oh no... you have fallen victim to the notorious death intersection... I'm glad that you didn't get t-boned or anything serious.
correct me if I'm wrong. is this what happened?
You are very close to correct. Add Traffic stop lights. Cager got red light on her far right lane, middle lane is red light and far left is green arrow. On opposite side (my side) same thing but I was on far left lane and have green Left arrow like you indicated. Yes it is common accident. Witness behind her car saw her head looking up at arrow rather than her own red light. This is why she saw arrow turn green then she accelerate. Sheesh!. She should be looking at her own red light lane!!!
Cops took care of it. 3 cops were all over her after one cop had interviewed with me and witness then he headed over to Driver to join with two other cops. She's in big trouble.![]()
Just today, I had two phone calls from both insurance, Driver and my insurance. I had a long talk with both. American Family Ins (Driver's ins) will come to take a look and take pix of my motorcycle tomorrow and My ins. Progressive will come and look at it on other day. So I can get which offer they have. Progressive said they have benefit for me, $3,000 accessories coverage which means they will cover what damages on motorcycle and have it replaced while AFI only offer market price. I explained Progressive that my motorcycle is 2002 which is old and there are 2001 to 2004 Volusia and 2005 to now Boulevard which have same body, engine ect except older model is Carbeurated and newer is fuel injected. So If they decide that my bike is total loss regardless if it rideable, I would like fuel Injected model. She agreed. She asked me if my motorcycle had custom modification. I told her I have two modification, Forward control extension and lowing bones. She asked me if I had full gears or not. I told her I was fully geared at that time. She asked if my helmet impacted. I told her no, I skidded on my left knee on pavement. My Motorcycle Chap was scraped. I bet they'll replace it too.
See what insurances offer and see what happened. Will let you know.
Honestly remember I mentioned in previous post that I dropped my bike near rounda last summer and broke Right mirror mount. I decide to leave broken mirror mount with mirror attached on to lay on top of saddlebag so AFI and Progressive will assumed that it was broken during accident so I can have "free" replacement on that which is not of this accident![]()
and if you do accept it, they will take your bike and everything so you better scrap up some parts and hope they won't notice(don't forget to take out DynaBeads) .
Glad to hear you are ok. Accidents like that are no fun. Whatever you do.....don't do this....
It is dishonest and illegal. If there are parts you want to keep you should discuss it with the adjuster, then you are in the clear. 2 people I know have gotten into trouble for doing this.
sounds like they were stealing thousands of dollars worth - probably tires, rims, some engine parts, etc. with perhaps an intention to sell.
very foolish.
that's why I said "some parts"... such as DynaBeads, adjustable brake lever, etc. small parts. common sense, you know? but yes you can get in trouble for it.
another thing - is there something we can learn from your accident such as what mistakes you've made or what you should have done or etc. I am always constantly improving, adjusting, and correcting my bike and myself from every ride.
in your story, I see the part about leaking gasoline. that's always a potentially dangerous part about accident.
and at intersection, I always assume the worst.
1. If I'm at front and signal has turned green, I wait for a couple seconds and then go because there could be a reckless driver gunning thru red or inattentive driver not seeing red.
2. If the left-turn signal has turned green and I'm approaching from a block away, I do a quick rolling stop at intersection and then turn.
3. If I'm on left-turn lane behind a large vehicle that blocks my view from seeing ahead of me but the "line" is moving, then I do either a quick rolling stop at intersection or move slowly until I can see what's in front of me because sometimes a large vehicle ignores and guns thru red light.
3. I don't turn to right at red light if left-turn signals are green. I wait till it's over unless there are no cars.
4. My worst headache is turning to right at red light when "Walk" sign is on because sometimes there is a sudden surprise where a person suddenly came out of nowhere and ran across a street... not even using pedestrian crossing zone.
All these rules of my own are what keeps me alive and well in NYC![]()
I wouldn't worry about Dynabeads because it only cost $17.30 for pair of 2 ounces "pillow" bags. It's nothing to me.
I agree with you that I will make sure that I get most values from either insurance. My Progressive insurance said that I have $3000 accessories benefit so if Family Insurance decide that it's repairable but only offer less than that then I would go for Progressive. So That's all they offer (to me Progressive sound good and they'll make Family Insurance pays them back). If adjustor says that my motorcycle is total loss and if they don't care what motorcycle they will give me. I would tell them that your driver hit me and I demand same motorcycle regardless. I would tell them it's Suzuki C50 means it can be 01' to 04' Volusia or 05' to current Boulevard. I know there are plenty of Volusias out there averaging $3,500 or less and Boulevard around $4k or less. My friend, Ted grabbed 01' "first generation" Volusia for $2,200 and it had 6,000 miles on it. He got lucky so who knows..
