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  1. anakin

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
  2. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Ooh, jackhammer.. don't tempt me, PFH! Barely around :( school/work's been keeping me busy. I just wrapped up my summer semester and I have a two-week break before the fall semester starts.. siiigh. I should catch up with AllDeaf!
  3. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Back again. The pain has returned, except it's a dull one. It's worse now. I don't know why it's happening.. and I don't want to have to keep going back for steroid injections. Ugh. I wish there were more information about long-term risks or something like that. I currently don't have the funds...
  4. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Hey, I'm back. I had the appointment a couple of hours ago, and the medication didn't work in getting rid of the pain. It made me extremely sleepy. Like I said earlier, the next step is steroid injections.. so I got one near the CI area. The pain has disappeared for now, which is a good thing. I...
  5. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Hi! The doctor thinks it's a skin nerve irritation, so he prescribed me some Elavil (a tricyclic anti-depressant, weird!) for it. I have to give it a few weeks for it to work, so we'll see. I have another appointment on January 18 to check up on this pain. If the medication doesn't work, then...
  6. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Haha, whoa! I called the hospital and they only hold records for 7 years, so my records are pretty much gone. My parents are going to look for them at their house and send them over to me - that is, if they find some.
  7. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    I'll keep everyone posted about this. The appointment is on November 4th (that's the soonest they could do - busy office!) with my ENT who is also a CI specialist. Jiro, I see you're still selling those sunglasses.. is the business still going well? ;) JClarke, hello! I'm not sure about the...
  8. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    I am going to see one this month. 1994 for me.. it's been a long time! I am, I am, I am! I wasn't asking for a diagnosis. I already said I was going to see a doctor in the original post. I just wanted to know if someone else has experienced something similar to this. From what I've...
  9. anakin

    Pain in the CI area?

    Hello! I know I haven't posted in quite a while. This issue has been bothering me for a few months and I was wondering if anyone went through the same thing as I am right now. I have a CI on the right side of my head. I got it when I was 7 years old, and I'll be 23 next month. I only use it on...
  10. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    i would like to apologize for derailing the thread.. i'll stop now. good night, everyone. :)
  11. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    most drug tests use urine - if the person is a nonsmoker, it'd be gone in 3 days or less - emphasis on the less because it's secondhand. i don't know about hair tests, though.. i haven't really read up on how being around cannabis smoke will allow your hair to test positive for THC. :dunno: hair...
  12. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    dude, i wouldn't use it around people who wouldn't feel comfortable with it. it's a part of being responsible. a contact high ("secondhand smoke") can occur, but it is VERY rare, and it only has happened to one person that i know of so far - but i'm not sure about him, he could've faked it...
  13. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    except you can get alcohol poisoning from consuming too much alcohol.. there have been deaths from alcohol use. none from cannabis use. if you think you've consumed too much cannabis, you'd just go to sleep...
  14. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    yup, but there's a conflict -- what if a mother uses it for medical reasons? smoking isn't the only way to consume it.
  15. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    straight from granny storm crow's list:
  16. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    agreed, but it is hardly the factor in those accidents. if you're actually driving while stoned, you're more aware of your surroundings (paranoia is quite common) and you drive slower. the same thing could be said for antidepressants -- they do alter the state of your mind, and yet they are...
  17. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    first one - Kewitt also said he failed to clear frost from the entire windshield of his truck, limiting his vision as he drove. Kewitt was on his way to work at Duke's Concrete Construction Co., which owned the truck he was driving. this should be self-explanatory... second one - He said...
  18. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    please take a look at granny storm crow's list: Granny Storm Crow's List | The Cannabis Network if alcohol and tobacco can be used 'responsibly' then why can't cannabis be used responsibly as well? i'm a responsible user -- i still do well at my job at a software company, and i've been...
  19. anakin

    When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

    1 in 3 americans has tried cannabis, and i've heard you have to smoke 1500 pounds of it within 15 minutes for it to become toxic. that is absolutely impossible, you would just go to sleep if you get way too high. check out granny storm crow's list. it's a collection of articles on how cannabis...
  20. anakin

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    i have absolutely nothing to say, so i am posting in a thread about absolutely nothing.