87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language

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I've heard of that rally, it was here in Los Angeles on 05/01/2010. While I was not there and cannot attest to the photos, something about the Arizona bit doesn't seem to readily connect.

Good entertainment, lots of backpedaling. Answered his own question (and presumably shot in the foot) to the thread three posts later without realizing it.

Yep. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Evidence of what...that I am battling an unarmed opponent? You've already supplied that evidence.

There are two things the left does well: whine when caught doing criminal things and over dramatize everything.

Oh yeah ... and scream racism when backed into a corner. :giggle:
Yep. Funny how that works, isn't it?

re-read post #198 ..... :wave:

Why the heck would someone be stating I said something when it was another forum member, not me .... ah, well. go figure.
There are two things the left does well: whine when caught doing criminal things and over dramatize everything.

Oh yeah ... and scream racism when backed into a corner. :giggle:

And, that would have to do with exactly what as concerned with this topic?

There are two things that you do well....post videos that you don't understand and then try to throw ad hominem attacks when you get busted out on them.:giggle:

You must have gone to school in Texas under the revised math curriculum. The number of things you listed add up to 3, not 2. LOL
re-read post #198 ..... :wave:

Why the heck would someone be stating I said something when it was another forum member, not me .... ah, well. go figure.

Perhaps you should re-read. There was no reference made to you. Why the heck would you assume it was about you?
while it is disrespectful to fly any other flag above American flag in America, the only illegal thing in that video is I see is:
1. a vigilante vandalized the private property
2. a vigilante committed an armed robbery by stealing the bar owner's private property - the American flag with deadly weapon
3. a vigilante illegally carrying a 7" fixed blade knife classified as deadly weapon in public area.... and walking and holding a 7" fixed blade knife in a very hostile manner. This is "Drawing a Deadly Weapon in a Threatening Manner" criminal charge.
4. the worst part - he angrily yelled to them that what the bar owner did was illegal so he "enforced" the federal law (which stated that no other flag should fly above the American flag) by taking it to his own hands. This is illegal under U.S. Code Title 18 - Part 1 - Chapter 43 - Sec. 912 - False Personation - falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States. This is punishable by fines and/or 3 years in jail.

I automatically have utmost respect for men and women in uniform but this man Jim Brossard (an US Army vet) lost my respect. He is not an "American" hero. He is a vigilante and he should be criminally charged. He has disgraced this great nation as a vet. What he could have done is have a talk with bar owner to explain the proper flag protocol. It is not unheard of many people flying the American flag wrong but it happens all the time.

My friend is an honorable vet and we were driving somewhere. I drove past this house where the owner placed the flag in a wrong position so I made a U-turn and stopped there. He went up there, knocked on the door... nobody answered... so he left a note in mailbox, explaining the proper flag protocol.

I’m a Veteran of 12 years (1970 – 74 USCG and 1976 – 84 active reserve) and am currently serving as an active duty spouse of 32 years service and as a child, I was a dependant of a military parent, Armybrat if you will.

My total years of serving this country is 53 years to date. I agree the flag was displayed incorrectly and the appearant motive of Mr.Jim Brossard was correc. That said, I have to question his approach at correcting it. Though it’s understandable, I felt he should have informed the owner of his mistake to give him the opportunity to correct his mistake and become a more informed citizen, then if he refused to do so, I feel what he (Brossard) did was correct. I’ve known many Mexican Americans in this country and whom are serving in our military presently and most who served in the past and they do come here to be Americans and provide a better life for their family. They are a hard working and honerable people. This said, I’m sure this Mexican shop owner had no idea what the fuss was over and who this man was and why he was doing what he did.

I’ve seen many businesses owned by born and bread Americans displaying our flag incorrectly and often upside down and no one attacked their property. No, they’d walk up and tell someone first. Though I agree with his motive, I can not agree with his method. I think there’s some undelined issues he has that he isn’t mentioning of a predjudice nature personally. He’s lucky the police werent called because I’m sure their local laws do not look on his knife in anyway as legal to possess in public. Just my thoughts, one Vet to another.

in this video, the Mexican flag was flown at U.S. post office. I find this really odd of U.S. post office doing so in this manner but it is not illegal. They have rights to do so under Amendment 1. However - what disturbed me the most is Maywood Police Department attempting to take it down so I did some digging in it.

