What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

This list of complaints covers what ticks me off very well. Depending on their degree of deafness, I'm sure most deafies at AD will agree with most items on the list.

But I'll be surprised if they agree that the common denominator is really people who are so extremely self-centered that they can't think of how others communicate.

Speaking poorly so some can't understand is really the same kind of ignorance many writers have when they write poorly. In fact, some here are proud of their sorry, almost illiterate English, and they write horribly on purpose just to make people angry.

It's the same with people who make it hard on deafies. They just don't care about others, and many are proud how they confuse people who depend on reading for their communication.
Can you read my lip?! (I hate when some men have long mustache and not trim well to read lip)

My dad has a long mustache and there are times I had trouble reading his lips and when that happens, he would pull his mustache up and then repeat what he said, He was soo hilarious when he does that, I just love him, he's such a cutie :lol:
good morning = began of the Day

Bye - see you tomorrow = end of the Day.....
When medical personnel approach parents of a new-born with long sad faces and tell them that they bring the awful, sad news that their baby is deaf. Kinda getting off on the wrong foot, eh?

That's a good one Tousi. And a very important variable in the attitude that parents develop right off the bat.
Hmm. I need to trim my goatee pronto. :eek3:

Good joke. I like it. But in reality, it's not goatees or even beards. It's long, droopy mustaches which cover the lips.

The one about Angel's dad holding up his mustache when he talks is hilarious. I've had one speaker do that, but he was stretching his upper lip so bad that I was snickering and couldn't read his lips anyway.
My dad has a long mustache and there are times I had trouble reading his lips and when that happens, he would pull his mustache up and then repeat what he said, He was soo hilarious when he does that, I just love him, he's such a cutie :lol:

:P Good one!
Good joke. I like it. But in reality, it's not goatees or even beards. It's long, droopy mustaches which cover the lips.

The one about Angel's dad holding up his mustache when he talks is hilarious. I've had one speaker do that, but he was stretching his upper lip so bad that I was snickering and couldn't read his lips anyway.

I can imagine you sitting there trying not to laugh..
Being a hearie myself, I could imagine that learning to read lips must be an awesome task. How hard is it to learn that skill? Very, very difficult I must imagine.
Being a hearie myself, I could imagine that learning to read lips must be an awesome task. How hard is it to learn that skill? Very, very difficult I must imagine.

It is not only difficult but very very hard on the eyes which was why I usually ended up with headaches or exhaustion at the end of the school day. Since learning ASL, I dont let myself be in non-signing environments as much as I used to.
Being a hearie myself, I could imagine that learning to read lips must be an awesome task. How hard is it to learn that skill? Very, very difficult I must imagine.

Difficult. British people say things differently than Americans and it's almost impossible for me. I've had no formal classes but I do ok in rochester or torono in the US and Canada, respectively.

Thread moved here from 'General Chat'-- ;)

Hmm...I'll add one: "Can you HEAR me now?"


I've gotten that a few times.

Here's one... "What country are you from? You don't seem to understand English very well."
#1 annoying all time - 'Can deaf drive?"

For me, one of worst and dumb questions I ever get:

After they write something then hand note to me.."Can you read and write?":fart:
#1 annoying all time - 'Can deaf drive?"

For me, one of worst and dumb question I ever get:

After they write something then hand note to me.."Can you read and write?":fart:

That is my favorite one!
#1 annoying all time - 'Can deaf drive?"

For me, one of worst and dumb questions I ever get:

After they write something then hand note to me.."Can you read and write?":fart:

I would think that hearies figure that deaf folks would not know if an emergency vehicle is rushing towards them. This is NOT my view.
Can you read my lip?! (I hate when some men have long mustache and not trim well to read lip)

That's interesting! One of my first experiences with deaf/hoh was while I was on the ambulance (before I learned ASL). The patient was having a horrible time understanding what was going on and then when I got there she announced: "Him [pointing to me]. I can hear him; he HAS a mustache."

Apparently, she read lips better when guys had facial hair.

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