A Motorcycle Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

This month, I think I had a really bad influence to two of my friends. I influenced them to buy motorcycle.

Just did last Wednesday, I joined with my friend, Ted to take a look at 2001 Suzuki Volusia and wanted me to take test ride on it.. We went over there after 40 min drive on Missouri side. We both took a good look at motorcycle and it's in great shape. Very much the same as mine but red paint on both sides of tank and part on fender. It's a first generation Volusia while mine is 2nd generation Volusia. The owner fired up the bike, Wow!! it was so loud!! because Owner cut out and removed baffle. He pulled back down on end of driveway and let me ride it because Ted do not have motorcycle license yet. So I rode around Mobile home neighborhood and Boy!! I noticed engine have bit more pep than my Vol and it smoother. Clutch seem crisp and clean like the way it came out of factory. When I returned, I gave :thumb: at my friend. He was so excited like happy puppy. The owner produced title and Ted paid cash. I asked Owner to create a "witness" form so that to prove Ted paid him cash so that Owner can't play trick on us or lie to us. He typed out witness form and we signed. Then Owner asked about bill of sale attached to Title and wanted to know how much to put down. Ted couldn't figure out what to put amount of "sold as" value. I suggest $1,200. Owner and Ted agreed which is a very good amount so he wrote down on Bill of sale in order to keep property tax down (Bought in Missouri and bring to Kansas side will cost alot more on Property tax.). After he paid for then Owner removed items from motorcycle and gave me the key so I can ride it home and Ted follows me.

As I rode on the way out to highway, I took a peep at Speedometer and it was not working, just dead on "0". :eek2: . I pull to side of Ted's truck and signed him that Speedo not working while riding at 60mph. I told him that I suspect something broken inside and not to worry about it. When we got to Ted's home and I parked it in garage. I took a look at cable ect and it seem okay. I took a real good look around motorcycle very carefully, From what I can tell... Both tires are original stock, rear is bald, front have some threads, Body of motorcycle appear clean, Engine run crisp so did transmission, paint appears in great shape despite very few light scratch. I estimated about 6,000-7,000 miles. It seem well care for and garaged, lightly used over 11 years.
It had been accidentally dropped by owner when he park and left, and it rolled and dropped and slid partly down the driveway as owner said. I told Ted that it's not rip off, it's a seriously low mileage crispy clean motorcycle comparing to mine!! I'm a little jealous but lucky Bastard for him!!

A week later, I visited his place to fix the Speedometer, I brought my Vol over and removed my Speedometer then took his Speedo out and installed it to my Vol. Then I rode down the street, It works fine. I quickly pinpointed to broken speedometer sensor on front wheel spindle. I decide to remove front wheel then after I pulled little but out then I saw 3 pieces fell out of sensor. It's a tubular magnet that have 4 flange sticking out, all 4 flanges sheared off. I can tell that his Vol been sitting for long time and magnet may have stuck and rusted a little then when Owner moved it, it sheared off. Magnet isn't expensive. He recently bought replacement for $30 at Suzuki Cycle shop.

He was soooo excited and I told him that you would be sleeping with your "mistress" in garage while your wife look for you and found you in bed with it. :rofl:

A week later today, my other friend, John texted me and he said I'm changing mind and buy motorcycle instead of new scooter he planned next year. I told him you already drooled both of us having motorcycle already!! He admitted yes and he is ditching his scooter for it. He asked me if I can teach him how to shift. Sure yeah!! I would!! John already have motorcycle license and he currently have 250 cc scooter and having problem with it after he bought it 3 months ago. He's not a happy camper with his scooter and he's going for Motorcycle instead.

