Search results

  1. chucky69

    AllDeaf members ages

    Yup- Looks like it- so far! :D -charles
  2. chucky69

    How Gay Are You?

    Well, for starters- she hasn't kicked me - "OUT", of the house yet! :D:D:D lol -charles
  3. chucky69

    My Dad Passed Away...

    Condolences from my house to yours, and my the Lord Bless ya w/ His healing hands, and seek His Comfort! -charles
  4. chucky69

    AllDeaf members ages

    Happy B-day to a wonderful beautiful woman - who still looks 18! -charles
  5. chucky69

    why so many women worry themselves future, leads to have boyfriend?

    What makes me kinda laugh- are those people who - [THINK, they need someone significant in their life-Right Now, only to find themselves - single again awhile later. I have seen this played out so many X's in my 30 yrs as an adult- it ain't funny! Yet- those of us who took our merry-old time...
  6. chucky69

    what turn u off?....

    As a middle-aged dirty-old man, lol - I can c why the young, and - VERY immature guys , tend to THINK, your sis is good lookin'. Little do they know that when she is 50+ Y.O. she'll be a skinny saggy to her knees, former beauti! Keep a stiff uppper-lip about it- and don't let it bother...
  7. chucky69

    How Gay Are You?

    Hmmmmm- says I am 26% Gay, and to - "Loosen up my str8 mate ! These days women like a softer man to grab around!" The only problem w/ that statement- if women started to grab around me - my wife might out me! lol -charles
  8. chucky69

    Supremes Reject Death Penalty for Child Rapists...

    Yeah, I know- that's why I said in - SOME, jurisdictions.
  9. chucky69

    AllDeaf members ages

    47 years - YOUNG! -charles
  10. chucky69

    Does This Sound Corny?

    Yup- agee there a couple of short sentences, does ot a good example make! If you could give us a better outline, or such - that would be more helpful. -charles
  11. chucky69

    Supremes Reject Death Penalty for Child Rapists...

    And I hope y'all know- in some jurisdictions, if you shoot an unarmed intruder - you could get into a whole lotta legal trouble - Criminal and or Civil! -charles
  12. chucky69

    Poor Brooke found dead :(

    Yup- welcome to the country where the news is always fair and balanced! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: -charles
  13. chucky69

    feeling left out

    Feeling generous, are we? -charles
  14. chucky69

    Interesting Rant

    Sounds 2 me like he couldn't handle the harsh reality of one of lifes lil bitches - Ain't nobdy born perfect! -charles
  15. chucky69

    Ask JClarke Anything...

    Do u like Dire Strights? Olivia-Newton John? Which football would u rather play- Aussie rules, or Ameican? -charles -charles
  16. chucky69

    Ask JClarke Anything...

    ya get into politics? -charles
  17. chucky69

    who's hearie here on AD? (what are you here for?)

    Actually, I'm a little bit of both ......... L is 90% shot (I can hear somewhat w/ aid), while R is 50% (give or take a few %'s- or not quite HOH) -charles
  18. chucky69

    Ask SkullChick Anything!

    r u old enough 2 b my daughter? (lol) r u younger/older than bf? what r u doing 4 a living? -charles
  19. chucky69

    your weight

    Yeah right authentic! Noooooo-ooT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's like saying all true German males have black hair blue eyes and muscular builts!) ANd I am 5'3" & 165lbs -charles
  20. chucky69

    the happy happy joy funtime dance (lots of animated images)

    Want to put a - "Special", vid on here from youtube, but couldn't figure out how (I tried to figure it out 10 ways from Sunday- but to no avail). Help pleez? Thnx -charles