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  1. S

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

    Thanks! I pretty much have them all memorized, I just get nervous :shock:
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    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

    I am nervous about my quiz on mental disorders of childhood and infancy tomorrow.
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    PTSD and abuse.

    Like it was said before, it's just how people respond. When it comes to PTSD, there reallly is nothing to blame - you can't help how your brain chemistry deals with trauma. That's probably why some people develop PTSD and some do not. I have a friend who was raped once and her PTSD showed up...
  4. S

    This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

    Ummmm yeah. LOL @ her and her gross misunderstanding and twisting of mental illness *face palm*
  5. S

    Organic Food does NOT mean it is healthier!!

    Well - I do think organic IS healthier, but if the source you are getting your organic food from is sh*tty, the food will not be very healthy. Also, I believe it is example important to make sure you know where you are buying organic goods from, because I learned that food can only be 1% (or...
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    PTSD and abuse.

  7. S

    Are you a coffee person?....

    No, I don't think I'd like energy drinks. But I do love chai! nom nom nom :naughty:
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    Are you a coffee person?....

    I wish I was, but coffee makes my tummy hurt =(
  9. S

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

    :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
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    PTSD and abuse.

    No. This is a THREAD about PTSD. The title has the letters "PTSD" in it. It is obviously a sensitive subject, and should be treated as such. Individuals coming in here to post about PTSD should show some consideration. I was attacking your approach, but if you want my personal opinion of you I...
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    PTSD and abuse.

    WRONG. It is a GOOD IDEA to word things carefully when talking about abusive situations, as things can be interpreted WRONGLY. Because saying "well they respond to stress differently" COULD be taken as "they cant handle it, so it is all their fault," when that is NOT what the person meant...
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    PTSD and abuse.

    It was just your choice of words that
  13. S

    I Failed my Road Test the third time

    Have you driven with an instructur from a driving school before taking the test? I did that to get my license, it helped a lot.
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    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    I wonder what it's like to be that deluded.
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    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    Right on, glad to see someone here isn't taking things out of context and twisting them. :ty:
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    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    As for the article: That is awesome. She is sending a great message to GLBT youth everywhere that they are not second class citizens and can achieve great accomplishments as well. What a wonderful message.
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    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    As I said before: That is a LIE. Sexual orientation is NEVER changed. I was sent to love in action when I was 14 and 8, count them 8 teenagers killed themselves because they could not change. I wrote a 12 page report on the ex-gay movement. Challenge me, nothing would give me GREATER pleasure...
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    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    I was sent to an ex-gay camp when I was 14 years old and 8 gay teenagers committed suicide while at the camp. I hold you accountable and everyone else who says orientation can change for their suicides.
  19. S

    First gay premier takes helm in Iceland

    Homophobia kills children. Thanks for contributing to that.