If they are going to send it to shop for repair.. I would find out what the shop plan to do with my motorcycle.
So I will have Family Insurance Adjustor come around 11am to 12pm this afternoon. See what they have their say. If they just making their opinion on the value and try to lowball me then I'll check with Progressive. If either don't offer better then it's time for me to go for Attorney and screw Family Insurance to make them chuck out more $$ for repair or replacement. It is easy to do because Officer and Witness says it's Driver's fault so her Insurance can't deny that.
Glad to hear you are ok. Accidents like that are no fun. Whatever you do.....don't do this....
I'm all for it!!!!
2 seconds rule was the one I didn't follow that night. Was tired at that time. Usually I follow 2 seconds rule at work while driving postal vehicle. Thus I applied same thing on my truck.
What you mean " Don't do this..." I didn't do it, The driver jumped on red light while turning which was unexpected. By the time I was finishing turn, I saw hood and grille of car 2 feets away and had to throttle up quickly. I wasn't scared but react quickly to get out of her path. So I didn't do it, Witness saw her clearly that her head was focusing at arrow rather than her own red light lane so that's why she see green arrow, assuming her lane turned green and hit gas and K-pow!! that's me on bike. I did feel like screaming at her to pay attention to stoplight at her own lane. But it's best not to do that because otherwise she'll twist her wording as a revenge.
and if you do accept it, they will take your bike and everything so you better scrap up some parts and hope they won't notice (don't forget to take out DynaBeads) .
that's the thing. there's always a chance that insurance company will haggle with you and lowball you. just because it's driver's fault doesn't mean you'll have it your way.
for accessories and bike value - the insurance company will decide on the price they feel is "right" to them and you can disagree with them. if they decide to pay for repair, they will typically prefer some body shops and you can disagree with them if you prefer different body shop. this is where it becomes a hassle and headache for you. you'll have to argue with them. not many people opt for lawyer option because it's costly. it's not worth hiring a lawyer over a few thousand bucks unless there's serious personal injury and expensive medical expense involved.
if your insurance company is going to pay for it, expect your premiums to go up..... and up!
I hear this kind of insurance company headache stories many many many times in motorcycle forums. that's why it's important to say it right to insurance companies. insurance companies purposely make it difficult because well - you can't blame them since it's their money and they hope that people will just cave in and accept the check. so just stand your ground and be very firm about what you want.
I forgot to mention one thing - you wore 2 jogging sweatshirts. I can imagine how stuffy and bulky it is. I'm sure you've considered a heated jacket but..... yea it's dang pricey! typically $200ish. I'm lucky to get a heavily discounted price for mine because the salesperson liked meshe even remembered me when I saw her at motorcycle expo last January. I'm praying my jacket will continue to function couple more years.
I definitely do not want to dish out $200....
it really sux that when you're freezing... riding like that for 15 minutes with wind chill can really wear you down fast and makes it feel like 1 hour. I've got heated jacket but I surely would like heated gloves too. My heated grips are just not good enough. I hope I will score some sweet deals at motorcycle expo in January.
Just today, I had two Insurance Adjuster, One is American Family Ins and other is Progressive (mine). AFI just simply took pictures and told me that there are specific shop locally and I asked him for address. He doesn't know. then shook hand and left.. Duh!! Who's that jerk!!?? Then in afternoon, Progressive came in with Progressive emblem SUV. Woman took pictures and asked me if my cycle gears damaged? I told her just Motorcycle Chap and she took picture of it. Then she told me to wait 20 to 30 minutes. Actually it took her 45 min, finally she got out and I came out of house cuz I was checking on her due to my broken Sonic Alert system. She showed me paperwork and told me that my motorcycle is considered Total Loss. I told her engine and body are fine. She agreed and she said that total cost of replacement parts exceeds value of my motorcycle that's why. So she gave me two options.. Which is..
1. Send Motorcycle to salvage and get $1000 and Ins will give me $2000 so I can buy replacement motorcycle..
2. Keep your motorcycle and consider salvaged and Ins will give me $2,000 now and will get $1,000 later. Send it to shop or Fix it yourself using money from Ins.