Maywood is a city in LA county with 30,000 people (96% latino). Maywood is part of "sanctuary city" list which is basically a "haven" for illegals which I find it disturbing. Even more disturbing.... it seems that Maywood is also a haven for criminal to be a police officer. Maywood has 37 officers. A third of Maywood PD has previous criminal histories and/or suspicions in their files. You can read more about it in here. very very disturbing... much more disturbing than "sanctuary city for illegals."

What hispanic man did was wrong. an assault. But don't these "Save Our State" people have anything more constructive thing to do rather than harassing and provoking people at shopping parking lot? For god's sake - there is place and time to speak your mind and protest about whatever but shopping parking lot is not a place to do it. It is dangerous especially for moms and children.

Shame on you, Save Our State.

see anything wrong with this video beside disrespectful assholes stepping on American flag? "Illegal Aliens Love American"

nice... an American who can't even write it properly....

oh - how do you know they're illegal aliens? :dunno:
really, is that the best you can do? Ignore not only "evidence" of people mocking the US but also that of American Patriotism?

I doubt you would be welcome in Texas .... or Arizona.

Your also the one implying that Deaf people are stupid if they cannot "see" what is going on .... I could see plainly what was being done ....

I'm deaf and I don't see what you see. See post #226 (linked for your convenience).
Do you need a transcript for this?


A lot of people said it was photoshopped (people like the one who shall not be named) and of course, they NEED this to be photoshopped.

But sadly, for them, it is not photoshopped. There is this thing called pixel algorithms .... impossible to fake.

Just ignore those lying videos ... as the one who shall remain nameless, wants you to do.

didn't I just debunk your post before? Looks like I have to do it again :roll:

the source - Illegal Immigration: Americans Fighting Back

the supporting posts to why it's fake
This is definitely "photoShopped" work. I am a photShop expert (since late 80s) and have touched up and designed MANY images from photos in the graphics business all these years. I can tell by the "fogging" and digital "bits" surrounding the photo upon zooming in on the piece and enhancing it. Not only the two pieces are different colors (as another poster commented) but the writing itself is indicative of a digital tablet style of writing ...or someone pretty good at "mouse writing" within the parameters of PhotoShop or CorelDraw....or any of the other several brands of digital graphic software. This stuff is SUPER easy to make folks.

Therefore, yes, although I too am a conservative who hates all this free lunch attitude of the illegals immigrants in my beautiful country......there's ZERO need for creating this kind of pure hate "pot stirring".

Good morning, I did some handwriting and pixel analysis on this sign. The more I look at it the more I think it is a fake, intended to inflame us.

It appears like someone wrote this out on paper, scanned it into a computer or took a photo of it and pasted it on top of the guys sign. That, or some other similar technique. Write out the same message on a piece of paper using the same type of block print that is on the sign. When I did it it looked so similar I was shocked. Most of the other protest signs I have seen are done using plain old paint and a brush, a finger, or they use felt tipped pen but they go over the letters several times to get the desired thickness and readability.

I think someone is fanning the flames.

I found patterns using a single pixel fill technique using black color. Seems like a manual edit, possibly Photoshop or other software. See these patterns? the one that looks like an "L" shape could be the edge of a piece of paper used to scrawl the message or it could indicate a fold in a piece of paper that was used to do it. Either way it is awfully suspicious. See the block patterns on the pic I attached? There are too many symmetrical patterns. And they line up in an unusual way. AND, the writing itself appears to be written by hand using a marker, perhaps a black and then a red Sharpie (I am guessing). The number of SYMMETRICAL block patterns that filled in when I tried to drop single pixels into the image were a HUGE tip off to me. (Note - I am NOT a professional graphics designer or other imaging specialist. I have simply done editing on images for so long it seemed to me to be VERY apparent that the image was doctored.

If you compare the writing type and style it looks so much different than any of the other signs I have seen that I immediately started to investigate.

