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  1. T

    I am mad that I have CI *sigh*

    Cloggy, I understand your situation. You have to weigh two things: putting a machine in your child's head versus allowing your child to remain deaf. From the perspective that the hearing world is more beneficial (in any way) than the deaf world, someone would choose the CI. If not, then...
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    Thorough manual available for BlackBerry problems

    Verified... Complete Documentations for any BlackBerry BlackBerry 8700 v. 4.1 Complete User Manual Should do it this time...
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    Blackberry phonerings

    Hopefully there are parallelisms that might help out with older models. Thanks for letting me know.
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    Thorough manual available for BlackBerry problems

    Hmm... I must've erronously assumed BlackBerries "updated" themselves with new applications, while adjusting old applications somewhat, so from this manual there could be found parallelisms in case anyone had a problem.
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    Thorough manual available for BlackBerry problems

    For everyone's information: There's a complete BlackBerry manual, irregardless of type of BlackBerry, available at
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    Blackberry phonerings

    There's a complete BlackBerry manual, irregardless of type of BlackBerry, available at Pages 181-186 cover notification profiles and features. Glad you got it solved.
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    Certified legally blind man changes his own fate

    The School for Self-Healing - Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT BTW, his parents are deaf.
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    QOEHook.dll not found; do-do?

    Follow the recommendations at this website: File Information - How to remove QOELoader.exe error problem
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    Vision improvement: artifical or natural?

    Here is a study done by Berkeley researchers that is progressing in the direction of Bates' findings. Watch the animations, of how plus/minus glasses elongate or shorten the eyeball. If one has myopia (near-sightedness), minus...
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    Big "D" little "d" oppinions and poll

    shel90, That was deliberately an exaggeration to try to make a point, [sorry for not pointing this out! ;)] but it doesn't seem too unlikely that hearing people can receive between 5-20 times more information than a deaf person in hearing culture. I have yet to see a study done on this, though...
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    Big "D" little "d" oppinions and poll

    I'll do this in Q&A format to keep things simple: Q: What is the general purpose of deaf communities and deaf culture? A: To recognize and meet the needs of hearing-impaired people, and give them a voice of their own as well as belonging/acceptance somewhere. Q: Why are they both...
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    Big "D" little "d" oppinions and poll

    I agree with you Hear Again, on most things you're saying. Participation / amount of exposure to deaf events/people has a lot to do with consideration when it comes to what defines being culturally Deaf. On the other hand, some deaf people bear elephantline grudges against hearing people, so...
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    BlackBerry 8700g - length of credit approval wait?

    42 hours after initially ordering, the credit approval came through. The BlackBerry 8700g is already shipped and should arrive shortly.
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    Big "D" little "d" oppinions and poll

    "Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."--Einstein
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    Big "D" little "d" oppinions and poll

    Funny how prejudices begets prejudices. Prejudices taken by deaf people across America are impacted by America's sociocultural values and prejudices. In HS, I had a hard time making American friends who wanted to know me for the individual I am, not for sign language. I found it was quicker...
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    BlackBerry 8700g Problems

    A section from OS 4.1 for BlackBerries: Option to disable alerts while in a call If you find it annoying to hear the alert tone while you are in a call, now you have the option to disable this disturbance. This is available through the Profiles screen for applications that triggers a reminder...
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    BlackBerry 8700g Problems

    Wow I hate those little technological quirks. Since you find this issue particularly annoying, may I also suggest considering a different holster if you are unable to fix it through the BlackBerry itself? Personally, I didn't want a plastic holster anyway because I didn't see it providing much...
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    BlackBerry 8700g - length of credit approval wait?

    Hello... yesterday I ordered a BlackBerry 8700g through Welcome to! > Inphonic. I got the plan geared towards deaf customers. There's a credit approval wait. I'm wondering two things... 1. How long was the credit approval wait for you or others you know who got the BB 8700g the...
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    Bond Conduction Hearing Aid (BoCoHa)

    During my research earlier, I ran across this term spelled as Bond Conduction. Ageguard shows in big bold letters that it's spelled as Bond Conduction Hearing Aid (BoCoHa) A few recognized websites have published titles including the term "bond conduction" relating to the ear and...
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    Vision improvement: artifical or natural?

    Of course I would entertain anything you have to say, so fire away! :)