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  1. N

    Never-Wrong Pundit Picks Obama to Win in 2012

    rolling7, it's laughable you think that McCain would do better!
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    Apple CEO, Steve Jobs resigns!

    grummer, you are seriously misinformed and your tin foil hat ... doesn't look good on you. Steve Jobs made only $1 a year and even with stocks, he didn't accept compensation so Apple bought him a jet. Steve Jobs loves his own company, Apple and it shows through his products. He saved Apple...
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    2% positive on welfare drug testing

    my cousin nearly died from alcoholic withdrawal in detox after drinking morning, afternoon, evening for many years. He quit but sadly went back to drinking and died from alcoholism. my other cousin died from alcoholism as well. Drinking moderately may be healthy for people over 40 but...
  4. N

    2% positive on welfare drug testing

    That proves that most aren't on drugs as conservatives try to portray them, eh?
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    Climate cycles blamed for driving civil conflicts

    They call it climatic determinism. Environmental determinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Tropical storm Irene approaches

    So, you want them to be roped?
  7. N

    Apple CEO, Steve Jobs resigns!

    That truly sucks. I love Steve Jobs... he's da man and I love Apple.
  8. N

    GOP Wants to Raise Taxes

    I don't think many even understand that concept.
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    Suspected pitbull attack, kills pregnant pro-pitbull woman

    A few months ago, my friend's small dog got killed by his sister's pit bull and it was out of blue - they mingled together just fine for years and all the sudden, the pit bull snapped out and killed his dog. :( He was devastated and he had the pit bull put to sleep.
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    Suspected pitbull attack, kills pregnant pro-pitbull woman

    wait a minute, he buried his wife with the killer's ash? That's insane.
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    Facebook 'Like' Button Declared Illegal In Germany

    What I am confused about though is how they chose "Like" instead of "Share" because if I click on it, I expect to "share"; it doesn't mean I like it!
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    Michelle Bachmann is a nut!

    It's amazing how idiotic and deceptive Michelle Bachmann is. She claims to be a doctor. She isn't. She calls Russia, "Soviet Union" even though it's no longer Soviet Union. She claims she'll bring gas down to $2 a gallon which clearly shows she's clueless about how oil prices are set...
  13. N

    Another reason why I hate FOX news

    Fox news is FAUX news.. it's filled with rhetorics and hyperboles.
  14. N

    Jury recommends death sentence for Cleveland Serial Killer

    See... this exactly illustrates the problem with death penalty... those convicted white killers are walking free... they killed three boy scouts children... think if they were black, they'd be walking free? Nope, more likely be executed. 'West Memphis Three' -- Convicted Of Killing Boy...
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    Jury recommends death sentence for Cleveland Serial Killer

    Jiro, the problem is that when you have death penalty, you decide if a person deserves it or not. And as we know from history, whites tend to get away with death penalty while more blacks get it. That creates injustice.
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    New Obama Stamp for the USPS

    And stamps only honor those who are dead. lol
  17. N

    Deaf Party !!

    Ok... address so I can google. ;)
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    Ci removal

    I'd think it's common. But please understand that presence of biofilm does NOT necessary mean there will be infection. It's usually the biofilm of Staph aureus that is causing problems. We don't know if other bacterias can cause same problems.
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    Ci removal

    They can't. They can only assume based on what you report. It does sound bad tho. :( The only way to know is to remove it and examine if there's biofilm on it. Did you take antibiotics before the implant surgery?
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    Ci removal

    You can have it explanted if you feel it's due to cochlear implant. In some implants, they form harmful biofilm (film of bacteria) and they cause infections or other health issues. Antibiotics CANNOT cure it because biofilms are TIGHTLY woven together and is resistant to antibiotics...