We had one tonight at a big family dinner. I missed most everything . But I still love my family.
We had one tonight at a big family dinner. I missed most everything . But I still love my family.
Blackberry Curve through ATT.
I agree, perfect hearing would be 50-50 cuz one half is just noise pollution.
I agree, perfect hearing would be 50-50 cuz one half is just noise pollution.
Yeah, I wanted to put it mildly.Feeling generous, are we?
I've been there a lot.
I'm the only deaf person in my family. No one really signs. My brother does try his best to keep me included in his conversations, but the rest of my family usually forget that I'm there and end up talking in a way that I can't keep up.
I came down to New Mexico with my grandparents and aunt to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday, hoping to have a grand ol' time.. but right now all I feel is just a lot of frustration from just trying to keep up.
What do you guys do when you can't keep up? I don't even know how to go around this, I don't know how the others could help, I'm completely clueless here as to what to do.
I was always obcession with Spanish language at young age and loved the "pure" dialect and accento of southern Spain. I wish I knew sombody who knows Spanish Sign and could have taught me.
No, way! how cool
It can be very frustrating when you are in a group and are left out. It's like you become a "non-person". I have that feeling at work a lot, especially at lunch time. There can be 20 or more in the lunch room, all chatting and having a good time and to me, it is like I am in Charlie Brown's classroom listening to his teacher (for those that don't know what I am talking about, I can tell people are speaking, just have no clue what they are saying. Volume is not my enemy with my ha, comprehension is). Add the sounds of the fan, chairs, etc. and it is a total mess. Sometimes my feelings are hurt, but most times, I just turn the ha off and think my own thoughts or play suduko. I would be lost without those special people that take the time to make sure I understand what they are saying, whether it be by looking me in the face so I can read lips or writing it down.