OH man!! I'm kinda in big trouble ( j/k ). I told both of my friend that I have really bad influence on them. They laughed and they wanted to ride in a group with me as a leader of Deaf Motorcycle gang :rofl:

It's nothing new to me because I was leader of Deaf Moped Gang 27 years ago, Same old thing, my evil influence had effect on all 6 deaf "peewee" bike rider while I rode moped. All got :pissed: at me because I kicked dust at them all the time. They all begged their parents to get one. They got it and all 7 of us rode in a group everyday during summer. So I'm leader all over again :shrug:

That's my 2002 Suzuki Volusia, Lowered and some modifications::


Ted's 2001 stock Suzuki Volusia, no modification::


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My ATV? :P


Not fast enough. This one is what you want. Put a small motorcycle engine on it, and never worry about holding up traffic while crossing the street.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73X8qmlkRkc]Record breaking 70MPH Mobility Scooter! - YouTube[/ame]
Catty - make sure the speedometer is properly calibrated
Catty - make sure the speedometer is properly calibrated

It's not necessary because the Suzuki Sensor Magnet he bought is an OEM replacement.

If I made a wheel modification or changed to taller tire with same wheelbase, Then it warrant a calibration due to different wheel/ tire geometry. Since that wheel/tire geometry have not changed when I installed replacement sensor magnet, Speedo calibration is not necessary.

Typically Speedo tolerance averaging +/- 3 mph. Also I've checked under Speedo dial if there are any calibration pot that I can tweak, there is none.

I was in Volusiarider.com forum as a Deafvl800rider. I posted "dead speedometer" on Help forum. They posted that they just simply replace sensor magnet and never mentioned about calibration.

well well well! the weather has been getting colder earlier than expected! but that's ok!!! I'm happy because I rather shiver a bit than to sweat a lot. Don't forget to start preparing for winterizing your bike as well! If you're still going to ride in cold weather, make sure your bike is up on par for it! check your battery condition! don't forget to buy fuel stabilizer!

For the past few days, I've been researching a lot on wiring and electrical components for my bike. I want to add fuse block, emergency flashers, switches/knobs/etc, and bunch more. I have learned a lot of interesting things as I sidetracked from my research :lol:

I learned something interesting called Dyna Beads. very nifty simple part. no more tire balancing.

For now - I'm buying Fuzeblocks to connect my heated jacket, GPS, USB charging port, and auxiliary spotlight to it so that these devices will automatically shut off as I turn off my bike. I'm waiting for my RAM Mount X-Grip to arrive this afternoon in order to hold my iPhone as GPS.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwxQgKsDW-k]RAM X-Grip Cell Phone Cradle: Apple iPhone 4 OtterBox Defender Case (RAM-HOL-UN7U) @ gpscity.com - YouTube[/ame]

I have some specific ideas for a custom control unit in mind and I came upon this - Arduino and you can buy it at any radio store. I hope to make my bike Iron Butt-ready for next year.
well well well! the weather has been getting colder earlier than expected! but that's ok!!! I'm happy because I rather shiver a bit than to sweat a lot. Don't forget to start preparing for winterizing your bike as well! If you're still going to ride in cold weather, make sure your bike is up on par for it! check your battery condition! don't forget to buy fuel stabilizer!

For the past few days, I've been researching a lot on wiring and electrical components for my bike. I want to add fuse block, emergency flashers, switches/knobs/etc, and bunch more. I have learned a lot of interesting things as I sidetracked from my research :lol:

I learned something interesting called Dyna Beads. very nifty simple part. no more tire balancing.

For now - I'm buying Fuzeblocks to connect my heated jacket, GPS, USB charging port, and auxiliary spotlight to it so that these devices will automatically shut off as I turn off my bike. I'm waiting for my RAM Mount X-Grip to arrive this afternoon in order to hold my iPhone as GPS.

RAM X-Grip Cell Phone Cradle: Apple iPhone 4 OtterBox Defender Case (RAM-HOL-UN7U) @ gpscity.com - YouTube

I have some specific ideas for a custom control unit in mind and I came upon this - Arduino and you can buy it at any radio store. I hope to make my bike Iron Butt-ready for next year.