Oh, also if you look at the top edge of the sign it appears that the sign began as multi-colored but the white was over-layed onto it.

I'm declaring it a fake.

Everything else is true. We are at a heightened state of war with Mexico and their soldiers are attempting to take us over by sheer numbers.

I like the leaflet thing though. I'd like to see people dropping them by the thousands in all the neighborhoods that are trouble areas.

I can show you the pic if you can assist me in learning how to post a photo here. If a photobucket link will work I have an account there.


raingirl2, and other honored members, the reason it matters in general, matters a great deal, whether the photo was staged (faked at the time of shooting -- i.e., a "plant" held up the sign), or manipulated (faked with a computer before posting), is that if this is not a real sign held in a real event, the message is not a demonstrator saying, "we want everyone free, we will shoot police, etc." It is someone trying to support ALIPAC's goals by distributing false information to help say "The Latinos at this L.A. demonstration are violent, lazy, greedy, impulsive criminals." If it's discovered to have been staged or faked, it impugns ALIPAC's credibililty and ethics.

My examination of the photo, zoomed and unzoomed, reveals pixels of uniform size and distribution. For those unfamiliar with digital photo trivia, this means that if part of the image was inserted/pasted from elsewhere into a photo of the event, the added portion, enlarged or shrunk to fit, is precisely the same resolution (quality) of image (which would be a big coincidence) and lines up precisely at the spot it was added OR someone with extremely good skills went to far more trouble than I've ever seen in a composite (faked) photo. The light source and angle are also uniform throughout the image.

Regarding points that have been raised so far:

• It does appear that the word "free" and the bottom panel were added later. This happens all the time at live events. Black marker and one kind of cardboard at home, "free" added as an afterthought to the spontaneous design, the bottom panel added with a borrowed red marker and another kind of cardboard later in the day as passions rose. By the way, the top is free speech (holding a sign is not per se disturbing the peace), and the bottom is a threat that may be criminal even if displayed on a quiet suburban street corner -- a lawyer I ain't, but I think it's not okay to say you'll kill somebody.

• I don't have any problem with the handwriting. The slant of lettering on a hand-lettered sign just depends what angle the board was at while you were writing -- it's much more variable than small writing on a sheet of paper. Physics.

• I see no "blurring" between the top and bottom panels. Similar areas of uniform color appear in the blank areas of the top sign.

• The man's head looks odd because he has a shirt draped around his neck.

• The light area on his index finger looks consistent with the quality and tone of the rest of the image. It looks to me as though it might be a bandage or improvised bandage -- you can get a blister holding up a sign like that, or it might be for an earlier minor injury.

• Re: the DVD cover text, it appears to be in Spanish. There are several Spanish words that end in "lante" or "gante." Vigilante is a word in Spanish. It has at least three different definitions, the English translations of which would be the nouns "watchman" and "vigilante" and the adjective "vigilant," meaning watchful, careful, alert, observant, protective. If it is used here to mean vigilante, it may be referring to U.S. law enforcement -- again, these demonstrators would be unlikely to be carrying materials in Spanish that refer to themselves this way. The word beginning "docu" is likely to be "documentario," a documentary film.

• The man's T-shirt appears to be a souvenir shirt with the name of the Central American country Belize on it. It's a popular tourist destination for both Latin Americans and North Americans. In my opinon the shirt neither supports nor refutes the idea that a team of anti-illegal immigrant "pot-stirrers" might have held the sign and shot the photo.

Hope this helps keep things on topic so ALIPAC can keep searching for the info they need.

so.... pixel algorithms. lol you speak as if you know what it really means. All you said is it is impossible to fake. Wondering you're acting like an armchair photoshop expert...... unless you are actually an expert in photoshop..... are you?

btw - what "lying videos"? Never heard of it. Never seen it. Care to share it? that's assuming if such content exists.
Not quite. I never mentioned effigy at all. It was a statue.

um... statue and effigy are same thing.

ef·fi·gy   [ef-i-jee] Show IPA
a representation or image, esp. sculptured, as on a monument.
a crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule

Main Entry: effigy
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: dummy
figure, icon, idol, image, likeness, model, picture, portrait, puppet, representation, statue

perhaps this country is not ready to make English an official language......
really? that's a good news!

