Search results

  1. 1purple_panda

    Curious about spring clean

    Maybe you need flylady?? ;) Check out This is more helpful with keeping up with house cleaning 15 minutes at a time. . If you dont want to subscribe from You can just go to any book store and look for bright pink book called...
  2. 1purple_panda

    Where is GOD?

    I think its slightly possible. . Just as a child at some point can see their "imaginary friend". . I do find it quite weird. . My last Pastor died & went to Heaven. . He often mentioned being concerned for the type of world his granddaughter and my daughter would be growing up in. . One...
  3. 1purple_panda

    Where is GOD?

    In Old Testament, people were under the law. . because Jesus has not come to Earth to die & save us from sin. . In New Testament, people are under Grace. . now that Jesus has died. . All we got to do is believe in God and repent (180 degree not 360 degree change) and we're saved from His...
  4. 1purple_panda

    Where is GOD?

    We were born sinner because of Adam and Eve. . Sin begets sin. . Like a stone in a lake. . It will just keep on going and going until everything has been impacted. . So like sin, once it starts it just never stops. . Did you know the story where God gave Adam & Eve a chance to confess for...
  5. 1purple_panda

    Time Machine: Did anybody ever experience this?

    Just wondering how would you define a "deja vu" moment? Cuz when you see something that you feel like asking yourself "hey have I done this before? Why does it look so awfully familiar?" Could you say that in a sense by mind you've done some time traveling into the future that God permit...
  6. 1purple_panda

    Men And Women On ATM

    *gasp!* :nono: it can be men that forget their ATM cards too not just women. . :doh: Or are males who forget their ATM cards considered to be too in touch with their feminine side??
  7. 1purple_panda

    500 posts

    *yayay* just another proof that posting on AD becomes really addicting!! *hehe* :giggle: :thumb:
  8. 1purple_panda

    Forum: Why lot more guests don't bother to sign in?

    Just curious to make sure. . I did notice while setting up options & such that there was an option to be invisible. . So if an AD user was online but invisible. . would they be counted as guest?
  9. 1purple_panda

    Have You Noticed? Part V

    Have you noticed spring break season is coming up? (Not every state has same spring break week - - thats why I call it the spring break season) ;)
  10. 1purple_panda

    What kind of floor you have in your house/apartment

    3 different type floors in my apt. . One hardwood floor One tile floor - - kinda like marble One multiple-color berber(sp?) floor If I had a choice I'd prefer whole floor to be hardwood. . :) Easier to clean that way and just put couple of rugs thats it. .
  11. 1purple_panda

    New game: "Should I...?"

    Hamburgers!!! :) YUMMY Should I go to ER or my normal doctor tomorrow to check my bruised toe from hit futon really hard? :(
  12. 1purple_panda

    Protect your kids!!!

    I did check out a similar link. . I'd also warn you if your city has different ways to say it like for example: Saint/St Jax/Jacksonville Pete/Petersburg Ft/Fort etc.. I did a search before and strange is i got longer list just by changing the names of the same city because of the...
  13. 1purple_panda

    Do you let children watch MTV, MTV 2, FUEL, FUSE or other young adult show?

    I wouldnt let my child watch it. . Why bother with it. . Its bad enough they have the dolls dressing influencing young girls to think they need to dress sexy to get attention from people. . and even somehow lower their self-esteem. . .
  14. 1purple_panda


    Suggest get a timer for your kid. . Tell them to do as much they can for 15 minutes then take a break for 5 min then continue again for 15 minutes. . This could help with their focus instead of easily getting overwhelmed and bored to work on it nonstop forever. . I heard that its like...
  15. 1purple_panda

    What kind of Cats?

    Love the tuxedo cats. . . Forget their official name but its too cute when they're all black with white paws and white spot on their neck. . Looks like they're all dressed up in formal wear all the time. . :)
  16. 1purple_panda

    Caption me! *fun*

    I thought the pepto bismol was a hair dye!
  17. 1purple_panda

    Caption me! *fun*

    No cavities!!! :)
  18. 1purple_panda

    What Religion are You

    Religion doesnt save you. . I voted for my religion as "other" as its better to say that I'm a Bible-believer and a follower of God. . Nobody needs to label me by my religion. . You wont find religion labels in the Bible. . Its just basically split in 2. . You're either a Jewish or a...
  19. 1purple_panda

    Jesus christ. READ THIS!

    Jesus command us this: The Great Commission 16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to...
  20. 1purple_panda

    Do you go to Church?

    Love going to church. . I even feel funny if I dont go at all. . If I'm out of town to visit in-laws I go to church in that area if possible. . Sundays and Wednesdays are awesome. . We have Pastor for 3 years now. . (The one before him went to be with the Lord after losing battle to...