I chose the latter. I told her I'm good with mechanical and fix it myself. She gave me check and I asked her where the shop. She gave me ph number to call them for address so I can buy parts from them which are cheaper to do yourself. (Impressive!! :: ) I asked her if my Ins rate will go up?? She said No, rate won't go up unless they changed fault to me (I doubt it would change to my fault). She was very kind and respectful. Man!! I like it whole lot better than AFI!!! She's gonna to make AFI to pay Progressive $1k .
So Now, I have check on hand and my mind is brewing with lot of thing needed for my Volusia![]()
First thing I did was to remove exhaust pipes and found out exhaust pipe had dent on "hidden" side. It sure look like it was hit kinda hard but I checked Swingarm and wheel for straightness. It look very straight to me so no bent swingarm at all. I decided to fire up my Vol with no exhaust pipes. Boy it was SO LOUD!!My sons covered their ears and told me it sure sound like real Harley motorcycle. I did it for brief for fun of it.
My goal is to replace OEM Exhaust pipes (OEM is quieter than Vance & Hines cuz I don't want to risk annoy my neighbor every morning warmups), Crashbar, Turn signaler (I would want "bullet" turn signals originally from Boulevard which is compatible to mine cuz it looks real sexy and short), Custom mirrors (sleek rectangular mirrors than OEM one), Right mirror holder (mirror bracket) and Radiator cover (radiator shield).
Then I would order new accessories like removable windshield (cost $300, very nice one), phone holder mount, Highway Light bars, LED blinkers relay(to replace OEM so I can swap to LED lamps), LED lamps, possibilty drivers backrest if I have enough $$
For remaining items that should be replaced but I decide to keep are.. Saddlebags (fixable by smoothing leather and rub with shoe polish to match), Levers that have scoured ball (just use wirebrush on bench grinder to smooth rough out), Hydraulic brake lid (have scour on top edge but same method as lever), and perhaps to see if I would fix plastic fenders that have scour on top front.
My wish list if I had enough, I would LOVE to have DJ drive (End drive from Suzuki VL1400 or 1500 which inside gear are smaller than VL800's OEM End drive, it is interchangeable End drive for both motorcycles) why?? Better gas mileage and smoother highway ride (smaller end drive is very similar to 10 speed bike at smallest gear and hard pedaling but easy pedal on high speed. It's like 5th gear when you're on 4th gear and 6th gear when you are on 5th gear). I can see they're darn expensive, It can run about $700 to $900 for it. I wish I could afford to grab $300 DJ drive same time when I grabbed $100 saddlebag!.
yea I wear full body thermal clothes but there's a limit to how much I can layer up because it would affect my mobility. needs to be very agile in NYC to respond to any sudden situations.I've ridden with two pull down jogging sweatshirt and a jacket and had no issue when temp was at 38 dgree (windchill factor are much more lower than that, I assuming close to 20 degree at 60mph or 10 degree at 70mph). I have NO issue. It's not that heavy because my motorcycle jacket is 100% Nylon exterior and 100% polyester internally. It's pretty lightweight. If I wore just jacket alone, It's good for between 55 degree to 90 degree weather. It's best to wear two sweatshirt or wear thermal shirt and sweatshirt then have Jacket over it. It may be a little bulky but it's enough to keep me warm. I've used hood of sweatshirt over my head and pull down helmet. It kept my head nice and warm during ride.
As for glove. I bought $18 for pair of Windproof, Waterproof glove from Target store last year. It works like wonder!! At 70-80mph under 40 degree weather, I don't feel cold in glove. I can feel a little cool at the tip but warm overall. I wore it when it rain, kept my hands dry. I must have gotten really good quality gloves somehow.
Motorcycle Chap, I do feel a little cool because wind was blowing under the hem of bottom of my chap and opened front on my waist area (you know how motorcycle chap looks like. It made of synthetic Leather. It's not bad at all and I can put up easily. It's kinda heavy to walk with it that I must admit.. I just mosey around just like a cowboy
My cowboy boot, No whatsoever changes on temperature. It's real thick leather boot and it's high quality. I spent $120 for it It's a Ariat brand (emblem look like bio-hazard symbol). I love it so much and it's a tough work cowboy boot with studded sole. I wore just one pair of socks and my foot is warm and comfortable..
