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  1. yizuman

    Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet (Video)

    Too bad he can't be criminally charged due to the fact that the statue of limitations on this particular crime has run out. (I hate those things. Should never put limits on laws.) The only thing for sure is the Judge is outta business. Poke him with a fork, he's done. The only one scenario...
  2. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    Who are you referring to, the molester or the dad that shot him dead? Yiz
  3. yizuman

    Millionaires storming in and demanding to pay more taxes!

    There's a diff between tax and tithe (10 percent), the church (or synagogue) collects the tithe for the purpose of caring for the poor and the disabled. No mention that Government is supposed to do that, in fact, they collect way more than 10 percent which is way too high by biblical...
  4. yizuman

    Millionaires storming in and demanding to pay more taxes!

    There's a biblical text that we're supposed to care for the disabled and the elderly. But the Government is against religion. Yiz
  5. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    I remember watching this LIVE on TV as it happened... Father of Kidnapped Son gets Revenge - YouTube Fark somebody's kid and he deserves what he's got coming to him. The Dad got off with 2 years probation. Yiz
  6. yizuman

    Millionaires storming in and demanding to pay more taxes!

    Oh I'm sorry, I meant to say, "Legalized Stealing". My bad. Yiz
  7. yizuman

    Deaf library clerk sues H.B. alleging wrongful termination

    Some people are emotionally disabled and they can't help but lash out from time to time. They key thing around people like this client is PATIENCE. Something people lack these days. I watched a guy at a plastic molding factory years ago who had the exact same problem. He was put on one machine...
  8. yizuman

    How Many of You That Wear HA's Grow Hair Long to Cover Them?

    Guilty. Been there, done that. Now today, I wear a buzzsaw haircut and I don't care what they think about my HA anymore. Glad I grew outta that. Yiz
  9. yizuman

    Millionaires storming in and demanding to pay more taxes!

    Besides, they can just offer all of their money to the Government, it's called volunteer donations. No need to force millionaires to pay more taxes, that's not only extortion, it's also stealing. Let the people decide. After all it wasn't until the 1930s that Congress illegally passed a...
  10. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    Yeah yeah, we'll see won't we? I can imagine you standing next to the perp who may douse your daughter in gasoline and lit her up like a Roman candle while you listen to her scream! "Please Judge, don't do anything bad to this person, after all, he's mentally ill." No, I bet 10 to 1 you'll...
  11. yizuman

    Proceeds from "The Hammer" benefit State School for the Deaf in Rome

    Rome? As in the actual Rome?
  12. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    Just because you're mentally against it doesn't mean you won't change your mind when I do crap to you and your family right in front of you, the second that happens, you'll want me dead immediately. So don't talk crap until you actually practice what you preach. Yiz
  13. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    So much for your hope of the SC agreeing with your stance and they betray you. Yiz
  14. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    If I had decided to rape you, then started raping your children in front of you and got out a huge blade and cut your child's head off very slowly while you listen to your child screaming as he or she is dying. You will want me dead 100% even while you talk outta your butt against the death...
  15. yizuman

    Millionaires storming in and demanding to pay more taxes!

    Nuttin' stopping them from offering a deal to pay more taxes as long they still get a tax break. Yiz
  16. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    Yep, she is capable. Look into our abortion argument. Holy shit did we argue and the thread got locked, big time. Did it? Yiz
  17. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    There's a diff between killing an innocence who has done nothing wrong and no evidence to prove otherwise than putting down a convicted criminal of a capital crime. This mentally ill argument crap has been used for years since the hippie days. Every criminal standing before a judge are too...
  18. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    No system is ever perfect, a perfect system is still like millions of years way off, providing we're all still here, not blown each other to hell or a meteor struck us or whatever that can set us back all over again. But as the old saying goes, "let the punishment fit the crime". Take a life...
  19. yizuman

    Ohio man excuted after vulgar last gesture

    Article made no mention of his mental illness, your presumption seems to have fallen short. But for a guy to shoot someone and then flip off his wife doesn't strike me as being mentally ill, but rather a defiant individual who showed no regard to life and to anyone around him, especially with...
  20. yizuman

    Video shows Albuquerque officer kicking suspect; 2 officers fired

    Source: Video shows Albuquerque officer kicking suspect; 2 officers fired | Just WTH are they thinking, just because they got a frickin' badge doesn't necessarily mean they're safe from criminal prosecutions. Dumbasses and now they've ruined careers, real criminals is gonna have a...