Quite true, I have no idea you are a born deaf person with that perspective on life.
And I don't support any viewpoint. I make an observation of what it is like to go through life and interactions, and the common things that happen in that situation.
I know many people who have the same experience and attitude as myself.
No worries, I am known for my weird opinions and stances on things as is. I just happen to know a lot of hearing people and most ( not all ) of my family is hearing.
I am right there with you. I make observations based on my own interactions and form my opinions and stances off of those interactions.
I always leave myself open for a potential new POV from someone else, and rarely close my mind off to only one opinion. I believe to be wise and knowledgeable, you are ever-changing. Always learning and accepting to hear others POV's and not necessarily altering yours to theirs, but taking their information and agreeing to disagree or whatever.

I have my own opinions, but never do I ever assume I am right and another is wrong as they are merely opinions and not fact.

I'm just one of the few who can decipher the differences between them.
I know many people who have had the same less than desirable experiences as yourself too. I suppose I have had more pleasant encounters than yourself or them. I have definitely had some rather unpleasant encounters as well... I suppose I am more of an optimistic realist

and sway on the optimistic side of things. I know there's a lot of messed up people out there who treat the Deaf like they're stupid, I know this. However, I just refuse to believe it's most of the population. There are 7 Billion people on this earth... that's a lot to all have the same view point and treat the Deaf that way, that's all I'm stating.