Is it worth to be "oral"?

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So you think it is okay for the judge to commit this deaf guy to mental institution even though he is NOT mentally ill?

Do you have access to a complete history and story about the deaf person? still happens...even if a person might be incredibly intelligent, it still happens QUITE A LOT.
Koko,perhaps you don't see it or perhaps you're still so fixtated that being oral made you *special and a sucess* that you think that hearing people think you're special too...How do you know that they're not actually thinking you're not exactly bright b/c of a deaf accent, but they're too polite to actually SAY it?

Proof? Documentation? Or is this "Quite a lot" as you so eloquently put it based off of the millions of people "you know" and stories to compare them to?
Mod note:

The question to whether it's worth to be oral or not depends on individuals. There is no such thing as perfect speech because no one is perfect. Lately this thread is getting a bit to far with some arguments here that isn't getting anywhere.

If a Deaf person choose to be oral, good for him/her... if a Deaf person choose to use ASL only, there's no problem for that. We have different life to live on our own, we all grow up differently. To get along with one another and hearing world is entirely up to you.

With that being said, I'm going to close this thread and let the arguments cool down for the time being.... thanks.
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