what bike did he get?
2011 Ninja 250R.
these big shitters are NOT designed for hanging off...
I hope your friend is very careful with 1000cc. it's usually the quickest way to get hurt or killed especially for first-time rider with 1000cc.
1,000 cc is nothing. It's still consider intermedate type motorcycle. I bought 800cc motorcycle for first time. I had no problem riding on it. It took me a little while to adjust myself to motorcycle's "personality". I just kinda jumped ahead than starting with scooter. I used to ride moped back in 1983 and 1984 (My brother own 1979 Batavus Regency HS that look like little motorycycle with big tank). I had been riding Moped for 1 1/2 years before I started driving car. I even stole and joyrode my brother's 1979 Honda 750-4 Super Sport almost daily basis after my HS. I literally smoked rear tire and zip from 0 to 75mph in 3 seconds which was damn scary when I was 16 years old. It had been 25 years that I haven't ridden Motorycle and finally bought my own 800cc motorcycle and It kinda like bicycle that I already learned.
On Suzuki Volusia Forums : Intruder Volusia and Boulevard Forum blog that they explained size of engine and level of skills that Riders can mesh with.
I recalled for Beginner-- 150cc to 650cc. Intermedate--700cc to 1,200cc then Advanced--1,300cc to whatever (can be V8 HOG motorcycle ect).
So Basically, it all depend on Rider's skill. Some learn quickly than other.
I can give you example, My Deaf friend bought a 250cc scooter and he got Motorcycle license and used his scooter only 3 months then gave up due to problems starting in cool or cold weather and tired of getting "blown away" on Highway when cars or trucks passed by him when he was doing 55mph maximum on his "peewee" scooter. I suggested him to getting one like mine, 800cc beast. He saved his money and bought same 800cc beast like I have and he learned how to use shift and braking on heavy beast. 1 month later he became proficient on riding the motorcycle. He is very very happy man now and so did his ego
So all depends how quick they learn..
just FYI - we're talking about sport bike. it's a different category to what you're referring to. 1000cc sport bike is not "nothing". too many people get killed that way.
just FYI - we're talking about sport bike. it's a different category to what you're referring to. 1000cc sport bike is not "nothing". too many people get killed that way.
Yep sportbikes arent the same things as sport-tourer or tourer, race replica are even more dangerous... for their gearboxs are matched to the upper revs-riding style, handling encouraging more reckless riding and so on...
say, a GSX 750 is good...a slightly relaxed version of a 750, similary a VFR750
but when you get to a VFR750 NC30 superbike types the games changes...
similarly with a GSX-R 750..
that would go faster and than a gsx1000 no fairings...im unsure of top speeds (not gonna bother googling i got things to do) but the gsxr is slimmer, lighter, areodynamically advantaged, tuning-wise hornier and revvier, it becomes much more quicker less telepathic to the rider of what's going on, but more telepathic in handling...the witless fool enters that terroritary where EXPERIENCE is an absolute must-have
same thing with RGV250, ok only a 250cc but a 2 stroke...SMALL but DEADLY...and ok not so high top speed by todays standards but it gets there REAL QUICK, that lamp post you see ahead in 6 posts away, hit the powerband, you're seeing the next 20th in matter of seconds...your brain can't handle it...thats' where experince comes in, oh not to mention high risk of highsides...and lowsides in the exiting for corners...2 strokes are brutal
So which better brand of fuel Treatment and chain lube for motorcycle?
I trusts Lucas brand for fuel treatment but what's about chain lube?
The two strokes are great for high RPM but awful emission and short life. Forget it.
if you trust Lucas, then stick with it.
for chain lube - I use DuPont Teflon Chain Saver Lubricant. Check out Motorcycle Oil - webBikeWorld and pick one that you like. I've tried 3 - Motul, PJ1, and DuPont. I like DuPont better.
There are 2 kinds - wax and lube. it's up to you. wax lasts longer but biggest negative? hard to clean. gets dirty quick. I like DuPont because it doesn't splash lube around while riding. It's clean and dries up quick after spraying.
How ofter you apply lube on the chain? Someone said everyday?![]()