Alcohol VS Mariujana

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Alcohol VS Marijuana

which is more dangerous to consume?

Umm, both. If drinking little too much, it affects your judgment when it comes to sex and driving. Same goes with marijuana.
both same,one rots liver other cause blood pressure problems both screw your brain...everything in moderation and use brain before using it if know driving or dangerous position....
Alcohol VS Marijuana

which is more dangerous to consume?


My opinion? Alcohol is more dangerous, because you can actually do a lot of damage with this, and kill multiple people with it, Marijuana? I don't know of too many deaths by this, but I DO know a driver can be charged with DUI if they're caught under the influence of the drug.
Alcohol VS Marijuana

which is more dangerous to consume?

Man (WoMan), Frisky, you get us into trouble with your thought-provoking questions. They can be both nasty. In college, we drank Cool Aid with pure grain alcohol. You can easily find out how high you are with a breathalizer (can't spell that either). In another thread, we mentioned how difficult it is to test how high you are with weed. THC is the whackomobile in that and stays in your system for a long time. I don't know that it can be effectively tested at this time. Medical Marijuana has a much lower dose of THC because the goal is to get you feeling not in pain, not to get you high and there is a difference. When my mom was at the end stages of lung cancer, she took marinol (I think it's called) - synthesized into a pill. She hated it. I know nothing more about it.

My own experience ... I'd take weed because I don't black out and I know what I'm doing and can exercise control. I had smoke that had high amounts of THC (that's when I said over 20 years ago, I returned some quantity to someone because it whacked me out too much). I also don't throw up or get hangovers.

But everyone has different reactions and who know what's in the stuff. Both are bad. I think walking in the woods is the better and more controlled option of the two :) .


Alright, you decide!

Still unsure?

Damn, I am having trouble finding that Marijuana was more dangerous than alcohol, so far I found none!

Hey, believe it or not... You all know I ride motorcycle. I have big ass motorcycle and YES I drove and stoned, even smoke them in between riding and have NOT had any issue. Those who claim weeds more dangerous than booze need to have their brain checked out.

After doing research how US government got involved in drug control business. Uncle Sam considered weeds as poison back in 1820! Man! During that time, everything was damn new to them. Don't forget weeds was first introduced to Europe and eastern countries was 1610, hey 17th century! These weeds were native only to America continent. Anyway, back to 1820, I do not think government and their own doctors have properly controlled the test to confirm how safe or how dangerous they were. I believe they were misleading because I am sure those who volunteered test may have mixed something else with cannabis to make it look lethal to them where if done cannabis alone, they won't be able to find death related. Or they have twisted the truth back then where nobody has instant access to information like we have today, called Internet!

I have witness some using crack, cocaine, Heroin, etc and I don't want go that far AT ALL! Thank god I never saw Meth or Kokrodil users.
Umm, both. If drinking little too much, it affects your judgment when it comes to sex and driving. Same goes with marijuana.
? Have you ever blacked out under either? If so which? That's where I have an issue with alcohol. Black out meaning you have a gap of time where you did something(s) you cannot remember. I would not drive high (meaning under either).
Alchohol, straight up hands down, no contest.

Now, you do both at the sane time stick a fork in you you are done.
both same,one rots liver other cause blood pressure problems both screw your brain...everything in moderation and use brain before using it if know driving or dangerous position....
Okay, and now we could actually complicate FF's question and add a never ending debate about what prescription AND non-prescriptions drugs to you. There are warning about the liver and kidney damage it can do to you. Want Ambien - that stuff Robert Kennedy took and drove his car and doesn't remember driving. There's a name for that (blacking out and doing stuff under ambien but I don't remember what it is). Zyrtec is potentially deadly for me. I take one to get rid of a headache. Two makes me appear drunk. I haven't touched it for six years...

(Sorry, Frisky, I didn't mean to complicate it and it's related.) But whatever you take can cause blood pressure problems and screw your brain. That's with the legal stuff brought directly to you from the FDA.
Alchohol, straight up hands down, no contest.

Now, you do both at the sane time stick a fork in you you are done.