I got an arduino kit from Radio Shack in few months ago and I don't have time for play around with it. :mad:
In AZ the morning rides are really nice at this time. Afternoons are still a bit warm but shouldn't be long before it cools down some more.

I'm looking at getting some new gear, specifically a jacket and pants. I have narrowed it down to a few choices but still need to find something warm to wear underneath for those up and coming chilly morning rides to work.

Happy Riding
In AZ the morning rides are really nice at this time. Afternoons are still a bit warm but shouldn't be long before it cools down some more.

I'm looking at getting some new gear, specifically a jacket and pants. I have narrowed it down to a few choices but still need to find something warm to wear underneath for those up and coming chilly morning rides to work.

Happy Riding

what few choices are they?

with my gear, thermal clothes, heated grips, and heated jacket... I can ride in weather as cold as 40 degrees. I'm wondering how will I fare cuz I'm going to ride to upstate NY for 6 hours tomorrow late morning.
I ride as well, owned several bikes over the years, My last was a 2005 Harley Davidson XL1200C Custom. Been hit 3 times prior because people just dont pay attention to bikers.
well well well! the weather has been getting colder earlier than expected! but that's ok!!! I'm happy because I rather shiver a bit than to sweat a lot. Don't forget to start preparing for winterizing your bike as well! If you're still going to ride in cold weather, make sure your bike is up on par for it! check your battery condition! don't forget to buy fuel stabilizer!

I learned something interesting called Dyna Beads. very nifty simple part. no more tire balancing.


Yup, I am expecting to winterize my Volusia.. I have STP Engine Treatment which works the same as Stabil.

As for battery, I have float charger to keep battery charged at all time. I may remove battery and leave it on the work bench hooked up to float charger. I have offset socket adapter but do not have one for charger. I can either buy one at Auto parts and modify the charger end so I can just leave battery in motorcycle and just plug the offset jack directly under or hidden spot.

As for Dynabeads. :hmm: It's sound really good. $20 for 4oz in a tube. I would like to try that!! I sure hope that if riding slow speed, I don't want tires sound like baby rattle :rofl: I doubt it would make that noises because exhaust noise drowns all that. I would love to chuck out chrome balance weight and try Dynabeads. $20 is really cheap. My tires are tubed so I can just put inside tubes. If I had to swap out tires along with tubes. I would just cut old tube open and dump all Dynabeads to cup and re-use it.

Make me wonder if copper BB's from Daisy would make good "dynabeads" :lol: I learned that it may get hot from friction and melt into rubber. Guy recommend putting in little antifreeze in to keep BB's cool.

Also other suggested use Airsoft BB's to balance tires automatically. It'll take more Airsoft BB's to balance tire equivalent to Dynabeads.

AirSoft BBs for Dynamic Balancing Question - Honda Shadow Forums : Shadow Motorcycle Forum

That's where I found it. Other about Copper BB's and antifreeze was in other forum

balance tires with BB's? - Jeep Cherokee Forum

IMHO, Airsoft BB's are large and may not fit in air valve. Copper BB's would fit in no problem.

I would go for Dynabeads for safety sake.


I got a question for you all enthuiasts, Have any of you come across a Honda 600 VLX ranging from the year 1995 to 2004 for $2,800 or less. I am really interested in finding one and turning it into a bobber. I haven't had much luck so far in my searches, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.

Yup, I am expecting to winterize my Volusia.. I have STP Engine Treatment which works the same as Stabil.

As for battery, I have float charger to keep battery charged at all time. I may remove battery and leave it on the work bench hooked up to float charger. I have offset socket adapter but do not have one for charger. I can either buy one at Auto parts and modify the charger end so I can just leave battery in motorcycle and just plug the offset jack directly under or hidden spot.

