When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

Well, just be careful with it. And don't smoke it around people who may not want expose to it.
lol that's not gonna happen because that would means smoking it in plain view in public, asking to get arrested.

If pots and alcohol a dangerous mix, and one is drinking in the same room with one who is smoking pot, does that affect the one who is drinking. I am curious how it affect the 2nd party.
they will all just pass out and wake up with condom in their ass :giggle:
Well, I could agree there are different types of cannabis that contains varying of strengths. Some are stronger in effects than others. Although, I would have to agree that driving is not recommended while under the influence of cannabis.

I never drove while under the influence of cannabis, I just never felt the need to. Besides, it would be stupid anyway, considering the risks of being pulled over. Not a good idea.


doesn't really matter what kind or how potent or whatsoever. It's still DUI.
dude, i wouldn't use it around people who wouldn't feel comfortable with it. it's part of being responsible. a contact high ("secondhand smoke") can occur, but it is VERY rare, and it only has happened to one person that i know of so far - but i'm not sure about him, he could've faked it.

I agree and secondhand exposure, called "passive exposure" can do great harm being near some who has a work environment that conducts random drug tests. I would hate to be the cause of someone losing their job if they tested positive.

I agree and secondhand exposure, called "passive exposure" can do great harm being near some who has a work environment that conducts random drug tests. I would hate to be the cause of someone losing their job if they tested positive.


simple - they can leave.
I agree and secondhand exposure, called "passive exposure" can do great harm being near some who has a work environment that conducts random drug tests. I would hate to be the cause of someone losing their job if they tested positive.


most drug tests use urine - if the person is a nonsmoker, it'd be gone in 3 days or less - emphasis on the less because it's secondhand. i don't know about hair tests, though.. i haven't really read up on how being around cannabis smoke will allow your hair to test positive for THC. :dunno: hair tests are more expensive.

be responsible about it and use it in moderation, that's all.
i would like to apologize for derailing the thread.. i'll stop now. good night, everyone. :)