Suspected pitbull attack, kills pregnant pro-pitbull woman


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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YUP... We all know pitbulls are harmless and not killers, it's the owner, people are careless and not watching their dogs, etc etc.

Pitbull Attack: Pregnant Woman Killed by Family Pit Bull -

Pacifica husband forgives pet pit bull for fatal attack of his wife - San Jose Dogs |

6:25 p.m. PDT, August 15, 2011

PACIFICA, Calif. (KTLA) -- Preliminary autopsy results have revealed that a pregnant Bay Area woman killed by one of her pit bulls August 11 died from blood loss and shock.

The victim, 32-year-old Darla Napora, was pronounced dead on Thursday afternoon, August 11, at the couple's home in the seaside village of Pacifica, south of San Francisco, Pacifica Police Capt. Dave Bertini said.

The autopsy, along with an analysis conducted by dog bite experts, also determined that only one of the couple's two pit bulls, a 2-year-old male named Gunner, was involved in the attack.

The woman's husband, Greg, told police he came home from work at around noon on Thursday to find Gunner standing, bloodied, over his wife's mauled body, Bertini said.

First responders to the scene found the woman unresponsive in a front room of the home with massive trauma to her upper body, Bertini said.

A second pit bull was found cowering in the corner.

Bertini said Greg told authorities that Gunner had been confined in a back room.

When the dog managed to escape and enter the front yard, officers shot it three times, Bertini said.

Darla was an avid pit bull lover and supporter of Bay Area Dog lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls, or Bad Rap, a group that tries to change negative attitudes toward pit bulls.

Impressions taken from both dogs show that all of Napora's injuries were consistent with bites from Gunner, and there was no evidence that the couple's other dog, a female, was involved in the attack.

Authorities are still trying to determine what prompted the attack, Bertini said, adding that no evidence indicating that the dogs had been trained to attack.

Darla was an avid pit bull lover and supporter of Bay Area Dog lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls, or Bad Rap, a group that tries to change negative attitudes toward pit bulls.

Greg says he's forgiven the dog and plans to bury Darla with Gunner's ashes.

Follow-up on Thursday deadly dog attack in Pacifica, California.

In a surprising statement from the husband of the Pacifica woman attacked and killed by her pet on Thursday, Greg Napora says that he forgives their, male 2-year-old Pit Bull, Gunner. Stating that the incident was just a freak accident, he went on to say, "They (their two pit bulls) are the most loving animals I have ever had in my life. Whatever happened right now was not the breeds fault."

Whatever did happen, reamains a mystery.

Gunner was found over the badly mauled and unconscious body of Napora's 32-year-old pregnant wife, Darla, who died while paramedics attempted to revive her. Gunner was shot and killed when he escaped the couple’s backyard by police who feared possible attack.

Digging a little deeper into the couple's background, the seemingly impossible act of forgiveness by Napora became a little more understandable. His wife, Darla, had a deep and loving respect for their dogs, as well as the breed. She was a longtime supporter of Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pit Bulls or Bap Rap and groups who seek to promote understanding about the breed. These groups, as well as others, attempt to provide education about the breed and guidance for Pit Bull owners and potential owners in understanding the special needs and handling required to have a Pit Bull as part as ones family.

Knowing his wife's deep committment to dogs, it is not quite so astonishing that Greg Napora can make such a gesture. It is also understandable why he wants Gunner's female companion, a 6-year-old Pit Bull, Tazi, returned to him from the Peninsula Animal Shelter as soon as possible. With his wife, future child, and dog all gone, Tazi is all he has left.

Police believe that Tazi took no part in the attack and killing of Darla Napora so her return is very probable. Tazi is being held for observation while a necropsy is preformed of the suspect dog Gunner for signs of illness or other possible causes for the attack. Police are also investigating the slight possibility of foul play by other unknown parties in the interim including ordering an autopsy for Darla Napora. " never know, so that is why we are waiting for the reports to make sure we didn't miss anything,"said Pacifica Police Captain Dave Bertini.

Results of the autopsy and necropsy are not expect to be announced for several weeks.

In the meanwhile GregNapora is grieving for his incredible loss and hoping for the comfort of Tazi's quick return.

" She was a longtime supporter of Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pit Bulls or Bap Rap and groups who seek to promote understanding about the breed."
Time to ban pregnant women...
Very sad....Could the female dog be in heat at the time?....Some male dogs will attack you especially pitbulls. Few yrs ago here in Ohio, a male pitbull mauled a young boy to death b/c the female pitbull was in heat....I'll never have pitbulls as pets...They're just plain dumb.
How sad.