As for Dynabeads. :hmm: It's sound really good. $20 for 4oz in a tube. I would like to try that!! I sure hope that if riding slow speed, I don't want tires sound like baby rattle :rofl: I doubt it would make that noises because exhaust noise drowns all that. I would love to chuck out chrome balance weight and try Dynabeads. $20 is really cheap. My tires are tubed so I can just put inside tubes. If I had to swap out tires along with tubes. I would just cut old tube open and dump all Dynabeads to cup and re-use it.

Make me wonder if copper BB's from Daisy would make good "dynabeads" :lol: I learned that it may get hot from friction and melt into rubber. Guy recommend putting in little antifreeze in to keep BB's cool.

Also other suggested use Airsoft BB's to balance tires automatically. It'll take more Airsoft BB's to balance tire equivalent to Dynabeads.

AirSoft BBs for Dynamic Balancing Question - Honda Shadow Forums : Shadow Motorcycle Forum

That's where I found it. Other about Copper BB's and antifreeze was in other forum

balance tires with BB's? - Jeep Cherokee Forum

IMHO, Airsoft BB's are large and may not fit in air valve. Copper BB's would fit in no problem.

I would go for Dynabeads for safety sake.


they said copper BB's would rust and that's not gonna end quite well :lol:

I got a question for you all enthuiasts, Have any of you come across a Honda 600 VLX ranging from the year 1995 to 2004 for $2,800 or less. I am really interested in finding one and turning it into a bobber. I haven't had much luck so far in my searches, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.


sorry.... can't help much there for you... all I can suggest is to keep looking at Honda sites, CraigsList, Ebay, etc. and be patient.
sorry.... can't help much there for you... all I can suggest is to keep looking at Honda sites, CraigsList, Ebay, etc. and be patient.

Thanks Jiro. You're so right about being patient, but hopefully i'll come across one soon.
they said copper BB's would rust and that's not gonna end quite well :lol:

Thought so. It may sound good and very cheap to use but can do damage to rubber inside of it. Dynabeads can be found locally. I found list of sellers that sells Dynabeads which is Ego Cycle in Shawnee and Big Twin in Edwardsville. So I shouldnt have problem getting it locally.


I got a question for you all enthuiasts, Have any of you come across a Honda 600 VLX ranging from the year 1995 to 2004 for $2,800 or less. I am really interested in finding one and turning it into a bobber. I haven't had much luck so far in my searches, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.


Apparentlg you are actually looking for Honda Shadow. I found one in Lawrence, KS for $1,500 for 1996 shadow.

You can find all 800cc Suzuki Maurader, Volusia or Boulevard cheap as well and turn it to Bobber. It's very customizable than Honda Shadow. Seriously, My VL800 Volusia is bigger and longer than Honda Shadow. Bigger bike = bigger Ego :rofl: To be honest with you. When I parked my Vol next to Honda Shadow. It look kinda like a cute little cruiser next to Vol :lol:

So basically what Jiro said is the same what I would say. Craigslist, Ebay, Newspaper and through grapevines of your friends or families.

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Apparentlg you are actually looking for Honda Shadow. I found one in Lawrence, KS for $1,500 for 1996 shadow.

You can find all 800cc Suzuki Maurader, Volusia or Boulevard cheap as well and turn it to Bobber. It's very customizable than Honda Shadow. Seriously, My VL800 Volusia is bigger and longer than Honda Shadow. Bigger bike = bigger Ego :rofl: To be honest with you. When I parked my Vol next to Honda Shadow. It look kinda like a cute little cruiser next to Vol :lol:

So basically what Jiro said is the same what I would say. Craigslist, Ebay, Newspaper and through grapevines of your friends or families.


Haha I know I'll get chirped by my uncle and his buddies who ride harley davidson road kings that are 1200cc. I'm only 22 years old and I have to admit I don't have the best driving record, so I figured a 600cc is medium sized and hopefully somewhat affordable for insurance. Yeah, you are right it's a shadow and I wished I lived closer because to me that is a bargain and a half! at $1500.

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