A Gun Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

My granddaughter wore a fake gun for her Halloween costume last night and tonight and her mom , my daughter wore a fake sword that looked real . I was thinking what would of happen if they went out like this on any other night ...
guns guns guns guns.

Seb's reply to my post -

I'm sure some of them do but they either -

1. own a relic
2. are registered FFL holder

probably 0.000000001% of Americans own machine guns and probably 99.9% of them are "professional" gun collectors and sellers... and most likely either veterans or ex-cop.

machine guns are very expensive. having ammo for bullets is expensive. they're very difficult to own legally.

All full auto guns for civilian sales stoped production in the mid 80's so all the ones that are out there are all there will ever be. They are all register with the BTAF and in order to buy one you have to go through a class III FFL. You have to get finger printed, fill out a lot of paper work, send it in with $200 and wait. If you did everything right then you get to pay the $10k or more for the gun. :D Don't need to be a vet or an ex cop. In fact most of them probably can't afford to drop that kind of cash.
Alcohol, tobacco or firearms

I got a new AK recently. My next purchase will probably be ammo. Followed by beer. :D What say you?
I thought you where talking about a new store. I got excited :laugh2: I guess it's just as well I quit smoking 5 years ago.
Btw. I'm planning a shoot up here in Wa. soon. Everyone is welcome. Alcohol provided after the shoot of course. :D
Yeah, ammo will make your AK more interesting.

I'm glad you're not drinking that beer before or during shooting.

Exactly what kind of AK did you get? Picture?
All full auto guns for civilian sales stoped production in the mid 80's so all the ones that are out there are all there will ever be. They are all register with the BTAF and in order to buy one you have to go through a class III FFL. You have to get finger printed, fill out a lot of paper work, send it in with $200 and wait. If you did everything right then you get to pay the $10k or more for the gun. :D Don't need to be a vet or an ex cop. In fact most of them probably can't afford to drop that kind of cash.

In NJ - lot of owners of gun ranges and gun stores are ex-cop or vet. Sad.
I have a WASR 10/63 with a romanian wire folding stock. Fun gun to shoot and ammo is cheap too! Signts suck though. I keep wanting to get some kind of co-witness red dot setup.
I have a WASR 10/63 with a romanian wire folding stock. Fun gun to shoot and ammo is cheap too! Signts suck though. I keep wanting to get some kind of co-witness red dot setup.

What caliber? Isn't the WASR similar to the AK-47?
Yup, it's an AK. 7.62x39. I love the round. Basically 30-30 balistics., great within 100-150 yards and good in the brush like we have here in Maine.
Why sad????

that it's very difficult for a regular folk to open one in NJ and if they finally did... they usually go out of business several years later due to new restrictive laws whenever mass shooting happens. we just lost another one near my home. I don't even know if we've ever had any "new" gun shop opening up in this state.
Picked up mine today, Taking my CC class Friday


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You ganna get something smaller for every day carry with your CCW or are you bringing that canon everywhere? :rl: :lol: