, we are a whole and complete package. The sex issue before marriage was tied (for me) to the major issues with my adoption, abandonment, searching and dealing with menopause at 19!

It shouldn't be so much sex education as it should teaching kids who they really are and what powerful beings they can become...and that sex should be saved for when you know your own power and want to give all of it to someone you love and plan to stay with.

rambling post sorry
I can relate to this. I grew up in a Christian home, and we really did not discuss it much. I know my mom tried but it was probably too much for her to even think her baby girl might have sex. My first was at 19; and similar experience to yours. AND I WISH IT HAD NEVER HAPPENED. Looking back, I so wish I had waited...not so much for the right partner...it got confusing to me on who was mr. right...but for the right time in my life as far as maturity! I was not marture enough to understand the glorious meaning of sex. I did it because I thought I had to....

what I needed back then was the truth about relationship addiction, the power of positive affirmation in who I was and what I could become; and encouragement in practicing the gifts and talents I had. Just like anything else in life, we are a whole and complete package. The sex issue before marriage was tied (for me) to the major issues with my adoption, abandonment, searching and dealing with menopause at 19!

It shouldn't be so much sex education as it should teaching kids who they really are and what powerful beings they can become...and that sex should be saved for when you know your own power and want to give all of it to someone you love and plan to stay with.

rambling post sorry

Ummm....what the crap is that supposed to mean? Relationship addiction"? "Know your own power"? We are discussing a physical need, not phiolosophy.
Ummm....what the crap is that supposed to mean? Relationship addiction"? "Know your own power"? We are discussing a physical need, not phiolosophy.

it's just that combination of no proper sex education + taboo + myths + tv/word of mouth = it creates confusion for teens about sexual relationship.
No, you have the right to your opinion. I was just being a bit@h

I guess for me you cannot separate the physical need from the philosophical part or any other part. I am a very integrated person; (I think we all are) it's all connected.
In my opinion, its best to teach them how to properly use birth control, but to hold out just a little longer for that special someone.
exactly. I think that what would help is realtionship skills training. I just know too many teens who have the worst interpersonal skills, and thus realtionships ever. Like a lot of them are into boyfriend/girlfriend realtionships thinking that it's completely different from just regular friendships.
Also a lot of girls tend to think things like " if I don't have sex with him, he won't like me."
Or they use sex as a self esteem booster. (you don't even wanna know some of the sex shit that goes on in high class suburbs)