Freddie wrote:
However, I am surprised and disappointed to see so many posters against stem cell therapy on principal. If you're happy being deaf, that's your business. Many of us are not and have a keen interest in seeing this research become a viable therapy. I find the condescension toward the people who are willing to try stem cell therapy - even now, when there's so little evidence that it will work at the moment - appalling. If someone wants to try it, that's their business and they shouldn't be raked over the coals for it. For many of us, hearing loss is a painful experience. There's no getting around that.
The only reason this research is happening at all is because of OPTIMISM and the refusal to accept "what God handed." And you know what? That's the only reason we've ever had any progress as a species at all. So if you're happy with your HA's and your CI's or just going au naturale, that's your business. But don't castigate those of us who want something more.
I could not have said this better myself. You hit the nail on the head.