Search results

  1. E

    Moon or Mars?

    Building a base on a moon is more cost efficient. It's also a lot safer, since there will be constant communication and the moon doesn't exactly have any unpredictable weather patterns. I also think launching a spaceship to and from the moon would require a lot less fuel and planning.
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    Lotto Tickets

    The odds of winning the lottery are way too high to make it worth playing. I would save the money for something else.
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    Antimatter power space ships!

    We should attach warp engines to the whole planet instead.
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    Antimatter power space ships!

    Another issue with space travel is that everyone on planet Earth would age MUCH faster than the people in the spaceship. Imagine if the spaceship returned to Earth years later only to find a nuclear apocalypse.
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    Analog vs. Digital Hearing Aid

    What is a number limit?
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    Word game Part 2

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    do you have a hard times being deaf or hard of hearing?

    You should email city hall, explain your situation, and see if they could provide any resources. You could request for a real time captioner that would sit right next to you. That would be a huge benefit.
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    why do men don't show their emotion like us women?

    As Grummer has stated, there is a strong sociological aspect to it. Whenever I watch an action move with a lead male actor, he's usually blunt, fearless, and has the tough guy mentality. Personally, I would not cry in public, since it draws other people's attention towards me, which...
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    Analog vs. Digital Hearing Aid

    Is it true that you can go to the audiologist and they can reprogram the digital hearing aids?
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    Antimatter power space ships!

    New energy sources are always a good thing.
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    Deaf Chat room?

    The chat room is an interesting idea. It would be nice to also be able to chat with a specific member or group. One chat room might have too many people trying to communicate.
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    Man Spends More Than $5G to Look Like the Devil

    And I thought that ripping a hole in my shorts was bad enough...
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    Do you ever sleep with your HAs on (or off)

    I sleep with my hearing aids off so that wax doesn't build up in my ears.
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    I Got Arrested

    You got arrested for flying a remote controlled helicopter that crashed into the police station. Me?
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    Analog vs. Digital Hearing Aid

    Do digital hearing aids filter out background noise better?
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    103rd floor glass balconies (5 yrs old kid on glass balconies)

    I'm sure it's stainless glass lol. I would like to go and admire the view below.
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    Your favorite... question game

    Shell. What's your favorite seafood?
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    Irony message of the day. Biden - "we gotta spend money to keep from going bankrupt!"

    Biden's known for being a straight shooter, but he missed the mark on this one.
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    9 mo. old: Blood/Alcohol Level 4x Legal Limit

    9 month old baby? The baby sitter is morally bankrupt and has no concept of sanity.