The autopsy results will be interesting. What if it really was an intruder who killed her?
wait a minute, he buried his wife with the killer's ash? That's insane.
DeafTim, I seriously disagree with you about Pit Bulls being "dumb" - WRONG.....
Same as if I wrote "all deaf people are dumb" or "all people with blue eyes are dumb"
I'm a strong advocate for Pit Bulls in educated hands and the right homes. They have a lot of ability and in general as a type, very forgiving and loving temperaments, and tend to be one of the best types of dogs to do well in temperaments tests.
It is a terrible tragedy but we don't have enough info. about what happened.

the example you gave about the female in heat and the young boy is also very sad but <unless the reason actually WAS proven> there's not enough info. there either to determine exactly WHY the dog who mauled the child, behaved as he did. A dog mauling a child simply because a female dog in the vicinity, is in heat seems very suspect to me....USUALLY <unless the dog actually has a medical problem in the brain> any of these types of things have been building up for a very long time, lots of warning signs given, and they were MISSED and/or punished out of the dog.

no type of breed of dog is "dumb". certain dogs behave certain ways because of what they were bred for and due to environmental circumstances.

all dogs bite, all dogs have the potential to cause harm.
DeafTim, I seriously disagree with you about Pit Bulls being "dumb" - WRONG.....
Same as if I wrote "all deaf people are dumb" or "all people with blue eyes are dumb"
I'm a strong advocate for Pit Bulls in educated hands and the right homes. They have a lot of ability and in general as a type, very forgiving and loving temperaments, and tend to be one of the best types of dogs to do well in temperaments tests.
It is a terrible tragedy but we don't have enough info. about what happened.

the example you gave about the female in heat and the young boy is also very sad but <unless the reason actually WAS proven> there's not enough info. there either to determine exactly WHY the dog who mauled the child, behaved as he did. A dog mauling a child simply because a female dog in the vicinity, is in heat seems very suspect to me....USUALLY <unless the dog actually has a medical problem in the brain> any of these types of things have been building up for a very long time, lots of warning signs given, and they were MISSED and/or punished out of the dog.

no type of breed of dog is "dumb". certain dogs behave certain ways because of what they were bred for and due to environmental circumstances.

all dogs bite, all dogs have the potential to cause harm.

I didnt mean to be negative. What Im trying to say is, pitbulls would kill anybody including the owner and family members. They just so vicious. I'd never ever trust pitbulls.

The mother locked the male pitbull in basement b/c the female pitbull was in heat. The mother warned her child not to open the basement door before she left for grocery store. The boy didnt listen,mauled to death, male pitbull had sex with the female pitbull and then took a nap.
:wave: DeafTime, :ty: for reply.
again however, pit bulls as a type are NOT vicious - actually the type <they're technically not a breed> are generally VERY people-oriented for friendly-ness because of what they were originally bred for. In a house robbery they are much more likely to greet the robber happily with excitement and curiosity than protect the property, and so they are NOT recommended to be guard or watch dogs. In reality, the type needed to be very non-reactive/non-aggressive toward people who needed to pull them out of the fighting pits or treat them for injuries and otherwise deal with them during times of high aggression toward other DOGS. So they as a group are NOT AGGRESSIVE toward people - as a group - it was bred out of them. <individual variances do come into account>
Aggression toward people and aggression toward DOGS are two very different things.
again - not vicious, no reason to lump "them" altogether and not to trust them. the problem is that the media jump on any of these types of stories and make such a fear-fest out of it when other dogs do all kinds of damage as well but make the news much much less.

here is general info. from a larger text of study on aggression in dogs that I copied and pasted here:

<begin copy from different site>
Banned breeds are no more aggressive than others, new study finds
Posted on July 26, 2011 by admin

Every study completed to date has found breed specific legislation to be completely ineffective in reducing the incidence of dog bites. Now a study of pet dogs in Spain published in The Journal of Veterinary Behavior, offers new insight into why. The study found that the so called dangerous breeds simply behave no differently from dogs in general when it comes to behaviors likely to lead to biting.

The authors looked for risk factors for various behavior problems as reported by dog owners. They found that dogs identified as belonging to breeds designated as dangerous according to Spanish law were no more likely to behave aggressively toward people or toward other dogs than were dogs of the random group of breeds in the sample.

What the study did find was that the larger the dog (dividing the 232 dogs studied into 3 size categories), the less likely it was to exhibit aggressive behaviors toward people such as barking, growling, snarling lunging, snapping or biting. Large dogs were also less likely to behave fearfully. This is particularly striking with regard to the breeds identified as dangerous according to Spanish law, since most fall into the large dog category and the rest into the medium. Thus they are disproportionately represented within the least aggressive groups the study identified. Another notable aspect of this finding is that it is consistent with a larger study conducted in Canada a decade earlier, (Guy, 2001) suggesting that this inverse relationship between aggression and size may carry over across continents and long periods of time.

