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    HOH & Deaf and Learning How to Speak a Second Language

    IMO, learning a second language as an adult is difficult. Have you looked into learning French via the system of Cued Speech?
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    UbiDuo Questions

    Dodge Trucker What about independence? I find it interesting that you claim you would choose an interpreter, when it appears from your writing that you are not experiencing the same implied struggles with English as members of Deafhood.:hmm:
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    "Isn't It Nice WhenThings Just Work" - Honda Commercial

    If you thought that the people who set up a room full of dominoes to have them knocked over later was amazing, you haven't seen anything yet. There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in these images. Everything that you see happened in real time exactly as you see it. The recording...
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    Advice for teaching math to an adult deaf student who doesn't sign?

    Interesting! Would someone describe the lesson and the type/use of manipulatives for something like this: -7X = Y = 20 -14x- 2y = 20 OR THIS y = 3sinx - 4cosx Thanks. :)
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    THRASS Phoneme Machine

    Interesting. I wonder why there are no cues with the words. It would be nice to see how you feel about it once you are further into the system. I cannot download it as this is not available to Canada.
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    THRASS Phoneme Machine

    Thanks for trying to provide me a clearer understanding of what you were meaning. :) I would agree that with lip reading alone, how would one transfer that skill to printed word. :dunno2: I can see how the article caould read rather confusing. I appreciate how you pointed this out. The...
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    Audism Free America: Outcomes of the Historic Meeting and Rally

    No it isn't now November Gypsy. Unfortunately for some people they live/view life from the past.
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    To all hearing parents of Deaf kids

    Excellent post Cheri! Parents choices need to be respected. Bullying parents into something that they are not capable of doing, for many reasons, is completely ineffective, and simply instills fear and/or polarizes the relationship. While I agree that it would be nice for all hearing parents...
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    THRASS Phoneme Machine

    Bottesini - Did you see my question and comments?
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    To all hearing parents of Deaf kids

    Sign and speech at the same time is neither the language ASL or English. No or incomplete language in no or incomplete language out. It is imperative (imo) that the families have a clear understanding of all their choices for language acquisition.
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    THRASS Phoneme Machine

    Would you expand on your statement please. :) How exactly do you see "that might be helpful in practicing speech reading"? Can you provide me with an example from your perspective. As well would you you provide greater detail for me regarding the second part of your statement," don't...
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    THRASS Phoneme Machine

    National Cued Speech Association OnCue Newsletter Spring 2009
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    Best way to develop oral skills?

    Daredevel7- And this surprises you? :shock:
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    Best way to develop oral skills?

    ASL gives you access to ASL. Cueing gives you access to English.
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    Best way to develop oral skills?

    Jiro - I certainly did not "suddenly change the name". :roll: Let me explain then please. Cued Speech is the name of the system ( hand shapes for consonant sounds and hand placements for vowel sounds), thus the term Cued Speech. The language that is being cued is English, thus the term Cued...