Hello AJWSmith. I am glad to meet you. I am a late deafened adult. My hearing loss has become quite profound in the last few months. For a while I tried using hearing aids but like you, they started being less effective until it got to the point I just don't bother anymore. I am waiting to see another Audiologist to see if there is anything that can be done...but if my only option is those cochlear implants then I think I will pass.
I have finally had to come to terms with the fact I am going completely deaf....and while I had a few years to adjust...it didn't really make it any easier. I went through a whole range of emotions about it. Anger, frustration, (still have frustration), depression, issues with rude people, my family, etc. Still have some issues with rude people and family...but I'm not close with my relatives and therefore really don't give a shit what they think.LOL
Seriously though, it is hard when you've spent your life in a hearing world and suddenly your feeling cut off. I'm lucky...my hubby has been very patient and understanding..so have my friends....who are all hearing folks. I finally had to accept being deaf and take control of my life as a deafie. My hubby and I are taking sign language classes together. I've gotten to where I rarely talk anymore because it is such a strain on my throat now. Just to really show how hard all this has been..I was a singer. Very active in the music scene. I had a 3 octave range...(alto, tenor and soprano). Both my sons are musicians and are doing very well in the indie scene. But, music is no longer an avenue for me...and that was the biggest source of my anger and depression for a while.
I finally had to realize I was alienating my hubby and my friends and doing myself no good with the anger and depression. I realized I either had to adapt or die. So, I grabbed myself and gave me a good shaking and told myself to deal with this properly. So, I started accepting being deaf, getting help and taking ASL classes. My hubby takes them with me. Now I rarely talk because I can't hear myself talking very well anymore and I sound a bit...um...funky we'll call it....so I use ASL...at least what I have learned and can remember...(that bit takes a while...hence the frustration points.LOL) My hubby uses both ASL and we use either an IM or good old fashioned pen and paper when we have to.
I know it's hard to accept the loss of something so many other people seem to take for granted. Life isn't fair nor always kind. But, the one belief that has sustained me for most of my 42 years is that everything happens for a reason. No such thing as just plain old coincidence. I have learned to focus on being grateful for the good things I do have and accepting those things I can't really change. I am sure your family loves you and will help you adapt to the hearing loss and adapt to you being deaf. It just takes a little time and patience.

Stick with AllDeaf...I know they have been a HUGE help for me.