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  1. J

    Supreme Court to consider D.C. Handgun Ban

    You don't have to 'obey' it. It is a right. By your logic: How many people are not another 'race' besides 'white'? I'm not. I know many many people who are not. Or How many people don't abuse drugs? I don't I know many many people who do not. Or How many people in...
  2. J

    Blind Special Forces Officer Pushes Limits

    Blind Special Forces Officer Pushes Limits - AOL News
  3. J

    Had to vent, sorry

    I agree about your vlog on hypocrisy... where can I talk to you about this? And sorry to hijack your thread.
  4. J

    why i am lightly lost balance with treadmill?? bec

    Or, you could.. you know. Walk/run on the real ground? I'm mostly kidding... but still haha. People drive their car to a gym, to do artificial walking or running... what is wrong with this picture. :laugh2:
  5. J

    Luxury Prison in Austria

    Sorry for my above post... but. People need to see both ways, a bit, I think. 1. There is no 'private cell' in a prison. Individual cells are provided to separate prisoners for safety purposes, not give privacy (prisoners have no privacy, the room can be raided at any time, and searched)...
  6. J

    Luxury Prison in Austria

    I suppose you would rather pay taxes to beef up security for quelling prison riots instead. I have a better idea. Make jail useful, and keep people who don't belong in it, out of it. And stop prison crime, too.
  7. J

    Luxury Prison in Austria

    Some do. I have known someone who did, in fact.
  8. J

    Guess this image!

    Dang... I knew it was some kind of roller for something like that. Couldn't google it because there's too many dang types of rollers :laugh2:
  9. J

    Luxury Prison in Austria

    I was thinking the same thing. The way a prison looks doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how it operates, but a good clean environment is over all beneficial. Not only for the prisoners but the guards who work there. You think the guards like to spend their day in some smelly...
  10. J

    Luxury Prison in Austria

    That's luxury? I think people are confusing clean and well lit with luxury. Though the game table and televisions are indeed a plus.
  11. J

    Cult mum kept children in dog cages

    I am not surprised... :( This is what unchecked 'opinion' leads to... there are people out there who would do even worse than this, and they have not been found yet. Ultimately, we cannot prevent people from doing whatever the hell they want. We can make laws that say it can't be done...
  12. J

    Disappearing car door!

    Well, it's like a non-rolling garage door, but upside down. The glass or the door never bends, it simply slides under the car cabin somewhere. As far as emergencies go, quick disconnect to detach the door could work, disconnect then the door can either fold down manually, or simply come off...
  13. J

    Gun Law

    Well, we have the right to bear arms. That doesn't necessarily say we have the right to pick and choose the ones we want, or how many. I think collection would be just fine, but it would need to be regulated, just like it already is. What you use in your home, would be your business, as long...
  14. J

    Guess this image!

    Yeah, it looks like Pyrite, too, could also be a mixed ore.
  15. J

    Gun Law

    Well, here is what I propose. Mandatory training for everyone who can, who is not mentally ill or has a criminal record (this will count as the service, they can't be deployed unless they actually enlist first, though.) Everyone who completes the training, gets issued the following...
  16. J

    Gun Law

    We don't need to illegalize guns. Make stupid people illegal instead. :hmm: (and yeah, I made a sick joke)
  17. J

    Guess this image!

    Looks like Hematite? Or maybe Magnetite? Possibly both? Maybe polished? :D I don't knowww!
  18. J

    Soldier on trial for Iraq refusal

    Save yourself! Logical rhetoric is futile! :laugh2:
  19. J

    Soldier on trial for Iraq refusal

    I have respect for you, but it's gotten WAY out of hand. It has long outlived it's usefulness, nothing new is being added, by you or anyone else. It is getting annoying. I'm not asking for you to be censored, I didn't ask anything to be deleted, your opinion would still be here for all to...