He, I don't even know him just stranger yelled dyke at me I heard it with CI clear as bell and I was like "wtf" lol.
Believe it or not it wasn't first time, I've been accused of being lesbian all time during middle and high school
LOL! i feel for you, its awful to be called a dyke or something like
One time when my hubby and i were dating, we went to this night
club. After a few minutes, hubby went to the restroom, this girl
came right up at me and asked me to dance with her..i was like
..and i said.."excuse me, but i dont dance with ladies"..
Oh my..did she blooowww! it turned out that she is an lesbian from
what the bartender told me! When my hubby came back, he was
like what the heck happened here?? She was blowing off at me cuz
i just rejected her, goooood grieef! He got the drift, and told her
to buzz off! Well, she did for a bit until after a couple of hours, we
decided to go home, ..lo and behold, she was standing outside and
she continued to berate me...i could not believe it..my hubby told
her if she dont quit, he will call the cops..She backed off after that
comment....crikey! I dont look like a dyke so i dont understand why
she was attracted to me....
Anyways, skullchick you are a very nice person so dont feel downtrodden
if nobody talks to you or even respond to you..it has happened to me a
few times but i dont let it bother me. You are also a very smart person too.