I'll find out for myself, and see what the result turns out - but I am nowhere underwater anytime soon... but I hope to get good pictures from the snow, I also am sure will show some here on AD, when I get back.
When is your snow adventure JClarke?
I'll find out for myself, and see what the result turns out - but I am nowhere underwater anytime soon... but I hope to get good pictures from the snow, I also am sure will show some here on AD, when I get back.
Unfortunately, I have nothing to say today
JClarke, you need a new motor for your mouth, LOL.
I feel like crap tonight, I hope I'm not getting sick, I really cannot afford to miss work if I am to have enough money to go to school this fall and take 2 courses.
Feel better!!!!!!
thanks, my head is now stopped up and if I lay down I can't breathe. UGH. I may stop by Wally world on the way to work and get some head congestion medicine
Anything minty on a washcloth in the shower (steamy) works well, Vicks, peppermint oil, mint tea sounds silly but it works!
hmm you gave me an idea - what if I put some mint vaporub on my chest in the morning? It's already fairly steamy where I work. (but its chlorine steam). Im wondering if this will keep me congestion-free most of tomorrow?