Too bad he can't be criminally charged due to the fact that the statue of limitations on this particular crime has run out. (I hate those things. Should never put limits on laws.)
The only thing for sure is the Judge is outta business. Poke him with a fork, he's done.
The only one scenario that I can think of if he's a big enough of an asshole to do it, is to file a lawsuit against his daughter for posting the video, claiming something along the lines of, "invasion of privacy" or some other nutty idea.
Based on my reading and his reaction from the whole thing, I'd say the Judge is prolly very POed, considering the nature of the harassing phone calls the family is getting from him.
He's gonna get charged for witness intimidation if he's not careful.
What's really bad is about these types of guys is that it's their instinctual need to have control. They will go completely nuts if he doesn't have things under HIS control. So w/o a control magnetism that they've built on all their lives on (and is suddenly whisked away), they go into total "apeshit mode".
So start expecting to hear more of the Judge's antics every now and then, if not outright murder against his family. Some asshat fathers do that ya know.