I remember I was mainstreamed part-time in elementary and I hated it so much b/c I couldnt understand the teachers and hearin students were ahead of me. I was behind. That's all I remember. I know I cried...
In junior high, things were very bad. There was only one deaf program teacher and I made her cry several times. Me and my buddy were talkin about that on facebook several months ago. One day, this fuckin bitch who was in charge of the deaf program came in the classroom. I gave the bitch the finger and was suspended for five days. She even called my parents. She ruled us...she died last yr and on my facebook I said I wasnt sorry to hear her death. I absolutely fuckin hated that bitch...should seen the look on her face when she saw my middle finger...I would do it again all over...her face was purple.

her jaw dropped..

...her eyes were big

In highschool, things were even worst...failed all of my classes beside gym..the teachers werent patient with me..one day, female teacher unplugged my computer in very rude manner and students burst out laughin...it was embarassin. I remember one teacher got fed up with me and never wore the microphone again. I didnt even got a D..all F's..no one cared about my report cards... I told this teacher I was quittin school as soon as I turn 18 and she laughed at me. She enjoyed seein me suffer for no damn reason. Audism is downright evil..I know some of you know Im dealin with very bad audism. I just know that. After I quit school for good is the best decision I've ever made..I was happier, didnt have panic attacks, no more anxiety.. it was greatest feelin in the world. I got over it very quick. The only regret I have after I dropped out of school is I left my deaf friends..I never looked back b/c I was desperately wanted out of there.. I learned this summer, my junior high school was demolished and that was a good feelin..dont have to ever see that school again...my highschool was already demolished 3 or 4 yrs ago. It seems like audists doesnt want us to be happy...can someone tell us why we were forced mainstream? that would be great! When I got my GED, only one person was excited for me..
My schools was 40-50 miles away and on Fridays were the hardest days to wake up and dress for school...I'd wake up at 5am everyday...so fuckin wrong...maybe it's the reason why Im not married and have no kids..very understandable I guess.
My last yr in highschool, I had 5 study hall classes..and what did I do? I slept and slept..one day I had a wet dream..

should have seen all the looks on virgin chicks faces.. I'll never forget that.

They blushed and stared at each others in disbelief..it was funny...sorry girls...even the male teacher was laughin with the guys.
The avatar reminds me of me when I gave the bitch the finger..we all know she deserved it. In my avatar is Mike Ditka, former Bears coach gave fans the finger.