Amen to that! Drunk people also don't wear seatbelts, either, and if they get into an accident and get ejected, they're done that way, as well, which is why I ALWAYS wear a seatbelt no matter where I am-- doesn't matter if the state has a law or not-- I'm a firm believer of seatbelts.
Okay, and now we could actually complicate FF's question and add a never ending debate about what prescription AND non-prescriptions drugs to you. There are warning about the liver and kidney damage it can do to you. Want Ambien - that stuff Robert Kennedy took and drove his car and doesn't remember driving. There's a name for that (blacking out and doing stuff under ambien but I don't remember what it is). Zyrtec is potentially deadly for me. I take one to get rid of a headache. Two makes me appear drunk. I haven't touched it for six years...

(Sorry, Frisky, I didn't mean to complicate it and it's related.) But whatever you take can cause blood pressure problems and screw your brain. That's with the legal stuff brought directly to you from the FDA.

Please dont be apologize. I enjoy reading your deep detailed explanation. :D be yourself to post it here anything that comes from your mind. ;)
In my opinion, no chemical that affects mental processes is "safe."
In my opinion, no chemical that affects mental processes is "safe."

That's why I don't believe in drinking alcohol. I have a very strict policy against putting harmful stuff in my body that doesn't belong there. Even if I wasn't on heavy meds, I still wouldn't do it, anyways, cause of what my parents did way back in the late 1980's, when someone tipped them off a police raid was coming. Never forgot that incident when they scrambled to hide the drugs before the police showed up. I was very little then, but can remember it vividly. It was before my brother was born, so sometime around 1987 or 1988. Thankfully, they are clean today.
Amen to that! Drunk people also don't wear seatbelts, either, and if they get into an accident and get ejected, they're done that way, as well, which is why I ALWAYS wear a seatbelt no matter where I am-- doesn't matter if the state has a law or not-- I'm a firm believer of seatbelts.

Drunk people don't wear seat belts. That is a very strange claim......

But if you're curious the most drunk person on the car tends to have least serious injuries (unless they're at the direct point if impact) their reflexes are the most affected and they don't brace themselves. They're kind of boneless

Not that that's a good thing about alchohol just a little bit of didja know?
Drunk people don't wear seat belts. That is a very strange claim......

But if you're curious the most drunk person on the car tends to have least serious injuries (unless they're at the direct point if impact) their reflexes are the most affected and they don't brace themselves. They're kind of boneless

Not that that's a good thing about alchohol just a little bit of didja know?

That's what I was referring to-- the point of impact where a person gets ejected from a car. Now, I may not know if drunk people do or do not actually wear seatbelts, but I KNOW my parents don't, even though they're supposed to, by law.
That's what I was referring to-- the point of impact where a person gets ejected from a car. Now, I may not know if drunk people do or do not actually wear seatbelts, but I KNOW my parents don't, even though they're supposed to, by law.

People don't...or won't...wear seat belts for a variety of "excuses" friend said..."I don't believe in 'em"...another said..."they are not comfortable"...list goes on and on....not just drunks who can hardly even remember how to get into the car....No one gets into my car drunk...or if they won't wear a seat belt. ...Far as I'm concerned...they can "take a walk"...or a hike.
People don't...or won't...wear seat belts for a variety of "excuses" friend said..."I don't believe in 'em"...another said..."they are not comfortable"...list goes on and on....not just drunks who can hardly even remember how to get into the car....No one gets into my car drunk...or if they won't wear a seat belt. ...Far as I'm concerned...they can "take a walk"...or a hike.

I wish I could invent technology to lock out my parents until they learn to start wearing seatbelts. I fear, at their advanced age, that if they were to get into a collision somewhere, it would not bode well for either one of them, which is why I wish they'd actually wear them seatbelts, but since I already do, I'm okay, but my parents? They have a "need for speed", and if they hit someone at 50 MPH on a country road, it's not gonna end well.
Let's see....90% of the booze-induced drunk people I've encountered are otherwise decent folks that turn into asshats & bullies....the other 10% were happy drunks. Many became violent & belligerent as well. Cannot stand being around them.

99% of the people I've encountered that were high on cannabis were stone-happy & laid back. 1% became really weird, but not once did any of them show propensity to violence.

IMHO, alcohol is much, much worse than cannabis.
abdusrd. people should be able to make their own choices.
the government knows best. we are all wee sheep that need to be told to put belts on or else. spare me!!!
your live your seat belt you decide.
it was a great idea....

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