Search results

  1. D

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    We're culturally deaf, not medically deaf. Doctors cannot prove if a person is deaf or not since they can't operate an audiograph. IIRC, Dr. Epstein in MD can in the past.
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    Being deaf in discriminating hearing world (long)

    my deaf teacher once was pulled out from the study hall room since the kids were making noise and since she was deaf, the other teachers walking by can hear. Time to install VP in the classroom and the interpreter can sign for any noise..... Be a Professional. Not a deaf Professional. VR or...
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    Most deaf childrens' parents never learn to sign

    not all deaf people can sign. Not all deaf people are oral. We're culturally deaf, not medically deaf. AG BEll's wife was deaf, right? And ATT give millions of dollars to AGB Association. nice royalty.
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    Toys R Us sued for gender discrimination

    Most of the staff at Toys R Us I went to are female. Those Swedish kids needs to go to their own stores and see toys break down by gender, class, race and disability.
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    Ammaino to Schwarzenegger: "Kiss My Gay Ass"

    they're liberals, ok for them to say this accordng to the mainstreamed media....
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    Tmobile fail?

    odd, tmail emails cannot be accessed through the computer. Taking out and back the SIM card still doesn't work.
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    Once Applied for first time SSI!

    wel you gotta be careful. Anyone coming from Pakistan (who are ripping off our tax dollars according to the GAO) is on the watch list at the borders/airports. Did your family lived with you the whole time in the U.S.? Your story doesn't make sense to me.
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    Tmobile fail?

    my wife sid this is the same problem every year, around the same time. And the person who first comment on tmobile going out of business, check your facts first. Smart people do.
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    How do I explain ASL dialects?

    RID offer workshop in religious interpreting. check the local chapters. The National Organization on Disability - Home Page also had a religious section, set up by Ginny Thornburg.
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    Phonak Supero feedbacking

    how much is this Phonak HA? IS this analog or digital?
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    Close Captioning Missing !

    yes the company paid for the ads. The Super Bowl Commercial Review - Captioning Commercials. listed Super Bowl ads that are not CC. I once email a company to email a transcript and they did. They were working on having it cc. Most companies won't know we're wathcing their ads unless we tell...
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    Deaf Med Student Says College Should Provide Him Simultaneous Translation

    something wrong to play the deaf card? Look at the millions of dollars in diversity and minority programs many universities are paying and nothing for the deaf/HOH.
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    Close Captioning Missing !

    The ADA under Title V required all federal funded ads to be cc. according to Closed Captioning Web (the Jamie Berke website). Title II required all local and city and state government to cc their ads too. Work with them , give them the name of the local captioning service, etc.
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    White House to Fox News: You lie!

    I watch Fox News. ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN don't cover the marches in DC, the beatings of white kids by black gangs, th OBama and Biden SNAFU things, etc.
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    FBI Warrants against two VRS companies and other companies

    CAC is what? PAH is hiring lotta of people now.
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    Question about SSDI/SSI without an Interpreter

    Some deaf friends of mine who worked at the SSA are really frustrated because of the GAO auditing reports (you can see them at U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)) and the way SSA approved a high number of so-called disabled cases. SSA is so messed-up. They would know about terps...
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    Once Applied for first time SSI!

    Are you an American citizen? Why would you move back to your native country if you're an American???? You can get unemployment benefits since you paid the payroll tax. SSA will check with the IRS for any income earned more than $899 in any months.... << I have to apply and move to my native...
  18. D

    Charter school vs. state deaf school

    National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities did some research on charter schools but they followed the NEA and DNC party line, that charter schools is bad even though The Heritage Foundation - Conservative Policy Research and Analysis released a report that most liberal...
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    Problems with My Step Son

    do some tough love, kick him out, find him a job, send him to a rehab counselor, to AA-like meeting for drugs, Outward Bound, etc. My local school have a program sending troubled kids to visit a jail where some of the hardened criminals wil give those kids long lecture. Believe it or not, it...
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    Bully in school.

    Can the principal do anything? More and more state have laws against bully. The only thing is that your child might be shunned or ostracized for reporting or being a snitch. There are way around it, join a team or a club. Is there a peer system? There are more bullying in middle school than high...