A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Brrr....its chilly outside. Very extraordinary for June 11 here. BUT, it could be worse; I feel very sad for people who died from flash flooding in Arkansas early this morning :(
Brrr....its chilly outside. Very extraordinary for June 11 here. BUT, it could be worse; I feel very sad for people who died from flash flooding in Arkansas early this morning :(

Its June gloom here no sun at all. At least, its Friday , my last work day :dance2: I didn't hear about the Arkansas flood :(
I heard about it this morning and got a phone call from my GodParents in Little Rock. They are fine and didn't want me to worry.
Oy, I am disgusted with my ex yet again. He was hyping up his camping trip this morning right in front of our son. Cody was in tears and begging his father to take him along =(

My ex didn't want to bring Cody because he was preoccupied with his 'girl toy of the day'... sigh, he wasted a perfect father-son bonding weekend that's for sure.

So, we're camping in my apartment instead. I'm buying marshmallows & hot dogs. We're building a fort in my room after we go on a "hike" at a nearby park lol. Should be an eventful weekend indeed!

You, my dear, are a wonderful, thoughtful, and loving parent. Shame I can't say the same for Cody's dad.
Oy, I am disgusted with my ex yet again. He was hyping up his camping trip this morning right in front of our son. Cody was in tears and begging his father to take him along =(

My ex didn't want to bring Cody because he was preoccupied with his 'girl toy of the day'... sigh, he wasted a perfect father-son bonding weekend that's for sure.

So, we're camping in my apartment instead. I'm buying marshmallows & hot dogs. We're building a fort in my room after we go on a "hike" at a nearby park lol. Should be an eventful weekend indeed!

You could hang some stars and a moon from the ceiling to made it look like outside and play wild animals sound for fun! I like the stars that glow in the dark! You're a cool mom!
Have you tried blowing marshmallows up in the microwave? You can blow peeps up too, then quickly make a s'more!
Have you tried blowing marshmallows up in the microwave? You can blow peeps up too, then quickly make a s'more!

Yeah, my son showed me how to blow up Peeps a couple of years ago. And then he spent a half hour cleaning the microwave!:giggle:

But seriously...I do make s'mores in the microwave. Not as good as a camp fire, but still pretty danged tasty!
Have you tried blowing marshmallows up in the microwave? You can blow peeps up too, then quickly make a s'more!

If you made cut in the marshmallows maybe they will not blow up , I bake potatoes in the microwave, but I made a cut in it so it will not blow up!
I brought my granddaughter a cooties game for her birthday and the game is not made as good it was when I was kid! The head keep falling off the body! what a drag you nothing is made good any more! You can't either get good cooties today!
You, my dear, are a wonderful, thoughtful, and loving parent. Shame I can't say the same for Cody's dad.

Thank you, I truly appreciate that compliment. I find myself calling him a "father" more than a "dad" lately =/

You could hang some stars and a moon from the ceiling to made it look like outside and play wild animals sound for fun! I like the stars that glow in the dark! You're a cool mom!

Haha, I did not have that handy but I put a bunch fake plants and a tree near the tent for ambiance. My roomie's cat is dozing in the tent and we deemed him a mountain lion ;)

Have you tried blowing marshmallows up in the microwave? You can blow peeps up too, then quickly make a s'more!

Niceeee!! I will try that next time, we are roasting the hot dogs and marshmallows over the stove. The twigs caught on fire only twice so far :shock: we fared quite well!
Yes, what a wonderful mama u are and your son will thank you later!
Shopping for a bathing suit is soooooooooooooooooooo depressing! I remember those days when I could wear a bikini and have such a huge variety to choose from. Now, I have the grandma styles to choose from since big women's swimwear doesnt have as much variety in style. DAMMMIT!

I wanted a black bathing suit with pink skulls but only the string bikinis came in that style. :(
Oy, I am disgusted with my ex yet again. He was hyping up his camping trip this morning right in front of our son. Cody was in tears and begging his father to take him along =(

My ex didn't want to bring Cody because he was preoccupied with his 'girl toy of the day'... sigh, he wasted a perfect father-son bonding weekend that's for sure.

So, we're camping in my apartment instead. I'm buying marshmallows & hot dogs. We're building a fort in my room after we go on a "hike" at a nearby park lol. Should be an eventful weekend indeed!

Good for you! make the best of a bad situation.
Wow, I'm flabbergasted at the amount of support and encouraging feedback that I've received today. Thanks everyone!
Wow, I'm flabbergasted at the amount of support and encouraging feedback that I've received today. Thanks everyone!

Ya still going through a rough time. And by the way ya ex is acting, it's not going to clear up anytime soon. Ya need all the positive support & energy ya can get!
S'more? What does this mean? :confused:

Forgive me for my Australian knowledge of English...
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