I Failed my Road Test the third time


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Hi All,

I am a good driver but i don't know when it comes to the road test i screw up things pretty bad. I have taken driver classes many times and i tell the instructor that i am hard of hearing but he just smiles and says i have to try and get it the first time he says.

I don't know why i get tensed up so bad.But when i drive with my husband i drive pretty good.

Well do you guys have any advice for me?

With Regards
What part of the driving test do you always mess up on?
My friend who is 4.0 GPA avg at high school kept failing the driving exam on the computer FOUR times. :lol: She passed it on 5th try at different date and it was a close call.

To avoid the driving exam on computer, you will have to take a one month summer class.
Is the problem that you don't hear the tester's instructions during the driving test?
It would appear to me like it's not the general driving test that she's not passing, but some specific rule that she's missing. Can you give a little more details?

Some random things I am thinking of..

Is it the parking brake?
Observing the rearview mirror?
Turning yourself around to look at the back window when backing out?
Hands at 10 and 2 oclock on the wheel?

tirunaharui's instructor during the road test should be writing down her mistakes on her copy. It might be illegible but it should by law listed out what she missed..

Maybe the test difficulty varies by state.
road test facility is very nazi.... :mad2: but of course - i passed on first try :cool2:
Oh, forgot it about road test, I failed at once then passed after that.

Road test is very pain, ugh.
Back when I was in high school, we used to have a guy that everyone called The Terminator. He failed many many people and some of my friends, he always said to them, "Hasta la vista" when they were done! No matter good or bad test!

This guy was extremely strict on rules and didn't bend them for anybody. On my day of the road test, I was unfortunately sad when he got in the car. I felt like I lost right there. I was very nervous just like anyone else, but I what I did was memorize the most important law breaking rules by heart and made sure I didn't forget them. I barely passed on the driving test, 2 points away from failing. You just got to anticipate and hope you studied the most important rules, memorized them, and hope the traffic isn't against you!

Keep your cool because if you get too nervous you start making more mistakes, one after another.

It is also luck on the instructor you get.
Huh, I'm surprised to see some of the ADers failed on their first road test.

I passed a first road test and got driver's license on the same day. The instructor finger-point at any block that he want me to turn around without any words, and I pass, even, so I drove through the yellow light and he seems doesn't care.
Is the problem that you don't hear the tester's instructions during the driving test?
It shouldn't be a problem since you should be able to come up with a way of communicating.

When I took my driving test, I asked my instructor what he would be doing. We then came up with an agreement of what could be done.

Hold hand up like a cop would be doing when telling cars to stop. This was to let me know to stop the car.

Point finger in left, right, and forward for direction to drive and thumb back for reverse. If I was driving, he would simply point forward then right to emphasize that I would need to turn right at that upcoming intersection. If he wanted me to stop and drive in reverse, he would do the "stop" gesture and then the thumb back gesture.

There were a few others, but I don't remember exactly what we did. :thumb:
Have you driven with an instructur from a driving school before taking the test? I did that to get my license, it helped a lot.
Huh, I'm surprised to see some of the ADers failed on their first road test.

I passed a first road test and got driver's license on the same day. The instructor finger-point at any block that he want me to turn around without any words, and I pass, even, so I drove through the yellow light and he seems doesn't care.
That's how it was with me.

I went to Sears Driving School when I was 15 (8 months before I turned 16). I had no problem passing the computer test. I had to pass the computer test before I could get my permit. A few days after my 16th birthday, I took the driving test and got 100. :)
Have you driven with an instructur from a driving school before taking the test? I did that to get my license, it helped a lot.
That's what I did at Sears Driving School.

I had classes in a classroom and drove a Camaro with a driving instructor. Those were at different levels. I started out with residential streets and stop signs (up to 30 mph). I progressed to city streets and traffic lights (up to 40 mph). Next was rural highways (up to 50 mph). Next was busy highways (up to 70 mph). The last part was parallel parking.

Going to driving school helps in 2 ways... lowers your insurance and improves your chances of doing well on your driving test.
It shouldn't be a problem since you should be able to come up with a way of communicating.
I agree that it shouldn't be a problem but from the first post it seems that the instructor didn't want to make even those simple accommodations.
I agree that it shouldn't be a problem but from the first post it seems that the instructor didn't want to make even those simple accommodations.
We'll have to wait and see what her response is.

If it is the instructor, then talk with the department that you're taking the driving test at.
Well, in my time. When I was ready, I requested for a driving test and I passed for the first time and got the license. I borrowed my mom's Honda for the test. :)
Well, in my time. When I was ready, I requested for a driving test and I passed for the first time and got the license. I borrowed my mom's Honda for the test. :)
I borrowed my dad's Jaguar. ;)