Yes, it looks like a win by a landslide.
didn't I just debunk your post before? Looks like I have to do it again :roll:

the source - Illegal Immigration: Americans Fighting Back

the supporting posts to why it's fake

so.... pixel algorithms. lol you speak as if you know what it really means. All you said is it is impossible to fake. Wondering you're acting like an armchair photoshop expert...... unless you are actually an expert in photoshop..... are you?

btw - what "lying videos"? Never heard of it. Never seen it. Care to share it? that's assuming if such content exists.

That photo was never proven to be photoshopped. It passed scrutiny under forensic analysis.

You would take the "expert" advice from an obviously biased source such as pro amnesty groups?

Why not reference the "neutral" expert analysis I posted?

btw .... the following image has been photoshopped :


btw .... here is the snopes version of the photo (again, you failed, and you failed miserably):


I guess you can go back to your Liberals In Action Rally (L.I.A.R.)
didn't I just debunk your post before? Looks like I have to do it again :roll:

so.... pixel algorithms. lol you speak as if you know what it really means. All you said is it is impossible to fake. Wondering you're acting like an armchair photoshop expert...... unless you are actually an expert in photoshop..... are you?

btw - what "lying videos"? Never heard of it. Never seen it. Care to share it? that's assuming if such content exists.

I had to laugh at those so called "experts."

The blocks you see surrounding text is normal, it's a normal artifact of JPG. And it is NORMAL to have several blocks with the SAME repeating information. The more you compress, the more artifacts you'll have. High frequency details always show more artifacts than low frequency details.

So, on a poster, where there's a lot of white space, it is NORMAL to see a lot of large uniform blocks because JPG algorithms determine that they are not significant to human perception.

Their analysis is wrong.

However, I can offer my analysis and I do think it's a fake. My reasons:

look at the top line of the poster, there's evidence that a white block was pasted over the poster. It shows an offset. JPG algorithms do NOT do that at all.

Is the guy carrying two different poster colors? The bottom poster look more pinkish. JPG artifacts do not smear that much color all over a poster. What are the odds that a guy would carry two different posters of different colors? I'd think very slim.

Also, it is clear that it was taken with a cellphone camera or cheap camera. Why is that the text look so clear while the details outside of the posters look muddy? In fact, there's a poster behind and it shows NO text at all. And the book is not readable either.. not even title is readable. All the details outside of the posters are muddy but wow, the text on poster is so clear!

It was recompressed again and it shows that the new details were compressed much less than the old details.
could just be a copy of a copy of a copy .... :wave:

of a copy
That photo was never proven to be photoshopped. It passed scrutiny under forensic analysis.

You would take the "expert" advice from an obviously biased source such as pro amnesty groups?

Why not reference the "neutral" expert analysis I posted?

btw .... the following image has been photoshopped :

btw .... here is the snopes version of the photo (again, you failed, and you failed miserably):

snopes.com: Arizona Protest

I guess you can go back to your Liberals In Action Rally (L.I.A.R.)

um... it is neither fake nor real. So exactly where is the source that said it is real?

perhaps this country is not ready to make English an official language...... especially since one is unable to read
That photo was never proven to be photoshopped. It passed scrutiny under forensic analysis.

You would take the "expert" advice from an obviously biased source such as pro amnesty groups?

Why not reference the "neutral" expert analysis I posted?

btw .... the following image has been photoshopped :

pic removed due failed.

btw .... here is the snopes version of the photo (again, you failed, and you failed miserably):

snopes.com: Arizona Protest

I guess you can go back to your Liberals In Action Rally (L.I.A.R.)

so you are joining your conservative liar group too. :lol:
could just be a copy of a copy of a copy .... :wave:
of a copy

A copy is a copy. There's no difference between a copy and a different copy. It's all digital so it has to be exactly the same. It's NOT like analog copy where there's a loss of details in every new generation.

The only difference is if the file was saved over and over and over which always involve compression.

If it was saved several times, the fact that text remained clear is a telltale.
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