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  1. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    ASL is not SEE. I don't sign SEE. ASL is not a sign system It is a language. What do you think the L stands for? BSL is a language. In France they speak French. That isn't English. It is a different language than what you speak. Does that mean French is real? You are just full of...
  2. J

    CI Evaluation on monday

    If I had already made the decision I wouldn't have gone. At that point (3 years ago) I hadn't made the decision. I went for the evaluation and thought about it for almost another year before coming to my decision.
  3. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    A good part of our Deaf cultural community in Toronto, and in Canada, wears hearing aids. To be cultural Deaf doesn't mean to hear nothing. There are people who are audiologically hard of hearing who identify as Deaf because they use ASL to communicate and they are part of the culture. Deaf...
  4. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    So is the color of your shirt, or your sofa, or your bedspread. I assume you put some thought into the colors or designs you chose for those though. My hearing aid is the same. I am not at all upset that you do not associate with or involve yourself in Deaf culture. However, it upsets me...
  5. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    drphil - none of us are suggesting you learn ASL. At least I am not. However I know all of us would appreciate if you stopped calling our language a "sign system" because it is a language. We would also appreciate if you stopped denying the existence of our culture. Living in Toronto we...
  6. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    That was a bit of an exaggeration :giggle: I communicate quite well though. ASL or English. I can switch back and forth quite easily. I can't use a phone. I can't function in a group setting, but from the sounds of it, neither can drphil. I guess the only real differences between drphil and I...
  7. J

    Hi! I'm Carmen, and I have some questions.

    Wait - so you entire opinion about Deaf cultural being fictional, is based on you reading one book and being late-deafened? Those of us who have had hearing loss or have been Deaf since birth, who's first language is ASL, who follow cultural and social norms of the Deaf community, who have...
  8. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    Your assumptions entertain me. We would not need to write, and you would not need to know ASL to communicate with me. We would do just fine, using your preferred method of Spoken English. You would actually probably find communicating with me much easier than with most hearing people, since I am...
  9. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    Is there too much of a threat to see a Deaf adult, without a CI, who is able to live a full life while embracing their hearing loss and 10%-15% speech discrimination scores?
  10. J

    MRI Tomorrow

    is it a contrast MRI?
  11. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    Culturally Deaf people do not. I do not identify as hearing impaired, you do not identify as culturally Deaf. I respect that. So you live in Toronto right? Why don't we meet face to face? Pick a quite starbucks or timothies or something. Sit down for coffee and then you can better judge my...
  12. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    I saw Dr. Chen first as the result of an ENT consult. Then I met with an audiologist for the evaluation. I know the process. Deaf people do not use the term "hearing impaired". We aren't impaired. Audiologically anything past the severe range is considered "deaf" anything above that is...
  13. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    Yes I am culturally Deaf. I do not want a CI. I have gone to Sunnybrook for the evaluation with Dr. Chen, but decided against it. I am a candidate though.
  14. J

    one ear dragging you down?

    I don't want a CI though.
  15. J

    Update - no more Mrs. Nice Girl!

    Cherie, I know we have talked and you know I am completely bilingual. I use both languages fluently, and I am completely comfortable in both. I am partial to ASL though, as it is what I deem to be "my" language. Despite being bilingual and comfortable in both languages, I want to be very clear...
  16. J

    Update - no more Mrs. Nice Girl!

    Faire_jour...I know several people diagnosed with APD and hearing loss. I for one have a SPD...which is more broad than APD alone.
  17. J

    Adult CIs in Ontario

    I have only seen one kid who is bilateral here. I honestly don't know many adults with CI - only 2 I think. 1 didn't get much benefit (implanted early but it was a long time ago when they were new) and the other refuses to use hers. Again though she grew up with ASL, and was no an ideal...
  18. J

    CI Evaluation on monday

    Alicia, did they do speech on the last audiogram? They don't bother with me at this point hahaha