Has anyone else had the problem of one ear "dragging you down"? I seem to hear better without my left aid because all I hear is pure noise.
If you hear better without it, take it out!! Do the tests show it, or is it an observation you have made yourself?
i think its cuz you get ALL the noise with the ha's ive found that too with my naids too...it picks up everything and alot of the time its what u dont want to hear lol
Yeah, from my understanding there is a decent amount of "processor noise" with the Naida's too. I also am pretty sure a lot of background noises that happen at a higher frequency that we would never hear with other aids gets transposed and therefore we end up hearing way more than anyone would want to.
You know what always confuses me? When people are like "I can hear birds!" or sometime else like that...well my friend has 8 budgies and I DO NOT want to hear her freaking birds. Speech -I want the speech! But, of course the birds are loud and my aids think I should hear that loud and clear too and I can sort through the noise to find the speech myself. It pisses me off because I know without sound recover I would never hear the birds to begin with! However, I need the sound recover for the speech. I think I am just SOL
Has anyone else had the problem of one ear "dragging you down"? I seem to hear better without my left aid because all I hear is pure noise.
yes, which is why I wore one hearing aid all my life.. Actually, it didn't matter which ear.. If I wore both hearing aids, it confuses me SO much that I couldn't make out the noises. So I've always wore one hearing aid. Sometimes my earmold get worn out and crack, so I switch to my other ear and I would be fine. When that earmold get old, I get a new earmolds for both hearing aids and the cycle start all over again
Dr Joseph Chen was the surgeon that did my Implant operation in July/07-- however. he was the last in line. First in line-Feb/07 was Amy Ng the audiologist who discussed the reasons why I wanted an Implant plus reviewed by entire Hearing history-St Michaels-ENT over 35 years. Also included was the Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto files on my many Hearing Help classes there-over 15 years. Speech Reading/coping etc. Yeah even took Speech Reading while waiting for Dr Chen. It seems to me having gone through all of this- before Dr Chen and still being ambivalent on whether one still wants an Implant-interesting to say the least. I am highly familiar with the term "cultural deaf" re Harlan Lane's theory-Journey to a deaf world. I am aware of the ASL classes at CHS which is next door to SpeechLanguage class-2nd floor Spadina Avenue. Toronto Ontario The current head of the department was my first teacher back in 1992.
Still in the end it is one's choice re Cochlear Implant. You are not forced! One footnote: Sunnybrook/Toronto rejects for one reason or other over 60% of persons reviewed over the last 18 years. As of a few months only 850 person were implanted in the same time frame. In Ontario- OHIP picks up the entire costs-$55,000 CDN- if approved.
Further: from class discussions at CHS- "deaf " means one can't hear EVEN WITH a with Hearing Aid. If one can hear a "Bit" with a Hearing Aid- you are Hearing Impaired-that was my classification-Profound - 85% loss.
Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07