In looking at aggression toward their fellow dogs, the study found that gender and age played a role. Males were more likely to show aggression toward other dogs, as were to a small degree, the older dogs in the sample, but dangerous breed identification made no difference.

The researchers conclude simply, that “dogs classified as dangerous do not seem to be more aggressive than the rest.”

The full text article can be purchased at Elsevier

Martinez,A.G., Pernas, G.S., Casalta,J.D., Rey,M.L.S., Palomino, L.F,dlC., Risk factors associated with behavioral problems in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Veterinary Behavior (2011) 6, 225-23

<end copy of info.>
I've been seeing the whole situation is that dog killings are a really insignificant portion of the causes of deaths of humans.

At around 30-50 deaths a year? or less? You probably have a higher chance of dying from a shark attack (says 79 in 2010) and people don't go to the beach everyday. Or getting struck by lightning (300's)
It's just the excessive news coverage over dog-caused deaths and pit bulls are getting a really bad rap because they show up the most.
ok, I did read your last lines of your most recent post about the two pit bulls/child/pit in heat situation - we still don't really know what happened and it's impossible to make the correlation of the boy being mauled to the bitch in heat just because they "seem" to follow one of the other. What appears to be and what REALLY are may be different.
So many different things could have happened between the time of opening of that basement door and the end result that are actually the cause of said end result.

so yeah it's still very sad, all of it, but there are many many factors to take into account. Stereotyping doesn't help anything.

:wave:naisho - yup, you were ahead of me and wrote what I did too, about how pits do show the most in these types of situations - excessive news coverage-
Very sad....Could the female dog be in heat at the time?....Some male dogs will attack you especially pitbulls. Few yrs ago here in Ohio, a male pitbull mauled a young boy to death b/c the female pitbull was in heat....I'll never have pitbulls as pets...They're just plain dumb.

I think you are scared of dogs in general.
I think you are scared of dogs in general.

You are so wrong. One day at my job,landscaper, a woman opened the door to talk to my boss and a large dog charged at me on sidewalk. I stood there smiling and put my hand out. Im like puh-lease. The dog sniffed my hand and walked back to the house with his tail its between his legs. :lol:
How friend has a pit bull puppy and I brought my dog over for a dog party. The puppy literally attacked my dog but gets along with the other dogs. I had to leave for my dog's safety but the pit bull puppy was so friendly with my children (they went with me) and everyone else but seemed to go in attack mode with my dog. AT my mom's in AZ, I was browsing through the channels and came across the TV show, "The Dog Whisperer". There was an episode that someone's Rotwellier kept attacking guests but not the owners. Ceasar explained that if one shows fear, the dog will feed off on that and my dog is such a chickenshit (pardon my language) when it comes to everything so it made me wonder if my friend's pit bull picked up on that and attacked her? So, maybe the owner showed some fear at one time and her pit bull picked up on that and went into agggressive mode? Just wondering....
You are so wrong. One day at my job,landscaper, a woman opened the door to talk to my boss and a large dog charged at me on sidewalk. I stood there smiling and put my hand out. Im like puh-lease. The dog sniffed my hand and walked back to the house with his tail its between his legs. :lol:

Praytell; why did that dog ".....sniffed my hand and walked back to the house with its tail between his legs"??? Do you recall what kind of dog it was?
You are so wrong. One day at my job,landscaper, a woman opened the door to talk to my boss and a large dog charged at me on sidewalk. I stood there smiling and put my hand out. Im like puh-lease. The dog sniffed my hand and walked back to the house with his tail its between his legs. :lol:

Ok. I thought you were afraid of dogs. Like you dislike going outside to run because of the dogs would chase you. It gave me ideas that either you dislikes dog or scared of dog. :aw:
Praytell; why did that dog ".....sniffed my hand and walked back to the house with its tail between his legs"??? Do you recall what kind of dog it was?

I have seen on that TV show, that Ceasar put his hand out to calm the dogs down.
Not a fan of Pit Bulls....and yes, I am scared of them..... this story is really horrible... unbelievable that the man would bury the dog's ashes with his wife....Pit Bulls are not allowed where I live. I wouldn't live here if they were.
Not a fan of Pit Bulls....and yes, I am scared of them..... this story is really horrible... unbelievable that the man would bury the dog's ashes with his wife....Pit Bulls are not allowed where I live. I wouldn't live here if they were.

same, i dont like pitbulls, never have, never trusted them, even at my old work i had to do the dirty work of walking them, some liked me alot despite, but still its a game of dice with those walking timebombs...
and they can BITE...that alone is lethal