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  1. J

    TagDeaf thread

    Sorry to hear this. I have never heard of tagdeaf until now. I probably would have liked and benefited from the spoken ASL.
  2. J

    Does anyone else here enjoy words?

    Scrabble is my favorite, but I like a lot of word games. Word origins I have always found fascinating. And reading, of course. I came out of the womb reading. Here is a cool website if you like word games etc. Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site
  3. J

    What kind of animals do you have?

    You take beautiful photos! I have had pet rodents over the years, especially mice, most recently a little white one named Willy. When I was a kid I always had them, and as you know, if you get two, they soon breed and, well, several generations later you still have mice! Eventually I was down...
  4. J

    Who got snow?

    I just got off the phone with a friend living in northern North Dakota near the Canadian border. She said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping way below zero and the north wind is increasing to near gale...
  5. J

    My sister's son and his wife's cat, Daisy

    haha! My kitty would love this, almost as good as playing with the laser pen. Still, the paws can't be doing a world of good to that screen...
  6. J

    Enough is Enough...

    For the record I never said that adoptive parents "pretend" their children are not adopted in the sense that they are confused about or deny the reality of where their kids came from. I said that they are not immune to the same ideals of natural parents, and that getting a newborn as opposed to...
  7. J

    Do Dogs Need Sweaters When It's Cold?

    how do you connect this with materialism? Maybe inconvenient, say if you live in the north pole and get a greyhound instead of a husky...but that is the person's choice...though sometimes during the really cold days here, it can be a pain in the butt to have to put coats on the dogs every time...
  8. J

    Cruel & Unusual Punishment

    Sure I do. I have a good friend who did a good amount of time, my son's grandfather did 12 years for armed robbery, and an aunt (no blood relation, she was married to my mother's brother before she murdered him in 1980) who gets out on parole next month. Because of her mostly, I have made it my...
  9. J

    Science or Spirituality...You Choose:

    First of all, good question, Reba! And Daredevel, no, not too religious. What you are saying is true, and should be the way people live regardless of their beliefs about the end, or what happens when we die. I think that in obsessing about the past and worrying about the future, we miss what...
  10. J

    Cruel & Unusual Punishment

    No, but I also don't want someone committing sexual abuse, or worse, to my children so that they can make a few $$ selling pictures and videos of it to people like this defendant. I don't care if he had a hard life or not, lots of people have hard lives and do not condone the abuse of children...
  11. J

    Pics of you - Part V

    OMG too cute!
  12. J

    Do Dogs Need Sweaters When It's Cold?

    Lucky you that he doesn't mind having it put on! Both of my dogs were adopted well after puppyhood, so I don't think they were used to wearing coats. Those Fido Fleeces sure are warm, but they are expensive, I paid over 20$ for the extra small Oobi is wearing. And that was way back when I...
  13. J

    GIRLS: Favorite Nail Polish Color?

    i always have my toes painted, usually red, and if not red, some other very bright color. My fingers are usually painted, either I do french manicure or some OPI color. I have a few favorites, but especially love red on shorter well cared for nails. Sadly, in nursing school we can't wear...
  14. J

    Do Dogs Need Sweaters When It's Cold?

    I have little dogs, both chihuahuas. They definitely need sweaters. Usually at this time of year, they run out, do their thing, and run right back in...but if I am taking them outside for any longer amount of time than it takes them to pee, the coats go on. I have several, and the best are...
  15. J

    Enough is Enough...

    ugh...I know, this is pretty sad. One of my cousins did this, I think she was in the 7th month. The baby was already so big that they actually needed a coffin after the abortion. Why she didn't get the testing sooner, I don't know. Don't even know if testing for what the doctors were looking...
  16. J

    Enough is Enough...

    Ma'm, I am very careful not to include ALL of any group when I am making an observation, as THAT would be offensive. Adoption is a subject that I am knowledgeable about, as I have been personally affected by it, and have spent much time studying and researching it from the angles of ALL of the...
  17. J

    Can't we all get along?

    [/b] yes!!!
  18. J

    Enough is Enough...

    Reason being is that the newborn adoption is the closest thing to do-it-yourself, like the biological process..a brand new baby with no baggage. (Or so they think, children inherit more than just the physical) Easier to bond with a newborn, easier to pretend that there is no other family out...
  19. J

    Enough is Enough...

    So true, Rebecca. I am skeptical of any parent who says that they did not grieve or were not disappointed in finding that their child would not be like everyone else - it isn't as if it is wrong to feel that way, and it isn't focusing blame on the child - it is grief because you know how hard...
  20. J

    Enough is Enough...

    While I agree wholeheartedly with your other points, this one is simply not true. Adoptive parents are not immune to the same unrealistic expectations of biological fact, quite a few of them go into it with so much denial, starting with the very fact that they cannot accept that the...