It is very possible to have a lifeform on other planets especially those in the goldilocks grid or band around stars. Earth is in goldilock band since it is the right distance and temperature to substain life. Mars is too far out and too cold and Mercury and Venus are too close to the Sol (Sun) that their surface actually liquified. That means it is melted hot with molton lava.
Ok, The Drake Theory back in the mid-century is becoming reality due to the fact if you take a number of stars in space, then there should be a number of planets that can provide life. Let'stake a look at the Drake Theory:
N=Number of total species which could be sufficiently advanced tocommunicate with us.
R=Average rate of star formation.
fp=Fraction of those stars which have planets orbiting them.
ne=Number of planets that can (potentially) support life, per starthat has planets (average number).
fL=fraction of planets that actually develop life.
fi=Fraction of planets that develop life that develop intelligentlife.
fc=The fraction of communicative planets.
L=Length of time required for them to do so
(Source from
Drake Theory )
All things are possible! Of course, our Solar System has most planets and others one planet each or at least two or three by now. Kelper Telescope has its limits that it can not measure how many planets each star it has. It measure the whopple of the star and measure that planet's mass and contents on it. Earth has 1 mass and contains water and Oxygen if Kelper was placed on another planet in many light years away.
Now, lifeforms and strictly I am using lifeform rather than intelligent beings is because it is more possible to have plants and wildlife on another planet than Extraterrestrials (ETs)known as "Aliens".
While we do not have solid proof from ETs saying there are 200,00 different speices according to a "Gray" who might be a Repetillian who took the Hills couple (Barney and Betty Hill). They even point out where they are from and used a point of view from Earth where (interesting, this star map Betty made from the "Gray" was drawn few years BEFORE the discovery of that location in 1973 by an starglazer fan.)
Of course, about 125 sighting daily Humans saw UFOs, known as Unindentified Flying Objects, not one yet officially come down to become our friends--yet.
The reason Aliens do not want to be friends yet.. have you all watched Anicent Aliens? Watch those shows on your computer thru Netflix, HULU, or YouTube and you will understand. It is on History Channel.
You will understand why they do not want to be part of our lives. They are seeing us as animals. Yes, animals. They abuct us, do experiments on us, take our tissues and examples. Sounds like a Twilight Zone tv show, right? This is exactly we are in. There are physcial proofs such as Roswell and Laredo, Texas, Aurora, Texas and the Kecksburg, PA crashes.
It remains a mystery. It is up to the American Government to admit they have UFOs. On Anicent Aliens tv show, they said we have about a dozen UFOs while Russia has eight UFOs. Other countries at least one each.
Interesting? Yes it is!
The Bible did not say anything about ETs or Aliens were created but it is possible they were created. We will stop here on this because this is another whole ball game to talk about.