Search results

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    30,000 drones over the U.S.

    Crazy! Vote yourself in to throw out all those police state stuff!
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    MIT offering courses for free

    Nice. But I believe colleges need to change completely. They need to go back to vocational training method of education. Not arm-chair education. Second of all, they need to stop having many unnecessary courses for their majors. For example. You do not need English if you are taking Art...
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    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    If you all dont like taxes, vote them out! Get rid of Obama! Get rid of dummycrats! Vote the right party, right people who are against taxes. Think about that. If you do not like it, RUN for political office to get those taxes and regulations repealed. I would do that if I were you...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    Steinhauer, interesting photos you have! Yeah, the crater.. The one in AZ is like those on Mars and moon and other planets and moons out there if any. The AZ is closely resembled to the ones on Mars. The desert, the way rocks appears after metorite crash to Earth, etc. You are right...
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    Whitney Houston is Dead

    There is a saying that there is a curse for musicians and some actors. Buddy Holly, age 23, young 20's Ritchie Valens (Richard Venuzula), Big Bob Richardson, Jim Morrison, Jopin, Jimi Henix (sp), some members of the Romones, Skyard L.. (sp?), John Denver, Elvis, actress Marliyn Monroe and Ann...
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    Father shoots daughter’s laptop after disrespectful Facebook post

    Sally, please stop drinking the Kool Aid! The Liberals in this country has destroyed America because they do not believe in discipline. They are the ones usually want to take take take. They are the ones believe in spoiling and say, "Oh it is okay, you made a mistake, it is alright." It IS...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    Of course, very screwed. However, they are close though. There are some speices of ETs are somewhat closely related! The Repellians who are similar to the Grays. They are taller, slightly bigger and of course both of those speices have large eyes just like those bugs! There are other...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    This is a good point. However, technically, we do not have that technology for a special telescope that can tell you about city lights. Only they have a spectrum scale that tells you air, water, gas, etc. Because of that, we have already found goldilocks planets and earth-like planets...
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    Press Release: Ghost Walk 2012!

    You asked how much. 10 Dollars for ONE walk or 15 Dollars for two walks. Cheaper if you buy a 15 Dollars ticket.
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    Press Release: Ghost Walk 2012!

    The ticket is good for ONE Saturday. Fans have a choice to go ONE of the weekends between Memorial Day and Halloween Week.
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    Haha, you may have not yet born or prior to the 1980's. That 80's Mall hair style I am referring is to.. ok.. have you seen Married with Children tv show? Al Bundy's daughter had that hairstyle. Melaine Griffith had that style in an 80's movie I do not recall the name of it. Look up on...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    Agreed. There has to be life out there. I know so too. Um.. about those Telescopes.. Good question. Never thought of it. The space version is better than on earth thanks to pollution such as light and gas that can cloud our view of space. If you are on a cruise ship nowdays, you have...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    That is a very good point, Steel X! You are correct in your anaylical point of view. Ants are very complicated and developed but to us, looks like nothing. But that is where we are wrong. You are right, ETs/Aliens are so.. advanced than we do. We are like the Ants to them and the Aliens are...
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    Press Release: Ghost Walk 2012!

    New for 2012! A new route for the UPNYTH Ghost Walk 2012! It is called Armory Square Route. It is a new route you can choose to take. There is another route called Salina Street Route that we had successfully run in 2011. The Ghost Walk 2012 also has a new location to meet! If...
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    Registering autistic children with the police: A strategic idea?

    I have a problem here. This reminded me of Nazi Germany whereas they forced you to register or they knew you are disabled, colored, or Jewish and label them with a symbol like a Star of David on a Jewish person. A decal on your car or house or even a business card I object them. Here in...
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    80,000-years trip to Alpha Centauri with Human DNA?!

    It is impossible to transport DNA This is silly. It is not possible to send DNA to another planet. Besides if ETs already collect our DNA as well as using Human females as carriers of ET Hybrids, why need to do this then? There are too many factors can go wrong. First of all, in...
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    Milk Way has more planets than stars.

    It is very possible to have a lifeform on other planets especially those in the goldilocks grid or band around stars. Earth is in goldilock band since it is the right distance and temperature to substain life. Mars is too far out and too cold and Mercury and Venus are too close to the Sol...
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    Yet another ASL student *sigh*

    Welcome, Jennifer! I saw the title.. Not to worry about the whole thing about being "another ASL student." Not to worry and you will be fine. I grew up "Hearing" in a Deaf world (Hard of Hearing) and now I am profounded deaf. So, I know how they feel. Tired of repeating same thing over and...
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    UPNYTH 2011 Ghost Walks!

    Sorry I was not on here in ages. To answer your question. I will email you direct and we can arrange something like this including a ghost hunt.
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    UPNYTH 2011 Ghost Walks!

    Weekly Ghost Walk! For those in Upstate NY: we are having our Ghost Walks TOMORROW JULY 30th, 7pm at the parking lot corner on South Salina Street at West Onondaga cross the street from the defuncted Hotel Syracuse, Syracuse, New York! 10 bucks per person 11 years and older. 10 and younger 5...