Tips for you or others, My recommendation is that when you riding during cold weather, I would suggest that you wear thermal shirt, pull over sweatshirt (no zip up !!) and a Jacket or one sweatshirt and thick coat made for skiing which would be more than enough to keep you warm. Sometime it can make you feel a little sweaty at 10 degree (windchill factor at high speed). Zip up sweatshirt can leak cool air in. I read that newspaper behind coat or jacket really help big time. Race car driver used that method to keep him nice and warm, thus blocking cold air leak from his jacket into his inner thermal shirt. Seriously, I've tried that last year as an experiment, it works!!
Get a windproof, waterproof gloves with extended cuff (that's what I wears) so cold air can't sneak into your Jacket cuff.
If you don't have Motorcycle Chap, You can wear jogging pant or thermal pant under jean. It helps but it's not gonna to be comfortably warm. Be expect cool, not cold legs..
I wear BuffWear for that - Buffwear - Multi-functional Headwear, Buff HeadwearMy only complaint was cold air freezing my throat area. I would have to wear scarf or pull down headgear to protect throat.
Gerbing is lifetime warranty and FirstGear is 2-years warranty and Tourmaster is 3-years warranty.Last of all, As a tough bikers, if you can't ride in cold weather, you're a wimp.![]()
I've ridden in cold weather for few hours and still warm and not tired. I know you ever wonder how I managed that.![]()
I know Heated jacet, glove and pant cost like crazy. I would love to have it but I have to remember that wires inside of it can break over many uses (IF I had it, I would perform surgery on coat to repair broken wire to extend it's life).
that's why there are a few winter gloves that have thin palm area for that reason. "HELD Warm n' Dry" gloves seems to be a popular one. It has excellent reviews but the biggest negative is....... $$$$$$As for grip heater. I know it's inefficient because the glove act like insulator and you can't feel a thing. Heated glove would be nice but if you have full heated gears, would it compromise charging current?? That's my concerns.
2 solutions - big handguards or a pair of "mitts". common mitts brands - Hippo Hands, Moose Mitts, Bar Muffs, Oxford Mitts, and... I dunno lol. I think you can easily find those at any ATV/snowmobile stores.Basically get a wind proof, waterproof pre-curved glove with extended cuff rather than heated gloves. Some had wind deflector for grip area that help deflect cold wind to keep your gloved hand warm.
I would love to have heated seat. It's easy to wire it up and put leather cover back on and staple it. It'll make your butt warm and cozy. My Durango have butt warmer, took me few minutes finally heats up the seat and lower lumbar aaahhh!!! I admitted it sure does make me sleepy after a while driving.
yea I wear full body thermal clothes but there's a limit to how much I can layer up because it would affect my mobility. needs to be very agile in NYC to respond to any sudden situations.
I wear BuffWear for that - Buffwear - Multi-functional Headwear, Buff Headwear
Gerbing is lifetime warranty and FirstGear is 2-years warranty and Tourmaster is 3-years warranty.
Mine's a Tourmaster heated jacket and it's still going on good for 3-4 years now. I saw a new version of my heated jacket and I like it.
that's why there are a few winter gloves that have thin palm area for that reason. "HELD Warm n' Dry" gloves seems to be a popular one. It has excellent reviews but the biggest negative is....... $$$$$$
You'll have to calculate the amount of power your heated gear will draw and how much your bike stator can give out. You can buy a simple cheap voltmeter. motorcycle typically gives out 12V and if it drops to around 8 or whatever, then you gotta turn off your heated gear and let your battery gets charged up. or if you want - there is a simple gauge with just 3 colors - red-yellow-green.
or you can also buy a bigger and better stator. that's what all police motorcycles have. normally - this is not a problem for a bigger motorcycle like 1000cc with bigger stator. mine's only 650cc and my stator is bit puny so I usually recharge my bike overnite depending on how long I used my heated jacket and heated grips for. for example - my motorcycle does not really start charging my battery unless I hit a certain speed (I think above 45mph) so if I used heated jacket for 1 hr in slow-moving traffic jam, then I'll have to recharge my bike when I get home.
2 solutions - big handguards or a pair of "mitts". common mitts brands - Hippo Hands, Moose Mitts, Bar Muffs, Oxford Mitts, and... I dunno lol. I think you can easily find those at any ATV/snowmobile stores.
that would be nice to have a heated seat.