A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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I always thought that the best Mother's Day present would be a day AWAY from the kids. :cool2:

I always did that for my wife. The Saturday before I would set her up in a hotel with spa treatments I would pick her up after church on Sunday and go visit our mom's
I always thought that the best Mother's Day present would be a day AWAY from the kids. :cool2:

It is 5 days away from my son. However, I am so relaxed so I needed that anyway.
Hoping it does not rain.. Please hold out. Gonna head back and grab another load of stuff to move over to storage. Then the move will be complete, til the unpacking starts. Have a good weekend everyone!
Hoping it does not rain.. Please hold out. Gonna head back and grab another load of stuff to move over to storage. Then the move will be complete, til the unpacking starts. Have a good weekend everyone!

Good luck with the move!
I am enjoying the 80's music on the radio for this Memorial Weekend :giggle: I am still a Duranie at heart:P
Got quite a bit done today regarding the moving of stuff to storage. Made 2 trips and son was really masterful in getting the stacks nice and high so we can get everything in. I also began sweeping out the garage and we moved the remaining boxes up to the front and I got 2 of the 3 bays swept. I think we night have another 5-6 loads to go. The worst will be MIL's Christmas yard decorations. She has basically 2 sets and rotates them, so there are the decorations for the odd years and then others for the even years. Daughter puller her arm (elbow fracture back in February) and now is back in a sling for a few days. Luckily we still had some prescription Ibuprofen left from the original fracture. She is also having back pain. I know I am sore all over, but mostly in my back. Gee, I wonder who will get the couch tonight, she or me?
I am surprised I heard news tax hight Nova Scotia I am surprised pretty sound gross on tax on balance whoa! I saw news high gross tax Nova Scota, than my Saskatoon compare nova scota whoa high taxes I am surprised!
i met a friend he says i look so hawaiian at first i thought i was mexican. It was hilarious that i think that. But then i ask my uncle he says that i am polynesian indian. Polynesia is near Hawaii. But my uncle said it mixture of hawaiian with polynesian indian. Strange eh? :) Plus i went research what Polynesian Indian is, it is mixture of German and other countries. I learn something new recently :wave:
When I was a kid, people would say that I was pretty because of my unusual pale skin and dark hair. Then, some of the people would turn to my parents and ask, "What is she?" like I was a dog. Obviously, these people were asking about my ancestry but it was very awkward! I don't understand the preoccupation with categorizing people. Now, I just tell people that I'm a mutt.
Got my hydrangea re-planted. I decided it was too tall. Now it looks perfect! :)
Daughter was playing on her DSi XL and fell asleep on my bed. That's surprising since she gets up around noon and is usually up until 2 or 3am.
I really need to get my laundry folded and I am just completely un-inspired to get started anytime soon. What's sad is that it has been sitting in the laundry hamper in my bedroom by the door since Sunday. This is not normal for me at all.
This is the REAL Never , never ending thread:giggle:
That thread was started by a careless camper. :lol:
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