Are you guys sick of the USA?

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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You saw the title.

I am a Deaf to the core individual that absolutely dislikes the USA for many reasons.

I'm about to move out to ANY other country. I seriously believe any other country can be better than the USA. (Yes, this list includes Burkina Faso, South Africa, and Colombia.)

If you want to know some stuff:
  • The USA media is constantly lying to you. This is the reason I do not have a TV.
  • The government has so many BS agenda up their asses it's unbelievable. They have bloated so much that we as a nation feel powerless. This is when they start shredding the constitution and laugh in your faces.
  • For a such fine nation we are in - a recent poll has shown that less than 25% of Oklahoma high school students knows the first President's name, much less the term used for the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
    This is a hidden agenda by our government/education system for the sole purpose of making America lack the knowledge needed to make government more accountable, transparent as it needs to be.

Seriously. Now, our mighty fine President has been working on a health care plan that will FINE you if you do not have health care.
In other countries, such as France, Norway, England, Canada, and EVEN Cuba!, health care is a requirement by law to be provided to you by the government.

So that guy who just got a part-time job and is very excited about it pretty much got screwed. I'm not sure if his part-time filing job pays enough for him to cover rent, food, and health care at a minimum.

That's America to you.

Oh, on a side note, I'll prefer to move to Norway, Sweden, Denmark. I like Iceland as well. But I want easy access to the beer in Sweden/Belgium, and the tables in Monaco.

Who is a supporter of our USA military?

I am absolutely against it. Want to know why?
One lady friend of mine was in Iraq. She got shot at, came home to get fixed up. On her 2nd tour in Iraq she was unlucky enough to be near a roadside bomb when it went off. Metal debris went through her neck, she was nearly decapitated. Surgeries and such later, she was finally released on a medical retirement from our fine military.

Now - A deaf dude decides to become lazy and stuff... gets SSI or SSDI - and bam, he has almost 100% coverage for health care. This coverage allows him to go to the ER for ANY ailments he feels like having. This also allows him to partake in any risky sports such as auto racing, snowboarding in the back country in an avalanche zone, go shark fishing in a kayak - with the comfort of being covered instantly, without questions.

This lady who just got blown up now has to wait 24 months until she can get insurance while being on SSDI with the military pension because she has a family of two kids and she can't work at the moment due to too much pain.
Her bills are going super high, and she is resorting to illegal drugs due to pain and PTSD.

Is this fair?
Edit: Posted reply for wong topic.

And "sick of the USA?"

Well... I have it on good word that deaf people are not exactly best-off in Europe either. ;)
Edit: Posted reply for wong topic.

And "sick of the USA?"

Well... I have it on good word that deaf people are not exactly best-off in Europe either. ;)

I have heard that too. However - get this: I don't use any interpreters, TTY's, VP's, or what not. The interpreters are shocked when they meet me at a social because they have never seen me around.

I do not use my voice, I can't communicate with solely lip reading.

I get around just perfectly fine. I do not see any issues with me living anywhere on the planet being Deaf.
Please let me know if you need help packing your bags and or a ride to the airport!

Proud RVN DAV.

Will do. Will you come to Colorado to help out?

I want you to know this though - I have no issues with our soldiers. I strongly believe they're as a person are fighting for what they think is right and all. I'm just not pleased with the treatment from our government towards the soldiers as I clearly put in my 2nd comment in this thread. I hope you understand.
I personally think that each country/continent as good and bad sides. What I like here is how much Europe thinks about recycling and pollution in general. It's one of the most important things to my eyes! :D
WTF? You want to leave Colorado? Are you crazy? :laugh2:
Frankly, I don't care what they think of my country. I'm glad that we have freedom of speech, general rights, and so on. I'm happy that I'm an American and feel comfortable where I am now. Nobody is going to make me feel so guilty for just because of being American. :)

I agreed with JamieLynn, "I personally think that each country/continent as good and bad sides.". I'm sure some people, who are from other countries, feel pretty comfortable where they are in. :)
Wow, it is one of the most anti-American threads that I had ever seen.

I have had high admiration and respect for America.
I can't move out of US,

Here are strong deaf culture than other country.
Videophone, DUH!
Closed caption on movie theatre
Football!!!! (high school, college and pro)
I've never been to the USA....but, it's my experience that...



I can't move out of US,

Here are strong deaf culture than other country.
Videophone, DUH!
Closed caption on movie theatre
Football!!!! (high school, college and pro)

I agree! There's no reason to move to other country because of that. :)
I can't move out of US,

Here are strong deaf culture than other country.
Videophone, DUH!
Closed caption on movie theatre
Football!!!! (high school, college and pro)

I still don't see your point. Allow me to expand -

I do not use a videophone, and if I wanted to, I could buy one and use it anywhere that has high speed internet. Even Webcams work. However, I wouldn't be able to call places in other countries.

I don't watch movies.

Football - I'm a hardcore Broncos fan. I'm willing to give up the opportunity of going to the game. I can still watch streaming video over the internet though.

I feel Sweden has better Deaf awareness than we do in the states too. For these who is saying no, how many of you have been to other countries?
Just curious.
I'm all for expatriation if that's what you want to do. You need to consult an immigration attorney in the country to which you want to immigrate. There are legal issues, including tax issues. You may have to give up your American citizenship to become a citizen of another country (requirements vary by country). There are plenty of expat sites to provide information.

Personally, I love visiting other countries but my life is here. I don't want to move anywhere until my kids are grown.
Yes, I used to live in Colorado and I miss it so much! :wave: