Adult stem cell is happening right now to cure hearing loss!

i think people are just happy to get sounds back, and more likely substitute the sounds they hear with their CI with the sounds they remember. But it probably isn't the exact sounds that sounded like their natural hearing. It's like this: My son was looking for a beige color crayon to draw a picture of himself. But he couldn't find the exact color that matches his skin color. So he used the next best color instead. He choose apricot colored crayon for skin color and it still look like skin.

Did you read the post? It tells reasons that you might not get great benefit from a CI, but they aren't reasons that a CI doesn't work for people. They are exceptions.

For a sudden. late onset hearing loss, CI's work wonderfully.
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You really don't get it, do you? The difference between hearing and profoundly deaf...

You have never had normal hearing,ever. Even with the most powerful hearing aids. You need to understand that.

I haven't either. Almost no person on this forum has. You really need to think about how what you are saying over and over is coming across.

You sound very much as if you dislike and discount deaf people.
I just can't understand the life of me why you think CI is just like natural hearing. Do a experiment and have one.
I haven't either. Almost no person on this forum has. You really need to think about how what you are saying over and over is coming across.

You sound very much as if you dislike and discount deaf people.

No. He is claiming that he is going to magically become a hearing person thriugh stem cells. It is ridiculous. He has said that people shouldn't judge him because he "wants to be hearing", and then he says, again and again, that his hearing aids have given hime "near normal hearing" even though his loss is very profound. I was trying to point out that he has never been hearing and never will be. He is so far down in his "madness" that I was trying to be blunt, to wake him up!
I just can't understand the life of me why you think CI is just like natural hearing. Do a experiment and have one.

I would get one tomorrow, if they would give it to me. I would love to know what my daughter experiences, and that would be the best way I could. But, alas, I still won't have the same experience, becuase I have been hearing since birth. I can never know what it is like to hear the way she does.
thanks, it's a weird blog and I didn't it was right to post people's comments without their permission. I think it is because I posted the link.
A lot of blogging software does that automatically. Just something to keep in mind in the future when you link to blogs.
ou really don't get it, do you? The difference between hearing and profoundly deaf...

You have never had normal hearing,ever. Even with the most powerful hearing aids. You need to understand that.
Or even the difference between "just a mild loss" and hearing. hear like a deaf person. You do not hear the way a hearing person hears at ALL! You've got a vague idea of hearing..........but its not the same as what a hearing person hears at ALL!
You really don't get it, do you? The difference between hearing and profoundly deaf...

You have never had normal hearing,ever. Even with the most powerful hearing aids. You need to understand that.

I know I never had normal hearing and I don't expect normal hearing after stem cells, just a huge improvement. I am realistic in what stem cells can do.

Have you ever spoken to a hearing person who lost their hearinng suddenly, and then got a CI? You are crazy to think that they get the same benefit as a prelingually deafened adult with a severe loss and hearing aids.

Yes, ive read their blogs and been in contact. None of them are saying CI is a cure nor that it gives them normal hearing. Their speech understanding is comparable to someone with a severe hearing loss wearing HAs. Here's the proof: A deaf dude's life: Cochlear implants give performance similar to HAs with 80db HL

i think people are just happy to get sounds back, and more likely substitute the sounds they hear with their CI with the sounds they remember. But it probably isn't the exact sounds that sounded like their natural hearing. It's like this: My son was looking for a beige color crayon to draw a picture of himself. But he couldn't find the exact color that matches his skin color. So he used the next best color instead. He choose apricot colored crayon for skin color and it still look like skin.

Anyone with realistic expectations should be happy to have some semblance of hearing with CI when they had little or none with HAs. If they want the best possible hearing, only stem cells can give them that like it did with Chloe.

Did you read the post? It tells reasons that you might not get great benefit from a CI, but they aren't reasons that a CI doesn't work for people. They are exceptions. For a sudden. late onset hearing loss, CI's work wonderfully.

It's a moot point when you can get stem cells now. Those against stem cells(mostly the culturally Deaf) will opt for CI instead or just stick with HAs. The rest of us can see and hear the clear benefits of stem cells over CI. A deaf dude's life: Stem cells is superior to cochlear implants. Well worth the wait! there's many other benefits.

I just can't understand the life of me why you think CI is just like natural hearing. Do a experiment and have one.

She could probably find some unethical doctor in China who would purposely make her deaf with ototoxins and sell her a CI(or two) that would be her choice if she would rather be deaf than hearing. Ive read about "deaf wannabes" and even the real deafs have reservations about "deaf wannabes" there's nothing wrong with being deaf, but there's nothing wrong with being hearing either. She's a big advocate of how important speech understanding is. For that, she would have to keep her hearing.

She could stimulate a (conductive) hearing loss with earplugs or cotton and see that her ability to understand speech decreases slightly. There are audiologists with special audiometers that can stimulate speech discrimination as heard thru a CI. She will find that speech is far less clear thru CI. I have done studies on speech understanding by those with CI and it matches that of a severely deaf person with HAs.

No. He is claiming that he is going to magically become a hearing person thriugh stem cells. It is ridiculous. He has said that people shouldn't judge him because he "wants to be hearing", and then he says, again and again, that his hearing aids have given hime "near normal hearing" even though his loss is very profound. I was trying to point out that he has never been hearing and never will be. He is so far down in his "madness" that I was trying to be blunt, to wake him up!

There is nothing "magic" about stem cells and ive said before that there's no guarantee to how much my hearing will improve. I could become hearing like Chloe or I could be severely deaf instead of severe-profound deaf or anything in between. I will accept whatever improvement I get from stem cells and be happy that I hear better.

I get near normal hearing with my HAs only in the low frequencies only for low frequency environmental sounds. I can pick up deep rumbling sounds from a great distance. My ability to understand speech and hear higher frequencies is rather poor. Hearing well with HAs in the lows helps alot, but is not enough to understand all speech, only some(my parents say I was at 50% sentence when I was younger) I would have to improve to a moderate hearing loss to get near normal hearing for all sounds, speech, music thru HAs.

A hearing person can understand 100% monosyllabic speech unaided. A 60db or better loss can understand over 90% of monosyllabic speech aided. A CI gives monosyllabic speech of around 50% which is comparable to a 75-80db HL with HAs. Speech understanding with sentence is 35% higher because you can use context. I scored 4% monosyllabic speech. I would probably understand 30-40% sentences on a HINT-Q test. This is why im getting stem cells so I can improve that.
I think Deafdude is a lot like me...someone who has benefitted so well from HAs despite a severe-profound loss.
I think Deafdude is a lot like me...someone who has benefitted so well from HAs despite a severe-profound loss.

Except that he says that he can understand 80% of spoken language through lipreading, and that it is so simple anyone can.

Oh, and he wishes he was hearing.
Except that he says that he can understand 80% of spoken language through lipreading, and that it is so simple anyone can.

Oh, and he wishes he was hearing.

I can understand about 80% of it via lipreading...*ONLY* on an one-on-one basis.

Yep, he wishes he was hearing...and I really dont care if I ever become hearing or not. If I do, I wont cry about it. :D
"A hearing person can understand 100% monosyllabic speech unaided. A 60db or better loss can understand over 90% of monosyllabic speech aided. A CI gives monosyllabic speech of around 50% which is comparable to a 75-80db HL with HAs. Speech understanding with sentence is 35% higher because you can use context. I scored 4% monosyllabic speech. I would probably understand 30-40% sentences on a HINT-Q test. This is why im getting stem cells so I can improve that. "

Hearing- Not just unaided, but at probably, 25 db, as apposed to the 60 db it is given in the booth.

60 db loss- SOME people with that level of hearing will get that score. Miss Kat would not have. She would have gotten 0.

CI- I know of CI users that score 100% on their testing. I know some who still get 0. Where on earth do you get the figure that you are quoting???
I can understand about 80% of it via lipreading...*ONLY* on an one-on-one basis.

Yep, he wishes he was hearing...and I really dont care if I ever become hearing or not. If I do, I wont cry about it. :D

Is it so easy that you would make your deaf child use lipreading? He advocates that everyday....scary!
"A hearing person can understand 100% monosyllabic speech unaided. A 60db or better loss can understand over 90% of monosyllabic speech aided. A CI gives monosyllabic speech of around 50% which is comparable to a 75-80db HL with HAs. Speech understanding with sentence is 35% higher because you can use context. I scored 4% monosyllabic speech. I would probably understand 30-40% sentences on a HINT-Q test. This is why im getting stem cells so I can improve that. "

Hearing- Not just unaided, but at probably, 25 db, as apposed to the 60 db it is given in the booth.

60 db loss- SOME people with that level of hearing will get that score. Miss Kat would not have. She would have gotten 0.

CI- I know of CI users that score 100% on their testing. I know some who still get 0. Where on earth do you get the figure that you are quoting???

You are saying that CI users get 100% scores on their testing?

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